My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3841: Manjin, Fushi!

The audience is quiet for a moment-

The dull faces gradually turned into panic expressions.


Mr. Su is the powerhouse of the King of Terror?

Elder Chengfeng, including Mrs. Xuanji, Wangshen is nearly forty, but even so, he must be stunned by the scene in his eyes. Around Su Jin, Wangshen's regular aura is extremely heavy--

In addition, every rule of the King God is active like a dragon, and it shatters instantly for unknown time and space! That horrible breath is definitely not an illusion that can be pretended!


Madam Xuanji's face changed drastically. The crystal scepter she was holding was moving from the inside out, like an ice crack, with a few small cracks!


It’s the King of Terror!

Mrs. Xuanji is sincere and frightened, it is her who is going to panic now! But who would have thought that a foreign **** race, who was ‘inspired’, was a terrifying king god?

The entire space in the King God and Divine Treasure was trembling. For a while, the sky was lowered, and there was constant space being torn apart, like the sky collapsed!

Nalan Moran was also completely dumbfounded-

No wonder, no wonder Su Jin was able to restore her cultivation base, and even help her become a king god. It turns out that he is actually the'Terror King God' who has achieved infinite terror power!

Also furious, Mo Jingyun was watching a good show!

Why is this happening!

Previously, Su Jin killed the God of Three Thousand Summoning. No one could see the strength of his Terror King God, and he could not even feel any breath of the Terror King God. Now... Now that he says he is the Terror King God, who would believe it?

But when I thought that Su Jin crushed him with a single blow, and was even seriously injured and dying, Mo Jingyun was not calm, because if the opponent is a Terror King God, it is impossible not to be noticed by him, even the elders of Chengfeng——

"Misunderstanding...Mr. Su's misunderstanding!" Madam Xuanji couldn't care about the damage to the scepter, and hurriedly screamed.

Because it was not just her, even the 36 kings and gods around were suppressed by Su Jin's appalling ‘king god’s might’!

Elder Chengfeng is already a little unhelpful, his legs are shaking like chaff! When looking at other kings and gods, they are no better than him!

"Kneel down!"

Su Jin's voice, like a shining thunder, exploded in the entire divine treasure space, especially the kings and gods who surrounded him, as if they were hit hard!


Elder Chengfeng clutched his chest and spewed blood abruptly. With this explosion, he, more than 30 king gods, even Mrs. Xuanji, and nearly one hundred thousand gods, all seemed to be suppressed by a terrifying power. Kneeling down without control of his legs!

Pantheon, Fu!

Su Jin now has long black hair flying, and his eyes are fierce to the point that it is difficult for God to look directly--

The shock in Mrs. Xuanji's heart far exceeds that of other existences!

Su Jin's prestige, shocked more than a dozen king gods, even if she, Mrs. Xuan Ji is now surging with blood, and she has a few urges to vomit blood, this Mr. Su is definitely not an ordinary horror king god!

Strength, even above Mrs. Xuanji's husband, that is, City Lord Nalan!

"Su...Mr. Su!" The elder Chengfeng raised his head, with blood still flowing from the corners of his mouth, and quickly raised his hands and clasped his fists, "I don't know beforehand the realm of the King of Terror, our Nalan offended! Please forgive me!"


Ha ha--

"Nalan Moran!" Su Jin yelled softly.

Immediately, Nalan Mo dyed his face panicked and reacted.

"Nalan clan, who has beaten and humiliated you with words? Call it out, and it's up to you to make a decision!" Su Jin drank again.

Mrs. Xuanji and Nalan Xiaoyue all had their eyes panicked, staring at Nalan Moran, not daring to breathe out.

Nalan Moran lowered her head. She knew what Su Jin meant. If one or two kings and gods do not die today, they will definitely be unable to be kind.

"God Attendant, Yu Yan!" Nalan Moran stepped into the void, pointing to a dazed queen god.

"Big, Miss..." Yu Yan swallowed, she was more surprised than anyone now, because Nalan Moran had already lost the rules of the gods, and was a waste protoss, why could she set foot on the void!

The status of Nalan Moran, the eternal capital, and the gods of the Nalan clan are very clear! But now, those terrifying Kingshen rules surround her, and ice flowers are falling all over her, she...has been promoted to Kingshen?

"What's going on..." Madam Xuanji, including her daughter Nalan Xiaoyue, all trembled.

Especially Nalan Xiaoyue, the sister she bullied every day, turned out to be a king god! This is definitely a big blow to her——

In this regard, the entire Nalan Protoss has also set off a shocking noise!

"The eldest lady has become a king god... and compared with ordinary king gods, it is obviously different! Her king **** rules are falling into ice flowers, how can there be king **** rules in the world that look like this?" There are Nalan gods who are extremely nervous Watching this scene.

"It's too weird. First, there was Mr. Na Su, who pretended to be the **** of Tianjiao and the enchanting god, slashed the **** of three thousand invocations, and then made a strong blow and defeated Mo Jingyun. Now... now with his help, Missy has also achieved The extraordinary king god!"

