My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3839: Nalan Moran


The girl disappeared outside.

Su Jin stood in front of the mirror for a while, and soon he undressed, and his body was submerged in the sacred pond. In an instant, the bone-like cold penetrated the limbs and the corpses, and then spread out from the limbs and corpses. Unclear comfort appears.


Su Jin sank into the pool--

On the surface of the pool, ripples suddenly appeared.

I don't know when, the sound of steps came from outside the door, and along with the sound of steps, there was also the sound of chain clanking, and then a figure was reflected by the pool!

is her!

Earlier, when Su Jin was ruined and ruined, and when he was completely abolished, this woman secretly watched him in the sea of ​​flowers——

Now that Su Jin looks up from the bottom of the water, she can see it truly. She is still carrying a flower basket and wearing a beautiful water-blue shirt. She is so perfect, no matter from any angle, anywhere, she is impeccable.

It's just that there are three points less cleverness in those eyes, and three points more sadness.

"My good elder sister, we must serve Young Master Su well in there. If Young Master Su is unhappy, my mother will definitely ask only you—" the girl's voice.

The girl seemed to turn a deaf ear, silently sweeping the room.

It wasn't long before the girl squatted down, holding out a bouquet of petals in the flower basket and pushing it quietly on the water in front of her.

The girl now seems to be a body without a soul. When she handed the petals, she was in a state of absent-mindedness——

The water is rippling~~~

Su Jin's hand passed directly through a few petals, across the water, and directly grabbed that little hand!

The girl was also taken aback, her eyes slightly panicked!

"The one outside, is your sister?" Su Jin asked by looking at the girl directly by the water, with the water surface above her neck.

Take a closer look-


It's really amazing! That fox face is full of sentient beings, especially the pair of cut water autumn eyes, it seems that Su Jin's soul is about to be hooked away——

"Yes." The girl had to answer.

"Why is your sister being so fierce to you? I heard that the lord of the eternal capital has passed away and the gods have no head. As her sister, the daughter of the lord, you shouldn't be treated like this." Su Jin looked at the girl. , Realizing that her free hand was working hard, he suddenly smiled and let go of her little hand.

"My sister is very good, not bad in nature." The girl took a step backward.

"Don't worry, you can tell me bad things about them. In this room, I can guarantee that no one can hear--" Su Jin said to the girl, lying on the edge of the pool with his arms.

The girl shook her head.

"Her mother..." Su Jin hesitated to ask after seeing her refusing to speak.

"My stepmother."

"Oh, it turns out that your stepmother didn't teach well and didn't have any education. By the way, what's your name?"

The girl turned her face away and kept silent.

Can't ask a name?

Su Jin was also drunk, and then he lay down by the pool and said: "I was shocked when I saw you breaking branches just now. I didn't expect my personality to be as cold as ice cubes, tell me your name, I Do you a favor, what do you think?"

"If there is nothing wrong with Master Su, I will withdraw --" The girl lifted the flower basket and turned to leave.

"God's rules are broken, and my father is killed, don't you want to leave?" Su Jin's voice made the girl stop directly.

"You can't help me."

"This king is really better than you this time, there is nothing in the world that this king can't do." Su Jin looked sideways, looked at the pair of snow feet, and said calmly.

No one wants to fall into this situation and live a life like a slave. This woman... should have this kind of thought--

The girl lowered her head silently, bit her lip, "My name is Nalan Moran..."

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised, "Okay, tell your request, and even, I can help you restore the power of the Protoss and restore your'rules of God'——"

Nalan Mo Ran raised her head, her heart jumped fiercely, she never thought that Su Jin had this ability! Of course, she would not believe it, because this power only exists in the deepest part of the Eternal God Realm...

Turned around silently.

Nalan Moran looked at Su Jin with pure ice blue eyes, "A name is not worth what I asked for."

"Then what are you asking for?" Su Jin smiled and said without paying attention.

"Vengeance for my father." Nalan Moran's breathing was a little short, "If you can help me kill a king god, you can do anything you want me to—"

Filial daughter!

Su Jin was slightly shocked, the other party's request should not be easy to achieve——

"Who?" Su Jin asked.

"Forget it... that king **** is a hundred times more powerful than Mo Jingyun, my father, the city lord of the eternal capital died at his hands, the other party is a terrifying king god, you are not an opponent." Nalan Mo Ran said.

Su Jin's eyes lit up--

Why did he come from the Land of Glazed Glass?

Isn't it just looking for the King of Terror? This is not justified, but to be honest, Su Jin really wants to fight the terrifying kings of the eternal gods!

"The king of God? This king really didn't take it seriously. Who are you talking about... where?" Su Jin smiled calmly, "I can give you a high-five, if I meet this king, I will avenge you. ."

"If you want to make it clear, if it is the eternal capital, if you come out for me, you will offend the entire Yuwen clan, and this divine land is only in the stepmother's crystal scepter, and their Yuwen clan is just behind, thirty apart. Time and space distance." Nalan Moran stared at Su Jin. She wanted to find a trace of lying in the other's eyes, but it was a pity that there was no——

Su Jin smiled, did not answer, and directly stretched out his palm——

this is……

Nalan Moran hesitated a little, but at the moment of hesitation, the scene of Mo Jingyun being defeated by Su Jin appeared in her mind! God's mundane posture that day was beyond reach!

It seems that with her current status, there is no choice...

For some unknown reason, Nalan Moran summoned his courage inexplicably, walked to the side of the pool where Su Jin was, and slapped the palm of his hand lightly.


Soon Nalan Moran's expression changed! This Su Jin grabbed her little hand directly after the high-five!

"What...what do you want to do..." Nalan Moran's tone is not strong, but more of a weak taste that cannot change his destiny——

"Girl Nalan, please rest assured, Su Jin... will be an existence you can trust forever! Besides, I will only be a Yuwen clan. When that happens, I can suppress this clan. When that need to cut the enemy personally. It’s a pleasure to retaliate against your father that way."

Su Jin enjoys the little soft hands--

Personally, hand blade?

Nalan Moran's face was bitter, so easy to talk about. Now that the rules of God are broken, it is almost impossible to recover, and what if she recovers? The other party is the King of Terror, so how good is she!

But then, Nalan Moran's face was immediately stunned...

Su Jin grabbed her right hand with one hand, and grabbed her with the other hand, fingers as flexible as a snake!

Nalan Mo Ran only felt a chill in her body, and the fragments of the rules of the gods that were broken, unexpectedly separated from her.

Su Jin's hand seemed to have magical power. With the movement of his fingers, the rules of the broken god, as if reborn, were growing!

how is this possible!

Nalan Moran's eyes widened, watching this scene incredibly!

"Would you like to become a companion of the gods with me and directly ascend the realm of kings and gods? If you don't want to, I can still slay the Yuwen clan for you, but you can't help the enemy, don't force it."

Su Jin heard a voice, he has the power of the core of all things, and repairing the rules of the gods is as simple as drinking water! And a ray of the motherhood of all things can make Nalan Mo dye proving Dao king!

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