My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3843: It's killing!

After that, the gods who betrayed the Nalan Protoss left one after another--

Where did Mrs. Xuanji still sit? Although the new city owner is Su Jin, the entire Nalan Protoss can't suffer such a loss!

Su Jin and Mrs. Xuanji walked out of the imperial palace together.

"The city lord said, those who betray me Nalan, kill me!" Mrs. Xuanji asked Su Jin for some instructions, and then issued an order to calm the situation.

Nalan Moran looked at Su Jin’s figure from a distance, feeling unclear in his heart. Perhaps he was sure to win the next clan battle. After all, this short period of time was less than a day. As far as Mo Ran is concerned, it is already impossible to dream in a dream——

But Nalan Moran, Su Jin, and Mrs. Xuanji didn't know that the panic of the entire Nalan Protoss was absolutely no less than the death of the city lord a few months ago!

"It's going to war with the Yuwen clan... The new city lord, young and energetic, but he doesn't understand the Yuwen clan at all! The Yuwen clan has nearly a hundred kings and gods, and there are three terrifying kings and gods, which are not our Nalan clan at all. A force that can be matched!" The Nalan Protoss is still uneasy.

"I heard that the King of Misfortune has defected, and the King of God has no confidence in the new city owner. will be even more difficult for us to escape this calamity!"

"No matter how strong the new city lord is, it is only a horror king. There are three opponents, and the three horror kings of the Yuwen clan, each of them can crush our former city lord!"

"They also have marriages, and they have good relations with the entire Yuwen clan. I don't know how many of them! In the entire Eternal God Realm, there are several in the top 50!"

"It was heard that the former city lord had fallen into trouble with the Yuwen clan precisely because of the eldest lady’s marriage. The Yuwen clan elder Yuwenbo wanted his foolish eldest son to marry Nalan Moran. Mai's hat was buckled on our Nalan's head, which provokes the murder."

"Oh, what can we do! Now we only have one Terror King God, and it's hard to support a single tree. It's okay not to say Mrs. Xuanji. After I gave the order, I wanted to run away——"


No one wants to die--

Protoss, even more desperate!

Now the panic is spreading everywhere. Every Nalan Protoss is aware of the seriousness of the matter. From a clear perspective, first of all, the number of Terror King Gods, and the size of the entire Protoss, cannot be compared with the Yuwen Clan.

Elder Chengfeng is also very serious now, looking at Madam Xuanji and Su Jin, there is no perfect countermeasure to stabilize the Nalan clan.

"Mieyun King God, are you sure you defected to the Yuwen clan?" Su Jin asked Elder Xiang Chengfeng.

"He went to the west, that is, behind us. He definitely went--" Elder Chengfeng nodded seriously, and said: "Because the Yuwen clan is right behind us."

"Soon you will be able to see the death method of King Dee Luck——" Su Jin's mouth raised a playful smile.


Does Su Jin have a way?

Mrs. Xuanji was slightly surprised, after all, if the King of Fortune was really in the Yuwen clan, no one would be very good at killing the opponent, it would be difficult.

"I'll set up a ban. Then you will release all the gods of the entire Nalan clan, and now stop the operation of the gods, and stop completely." Su Jin glanced at Mrs. Xuanji.

"Okay." Mrs. Xuanji thought for a while, since the matter has already reached this point, it is destined to be unable to be kind, so it is better to completely trust Su Jin, the new city lord!

Su Jin disappeared in one step!

Mrs. Xuanji's expression really froze for a moment-

It is worthy of being the "Terror King God", and she can't be perceived by her when she walks out of this divine treasure space! You must know that when the elder Chengfeng called out the "God of Destiny" to defect, the depart of the Deity of Destiny could also be detected by her.


Su Jin appeared outside a crystal scepter.

Seeing the crystal scepter floating quietly in time and space, Su Jin couldn't help feeling that this treasure was magical. Isn't the world in the front crystal exactly where he walked out? The palaces are like a miniature version.

Immediately, Su Jin did not delay, and started a formation at will! It is impossible for him to use Fuxi Dao Formation, it would be too easy to be seen by the great power.

But Su Jin can still do it with a little change--

Soon after, slices of imaginary formations seemed to condense into a wall of air in this space and time!

That's it.

Although Su Jin is still not satisfied, but if there is a Protoss who wants to pass from here, I am afraid he will have to ask him whether he can agree!


Su Jin pointed to the distance, and a small land piece 100 miles long and wide was controlled by him, and then he transmitted the voice to the crystal scepter: "It's okay."

Nearly one hundred thousand Nalan Protoss, under the wonderful halo, began to emerge on this land! Among them, Elder Chengfeng, Mrs. Xuanji, Nalan Moran and Nalan Xiaoyue are in the center!

"Where is the ban?" Mrs. Xuanji was a little surprised, looking around, but couldn't see any trace of the ban.

"Elder Chengfeng, you try--" Su Jin said lightly.


The elder Chengfeng was ashamed and hurriedly asked: "Where is the restriction?"

"West." Su Jin said.

"Okay! I try the city lord's banning technique!"

Elder Chengfeng gathers the powerful rules of the king and **** all over his body, stepping into the void to the west! He was surprised, there was no obstacle at all! At least this step... uh...



Elder Chengfeng slammed into a wall of air that could not be found at all!


The feeling of face pain is really uncomfortable!

Regardless of Elder Chengfeng, even the other Nalan clan who saw this scene were amazed! Because if you don't hit it, you won't find any traces of time and space being restricted! This is already a very good method!

"It's a terrible method, even the king **** can't find it--" Nalan Xiaoyue can't understand at all, there are still problems in this world that the king **** can't solve?

"Now the only thing left is waiting." Su Jin said calmly.

"Everyone must have seen the methods of the new city lord!" Elder Chengfeng coughed, did not conceal his embarrassment, and then said loudly: "After a while, the Yuwen clan will come, and I will scold me hard, think about it. How vicious come!"

"Yes!" Nalan's clan **** had confidence in the new city lord, and he echoed for a while.

"Don't worry, the city lord and elder! Who can compare me with cursing!"

"How many old Yuwen dogs will be called before then?"


Amidst the laughter, the tense atmosphere did not seem to be relieved——

With the passage of time, the scene of a short period of time seemed to pass by, and more and more Nalan gods were frowning!

West Time!

Among the flowing dark clouds, the silent mountain electricity gradually became clear. Under the tumbling dark clouds, there seemed to be a group of palaces covered with gilt edges!

The scene, once suffocated!

Yuwen clan, here comes the kill!

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