"Yes, the eldest lady definitely achieved the King God with his help! Only some extremely terrifying'Terror King Gods' can use the power of the profound communication to help the critical **** break through! But the eldest lady is not abandoned! Could it be that her previous rules of the gods were broken, and it was the help of the horror king **** that she was able to recover?

"I...I can't stand up, the power of the King of Terror is too strong, I..."

"Even Mrs. Xuanji did not see that Mr. Su is the King of Terror! Now... our City Lord Nalan has passed away, who can fight him? Alas! Originally, our Nalan clan would have this King of Terror again, but now... "

"From the current situation, dozens of kings and gods are definitely not opponents of that horrible king god! He was originally going to make an appearance for our Nalan clan, but now we provoke him and offend him--"

"Mrs. and the second lady are the most harsh on the eldest in weekdays, but the eldest chose Yu Yan, the Attendant of God--"

"No, God Attendant Yu Yan, she was the hardest to discipline her."



Yu Yan's face is very ugly now, she already feels that there is no way to survive...

Su Jin looked at the middle-aged woman and said lightly: "If you can take a blow from the young lady, you can live--"

One... one blow?

Yu Yan was shocked.

Nalan Moran is also very nervous now, she doesn't know how much her current strength is, even if she becomes a king god, Su Jin has created a magical art for her, but that is all.

"Don't be nervous, trust me, you can do it." Su Jin Transmission comforted Nalan Mo Ran.

Really can?

Nalan Moran took a deep breath, her eyes gradually firm, looking at Yu Yan——

"Unexpectedly, the eldest lady not only regained her strength, but also broke through to Wangshen in one fell swoop." Yu Yan is also very embarrassed now. She does a lot of bad things, but compared to the second lady and the wife, she is still a little worse. However, Nalan Moran would definitely not attack Mrs. Xuanji and her younger sister. In this way, at the worst, she would be the only one.

"You do it," Nalan Moran said.

"The King of Horror said, I can only take a blow to you, so... I would like to ask the young lady to do it!" Yu Yan now knows that there is only one way to survive, and she dare not make a mistake now, let the young lady accept it. Lan Moran made the move first.

Nalan Mo Ran nodded lightly and looked at Su Jin, as if he had strong courage in his heart——

Her slender waist turned gently, and the ice flowers falling all over her body began to rotate in accordance with the "rules of kings and gods".

"Jiju, the ice and snow are falling!" Nalan Moran's voice was like a transcendent sacred goddess!


All the Nalan Protoss watching this battle felt their bodies stiff!

Yu Yan's expression changed wildly. She only felt that the void was turning into an ice-colored disk, and the surrounding space was crystallizing. She instinctively looked up, but saw a whirlpool swirling around the ice flower, sweeping!


Yu Yan’s rules of the King’s God are all under the clear sky visible to the naked eye, quickly covering a layer of weird frost. In the next second, she wants to do her best to shatter the ice, but... but she can’t do it!

Just can't do it!

"Wang Shenshu! Miss for mercy!" Yu Yan yelled in fear, rubbing against the extreme cold, and quickly bowed at Nalan Moran!

Nalan Moran was also stunned, Su Jin did not tell her that her technique was a ‘king magic technique’! This……

Slowly, Nalan Moran turned his head in embarrassment and looked at Su Jin——

"Kill." Su Jin said lightly.

Chi Chi -

A whirlpool of ice flowers slowly rolled over Yu Yan, she... was directly frozen into a human-shaped ice sculpture! No breath! Before she died, she released the rules of the King God, including herself, forever frozen!

Mrs. Xuanji was stunned, and Yu Yan was not the strongest among all king gods, but she could still be ranked in the middle and upper class. As a result... Nalan Moran was killed with a single blow!

King Shenshu!

Damn, this Nalan Moran got a great opportunity from Mr. Su, the King of Terror!

"I said... Are you the Mrs. Xuanji?" Su Jin looked at Mrs. Xuanji, the stepmother of Nalan Moran.

"Yes -" Mrs. Xuan Ji responded quickly.

"Now, Nalan Moran and I have become gods, you need to do one thing." Su Jin said lightly.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Xuanji puzzled.

"Expulse her from the Nalan clan, and never have anything to do with your Nalan clan, because she will soon become the realm of the King of Terror, and naturally you don't need to wait for you to live or die."

Su Jin said indifferently: "As for the hatred of your Nalan clan, I will help you to destroy several horror king gods of Yuwen Protoss. Of course, there is no need to thank me—"

"" Mrs. Xuanji said quickly: "Since you and Mo Ran have become partners, then you belong to the transcendent existence of my Nalan clan! You... you are the son-in-law of the former eternal city lord, so naturally you want to take over Nalan. One family, become the new city owner of the eternal capital!"

"Not interested!" Su Jin's expression became even colder.

Nalan Moran looked at Su Jin in shock. Isn't it good to be in charge of the Nalan Protoss? She could even become the lord of the city, she couldn't figure out why Su Jin would be unwilling.

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