My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3840: Are you here?


In the daytime.

The girl outside the pavilion was impatient to wait a long time ago. Just when she wanted to report to her mother, the whole ground in the pavilion was shaking!

The girl rubbed her eyes, and the entire building, including the ground, was covered with strands of ice blue ice crystals. She was very puzzled, and even a little at a loss!

Because it resembles her sister's power--

Warm time after half an hour.

When a woman with the best in the world, carrying a flower basket, silently walked out of the pavilion, she seemed to be back to what she did yesterday, making the girl unable to perceive the breath of any God's rules.

"Bad girl, go back soon!" The girl pouted a small mouth and wanted to hit her with her hand up.

The force in her hand was very strong, but an abrupt figure appeared directly. When she held her wrist, the girl naturally couldn't exert any force anymore——

Nalan Moran combed Su Jin with a very personable hairstyle, and a gorgeous golden robe was worn on her body. Compared with his **** yesterday, he was not the same!

"Go back and tell your mother that I will stay in this space and wait for the Yuwen clan." Su Jin said to the girl.

"You don't want to die? Hey, Nalan Moran! What did you say to him? Is the Yuwen clan we can provoke now? are in trouble again!" The girl just wanted to stamp her feet with anger.

"Xiaoyue——" Nalan Moran wanted to explain, but didn't know how to talk to Nalan Xiaoyue.

From yesterday to today, everything was magical. Not only did she restore her cultivation base, she also reached the realm of King God half an hour ago! Although, she knew that she would not believe what she said now.

"I, Su Jin! Formally declare war on the Yuwen clan, at least, I have not yet joined your eternal capital, this is always fine." Su Jin's voice spread throughout the Nalan clan.

"Ah! Shut up! Just wait for the punishment... Mother is heavier than me. You... You..." Nalan Moran angrily pointed at Nalan Moran, then pointed at Su Jin, and then Disappeared directly in place.

Now, as Su Jin declared war on the "Yuwen Clan"——

The Protoss of the entire Eternal Capital knew about this! This is a big deal, it's an extermination! After all, the news will be known by the Yuwen clan sooner or later, and it will not be suppressed!

With Su Jin's declaration of war, it can be said that it has stirred up waves with one stone!

In the vast and boundless land of the gods, above the serial palace, more than ninety thousand gods jumped up!

"Who? Who declared war on the Yuwen clan?" The Protoss with the Eternal Capital kept making fearful voices.

"It seems to be an elder who was ordered to bring a **** of invocation! That foreign protoss killed three thousand inspiring protoss, rose in one step, and even defeated the powerful Mo Jingyun!"

"Ah? Mo Jingyun is the realm of King God, although it is only a newly promoted King God, but it will not be defeated so easily. Yesterday I only saw an arm descending into the sky, and I didn't know that Mo Jingyun was with that Compete against a talented person."

"More than that! I defeated Mo Jingyun with a single blow, and the one who hit Mo Jingyun was like a dead dog. I don't know his mind."

"But even with such strength, it can't be compared with Yuwen's whole family, right? There are three horror king gods among them, and this guy seems crazy!"

"While he hasn't joined our Nalan Protoss yet, let's expel him soon! The Yuwen clan we can't afford to provoke, and the city lord was killed by the other party. We...we also want to destroy the clan because of his words!"

"What would Mrs. Xuanji say? In this case, this foreign Protoss is not ashamed of life, and should be expelled. He is going to kill our Nalan Protoss!"


The matter is very big, very serious!

Mrs. Xuanji didn't expect it, but in less than a day, such a big thing would happen before he could meet Su Jin!

"Bold! Can you say this!" Mrs. Xuanji was very angry. With a wave of the crystal scepter, the infinite light shined, her posture was very high, appeared in the void, staring at Su Jin——

"How can't it?" Su Jin asked back.

"The husband is the king of terror, but he also died in the hands of Yuwenlong of the Yuwen clan. Although you can be regarded as the arrogant evildoer, you have a good record, but you want to challenge the entire Yuwen clan, but you are young and vigorous, and you are seeking your own death!" Xuanji The madam has never been so angry before, she was deliberately nurturing this son, but now, she didn't expect that the solicitation would not be successful, instead she got a horse fleas.

So, how can the Nalan clan keep him in the world!

Nalan Moran was a little suffocated, she quickly transmitted a voice to Su Jin and said: "The stepmother has a murder intent on you, be careful—"

"Chengfeng!" Mrs. Xuanji was furious, her whole body was trembling in anger, and she quickly shouted.


Elder Chengfeng wore a white robe and came quickly! He also heard Su Jin's words just now, but he woke up from shock.

"Gather all the kings and gods, take it!" Mrs. Xuanji called an anger, and she was about to vomit blood.




More than 30 full of kings and spirits emerge!

When Nalan Moran saw this, her face turned pale in an instant. She never expected that things would be so troublesome! The things that Su Jinqian shouldn't, absolutely shouldn't, and shouldn't declare war with the Yuwen clan were announced. Under this situation, the stepmother wanted to protect herself, and the Nalan clan wanted to avoid extermination, so they could only deal with Su Jin in this way.

And at this moment.

In front of a distant palace, Mo Jingyun was being carried out by several **** servants in bed together! In the scene condensed by the king god, he naturally saw 36 king gods, unanimously surrounding Su Jin!


Very unhappy!

Mo Jingyun felt that the injuries and suffering he suffered yesterday were also worth it!

"Things that do not live or die, after the death of the city lord, the Yuwen clan even occupied the sacred land of our Nalan line in the Eternal God Realm. Otherwise, how could we take the lead and rush to the land of glazed glaze to join other gods!" Mo Jingyun Now comfortable, it seems that I have seen Su Jin’s miserable end——

"Master Jingyun, this kid deserves to be treated like this, thinking that if he has a little ability, he can reach the point of challenging the King of Terror. He can't be better today." The **** servant beside him slapped his ass.

"That's right, a foreign protoss, how can you know the terrible Yuwen clan! I didn't expect the adult's hatred yesterday, and today Madam will avenge you—"

"It's so sharp and sharp to challenge the King of Terror with God. It's really unbelievable! Look at it and enjoy the scenery when the enemy falls! It's also a pleasure!"



The void outside the pavilion--

Nalan Xiaoyue was also very nervous. She knew that if Su Jin was not removed today, the Yuwen clan would know about this in the future, and that would be the disaster! Although the opponent is indeed outstanding, he can't be so arrogant!

How to do.

Now that Su Jin is considering, only Nalan Mo is dyed——

She thought of several ways in her heart, but none of them worked!

This situation is really desperate!

"Are you here?"

Unexpectedly, when Su Jin said these four words, every protoss was taken aback. His calm posture really scared them!

"Mr. Su, we respect you as a distinguished guest, but are not ashamed! I'm sorry." The elder Chengfeng looked at Su Jin and said angrily.

Su Jin smiled. When his smile became stronger and stronger, he used the cloak of the small beast of the **** race to continue to change his aura, and gradually condense the power of the king god——


Improve again!

Su Jin showed a tricky expression on his face, and said lightly: "I'm sorry...this king is also a horror king god!"

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