My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3842: New City Lord!

"Please Su first become what the gods of Nalan wish!"

Mrs. Xuanji sighed inwardly, but she still wanted to fight for something. This kind of existence is beyond the ability of the Nalan clan to keep, even if it takes the life of the whole clan, I am afraid that she will not be able to beat the opponent!

"If you deliberately stay, it's better to let Miss Mo Ran sit on the seat of the city lord, she is now the king of God, and the future can be expected." Su Jin said with a hand.

Let Nalan Moran be the city lord of the Nalan clan——

Mrs. Xuanji's eyes were sad, and she said with hope: "The Nalan clan has ancestral training, and women cannot become the patriarch. Please don't refuse Mr. Su!"

Su Jin felt weak in his heart and couldn't help but cast his eyes on Nalan Moran——

"It does." Nalan Moran knew that Su Jin was doing her good, but the ancestors' instructions were hard to violate...

Su Jin was really puzzled.

From this point of view, the message that Su Jin knows is that the city lord has only two daughters, and the city lord’s son has not been seen. Isn’t this breaking the inheritance here!

"Keli Moran is the deputy city lord... Look, sir--" Mrs. Xuanji gritted her teeth and took a step back again.

"Hmph, so be it." Su Jin said proudly.

This is shocking!

After all the money, Su Jin came here in just one day! He directly turned away from the guest and became the lord of the eternal capital! Although there are many criticisms in the Nalan clan, this is a decision made by Mrs. Xuanji. Who dares to say "no"!

"Meet the city lord!"

"Meet the City Lord!"

"Meet the city lord!"

The roar from all directions came from all directions!

"Please, the city lord, enter the imperial palace!" Elder Chengfeng also couldn't afford to worship, and shouted loudly.

Nearly forty kings and gods all shouted out according to the words of the elder Chengfeng!


Su Jin watched a long colorful bridge congeal under his feet, he saw the front hall! The front hall was overflowing with colorful colors, and it gradually solidified from nothingness, and it surpassed the height here in a blink of an eye!

Nalan Moran, Mrs. Xuanji and other kings and gods, all closely followed!

Into the imperial palace!

"The king, the first thing is to stop here for a short time and kill the Yuwen clan!" Su Jin sat on the luxurious chair with Nalan Moran by his side!

Mrs. Xuanji was shocked. She originally thought that Su Jin wanted to show off the power of the King of Terror, and deliberately released cruel words before. Who knows that he has announced it like this now, and she really has the intention to act vigorously!

"Yuwen clan, there are three horror king gods, the city lord no longer think about it?" The elder Chengfeng hesitated a little, and hurriedly persuaded him under the sign of Mrs. Xuanji.

"Don't think about it, the three horror kings, kill them--" Su Jin shook his head, "It is most important to destroy the Yuwen clan."

"City sure?" Mrs. Xuanji thought for a while, "There are many terrible existences starting from the Eternal Gods Realm. Those protoss are all involved in each other. The Yuwen clan was married to another clan not long ago, both in strength and status. Not comparable to a few months ago, this matter... is a little bit bigger."

"Who will come and destroy who, who will stand for the Yuwen clan, who will destroy who!" Su Jin said lightly.


Nearly forty kings and gods present have all seen the existence of the great world. When have you heard such rhetoric? If they hadn't known that Su Jin was an unusual "Terror King God", they would really think he was bragging!

"City Lord--" There is also a weak voice of the king god, and he doesn't want to be so anxious to start a war with Yuwen's clan. After all, if they lose, they might not be able to escape.

"Now since I am the City Lord, then I have the final say! What? You still have objections?" Su Jin frowned, thinking that this bird city lord is really bad, and I would not take this mess if I knew it.

"No problem, just wait for the Yuwen clan again!" Seeing that Su Jin was so confident, Mrs. Xuanji made careful speculations, feeling that although the risk is high, it is not impossible.

All Wang Shen looked at Mrs. Xuanji in shock--

no way!

Now even Mrs. Xuanji has responded to the New City Lord, what else can they say?

"Follow the orders of the city lord!"

