My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3838: Strongly defeated!


Mo Jingyun turned pale and shouted, "What?"

Full of unbelief! Now he and the flaming red divine fist are falling rapidly, and the amount of suppression contained in it is the only thing he has seen in his life!

He is not shocked, but the King God, why can he be suppressed!

Elder Chengfeng’s white robe hunts and hunts, already staring dumbfounded--

That seems to be a magic fist that anyone can condense, but the three "rules of the gods" contained in it can be integrated. The years, the era, and even the solid murderous aura are all around the fist. , This amount of pressure... Elder Chengfeng asked himself, if it were him... can he take it?

The answer is choking! Elder Chengfeng was a little speechless--

Mo Jingyun was panicking now, his whole body seemed to be under the pressure of a sky collapse! He wants to leave, wants to escape, but he can't do it!

Can't get away!

how is this possible!

Mo Jingyun's face burst into blue veins, and the two lines of blue blood on his forehead were also glowing in the folds!

"Pupils of Heavenly Destruction, open!" Mo Jingyun's eyes were blood-red, his face was full of blue veins, and all the rules of the Kings and Gods around him, as if they didn't need money, got into the blue blood pattern!


Mo Jingyun's vertical pupils suddenly unfolded, and blue-red rays of light swept directly to the fist of the era above!

Boom boom boom -

The vast Era Divine Fist seems to have melted into a few peculiar golden lines on the surface!

not enough! Why is it not enough!

Mo Jingyun was finally panicking in his heart now. He thought that he opened his sky eyes and could break all obstacles in an instant, even with such a powerful divine fist, he would also be broken by him, but now... things are no longer what he can imagine. That's it!

Scorching, suppression, destruction... the many sentimental powers have almost suffocated Mo Jingyun! He felt that his divine body was about to split!

hateful! Mo Jingyun hates it! If he is just a newly promoted King God, and the body of the King God hasn't completely condensed, how could he be inferior to this guy!


The vast Era Divine Fist that fell from the sky directly blasted Mo Jingyun onto the ground! Those circles of power ripples are also particularly gorgeous under the clear sky and sun—

The smoke is gone.

Jiyuan Shenquan actually blasted a terrifying hole in the earth!


Su Jin stepped into the hole, and soon he grabbed Mo Jingyun’s leg with one hand, and slowly walked towards the void. This Mo Jingyun was about to be blasted, and there was only a breath of King God’s breath left. Sane--

Soon, Su Jin walked to a position parallel to the sea of ​​flowers and turned her head silently. The girl who picked petals in the sea of ​​flowers earlier was hiding behind a few magical flowers...

"Chain?" Su Jin muttered to himself, accidentally seeing a chain being locked on the girl's ankle, and the slightly shabby hut behind the sea of ​​flowers represented the woman's status in the eternal capital.

Without thinking about it, Su Jin walked up with a cold face, and in the eyes of the elder Chengfeng and the hundreds of Protoss in the Eternal Capital, he violently pulled Mo Jingyun's leg!


Mo Jingyun was directly thrown onto a nearby **** peak, and the miserable end made the gods tremble, and he did not expect Su Jin to be so capable.

"One move... defeated Mo Jingyun! He is not the king **** now, if he reaches the king god... who can defeat him! I am afraid that only the city lord before his death, and even the terrifying king **** in other eternal gods can match! "The Protoss in the city of God was shocked.

"Mo Jingyun lost, and there is no resistance! That move shouldn't be, Wangshen is an extremely powerful existence, shouldn't be unable to receive the opponent's punch!"

"Madam's vision is really unique. With such a strong one joining our eternal capital, the future status of the gods will definitely exceed the past! It can be expected in the future!"

"Who knows that Mo Jingyun is so vulnerable? Then Mo Jingyun is also stupid. I never thought that the existence that can be treated with caution by Mrs. Xuanji and the elder Chengfeng is so easy to deal with? It's fine now, this injury, How long will it take to grow up?"

"Mo Jingyun also showed great power to the strong on his side. Not long ago, faced with the provocation of the Dijiang Clan of the Divine Realm, he still refused to fight and ran back with his tail in his hands?"

"Oh, nothing!"

In the midst of discussions--

Elder Chengfeng took Su Jin and walked to the top of the ladder smoothly!

With the Holy Palace in front, the common people inadvertently felt small!

"Mr. Su, go in." Elder Chengfeng stopped.

Su Jin didn't care, he turned into a divine rainbow, swept over in an instant, and went straight to the palace gate!


Just stopped in the palace, and the palace door behind it closed suddenly!

The heavy palace door fell, Su Jin looked intently, the whole palace was very large, but also very empty, and the so-called Mrs. Xuanji who wanted to see him was not here either.

"Look at the sword!"

The melodious voice like a yellow oriole is straight to the heart! Su Jin stood in the palace, motionless, the young girl leaped straight out of the void with a sword!


With the tip of the sword in front of his throat, unable to advance any further, Su Jin looked at the other party... This woman is very noble in terms of her clothes, but unfortunately she is too young, and she probably looks like a human fifteen or sixteen. Moreover, the slight bit of viciousness revealed from his body made Su Jin quite unhappy.

"Where is Mrs. Xuanji?" Su Jin stretched out his hand and flicked the sword in front of his throat.

The girl only felt her arm numb, and the sword fell directly to the ground!

"Hmph, dirty, bloodstained, very smelly, know, how could my mother see you now? Come with me." The girl clutched her right shoulder. She could have blamed this guy. The inexplicable coercion made her feel terrified, especially when she thought of the end of Mo Jingyun before, she was a little bit frightened!

Su Jin followed the girl and turned left and right, walking around, and quickly walked into a pavilion.

"There are maids from the Sannomiya and Sixth Institutes in the temple. You can order some to come and wait for you to change your clothes. One is that you have killed more than 3,000 gods of inspiration in the Asura Field, and the other is that you defeated Mo Jingyun, and here is the reward from the mother. Your--" The girl pinched her nose and wanted to stay away from Su Jin. She kept urging her to see this terrifying man walk into a bathing room.

At his feet, the spar dotted the bank of the pond, and Su Jin saw a vertical glazed mirror with a few petals still remaining under the mirror——

"This petal..." Su Jin's eyes were slightly surprised.

Su Jin picked up a few petals, the smell of the petals came from the sea of ​​flowers! Absolutely!

Although I don't know how much time is left here.

Now Su Jin is very helpless, anyone with a discerning eye can see that there was a goddess who once lived here, and the pool, mirror, and fragrance of flowers were all evidence.

"I want the petals in the sea of ​​flowers, can you send it?" Su Jin immediately transmitted the voice to the girl outside the door and made his request!

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