"Get ready, all the Nalan Protoss, all walk out of this divine treasure space, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Yuwen Clan in this space and time, and then you only need to do one thing and swear me fiercely—" Su Jin said.

"Thirty time and space distances, they are already very close, no more than half a day." Mrs. Xuanji said.

"Then it would be great, you all step back, get ready to curse Yuwen clan--" Su Jin waved his hand.



Soon, in the imperial palace, only Nalan Moran, Mrs. Xuanji, Nalan Xiaoyue and Su Jin were in—

"Xiao Yue, go out and apologize to your sister. You have to thank her for not pursuing her." Madam Xuanji said to her daughter.

Nalan Xiaoyue looked bitter and looked at Nalan Moran with difficulty.

Yesterday, this eldest sister was still her eldest sister who beats and scolds... Now she has become the deputy city lord.

"Sister." Nalan Xiaoyue reluctantly shouted with tears in her eyes.

"It's okay." What else can Nalan Moran say.

"Mo Ran, I will discuss with the city chief about the battle against the Yuwen clan after a long time. You take your sister out to make arrangements, gather other clan gods, and be prepared." Mrs. Xuanji said slowly.

"Yeah." Nalan Moran looked at Su Jin, then walked to Nalan Xiaoyue's side, pulled her around and left——

"Xiaoyue, apologize to your sister sincerely." Madam Xuanji reminded.

The imperial palace suddenly became much cleaner.

It can even be said to be quiet--

Madam Xuanji was holding the crystal scepter. She was already beside the emperor chair, and the atmosphere suddenly became more subtle.

"Oh..." Mrs. Xuanji looked at Su Jin in a daze, and sighed, "A few months ago, the city lord was still in the world, this emperor chair, I will often recall it."

While speaking, Mrs. Xuanji walked up to Su Jin, her snow-white calf, knowingly or unconsciously, touched the leg covered by the golden robe. The years seemed to stop on her, she looked like Nalan Xiaoyue and Nalan Mo Ran's age is not a few years older.

"Talk about business--" Su Jin said suddenly.

Madam Xuanji was a little nervous, she took a small step back consciously, nodded and said: "Yuwen clan, don't underestimate, you can no longer show the rules of gods, although I don't know how you disguise the rules of kings and gods. It’s the rule of becoming a god, but if we don’t display tyrannical strength at the beginning and drag it to the arrival of other protoss, it will definitely be even more difficult for us."

"That's natural."

"Listen to you, there are three horror kings in the Yuwen clan? Then I will catch these three kings and scold them and force them out." Su Jin said.

"No, as long as you display the power of the King of Terror and declare war on the Yuwen clan, they will naturally come out. After all, the ordinary Kings are not your opponents, and they will not let the clan **** of the Yuwen clan die in vain." Mrs. Xuanji Say.


Su Jin nodded.

Madam Xuanji saw Su Jinzheng thoughtfully and looked at the emperor chair beside her. She hesitated a little, twisted her waist and sat down slowly——

The temperament is really good.

Su Jin just took a few glances, but didn't tell her to get up...

"The city lord has passed away, your Nalan clan's life is not easy, right?" Su Jin's mouth had a weird smile.

"Yes, when the husband died, let's not talk about other clan gods. Even if it is me, I have to endure months of torment at night, for fear of being caught by the Yuwen clan and filling up the slaves——" Madam Xuanji's eyes were slightly strange, slowly Said.

After talking...

Mrs. Xuanji's face suddenly changed slightly.

"Report to the city lord! The Lord of Destiny suddenly left, there may be some changes in the plan!" The voice of the elder Chengfeng came from outside the emperor's palace.

Mrs. Xuanji stood up directly!


Forget this link! If the King of Destiny betrayed Nalan and went to join the Yuwen clan, wouldn’t it...

"Calm-" Su Jin said lightly: "Just stop here. I will set a ban on the palm of the sky later. If you want to go to the land of colored glaze, you must not get around here. Let him defect."

Mrs. Xuanji thought for a while, Su Jin also made sense, and in doing so, the King of Fortune will also bring the news that the Nalan clan has declared war on the Yuwen clan!

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