My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3844: Challenge

Yuwen clan, kill it!

Not to mention, Su Jin has never seen such a big battle of the Protoss, that touch of kingly aura, like a lighted fireball, is particularly eye-catching in the dim void.

This Yuwen clan has nearly a hundred kings and gods!

There are three Kings of Terror!

Nalan Moran, Nalan Xiaoyue, and even Mrs. Xuanji saw that the other party was coming violently, and the destructive aura was directly pressured, and the entire Nalan Protoss gods were all pale!

The other party, learned the news that the Nalan clan had declared war on the Yuwen clan!

Although I said in advance that I would scold Yuwen old dog, but now that it is really at that point, no one dares to speak up. This is the real gap in strength——

Nalanmo dyed his face without blood, silently looking at Su Jin...

Fortunately, Su Jin's face did not change in any way, and this also made Nalan Moran's heart gradually relieved.

Maybe this guy really can rival the three terrifying kings and gods, against the strength of nearly a hundred Yuwen clan kings and gods——

"Grab the goddess of the Nalan clan, kill me all except the goddess! Even the king **** will kill me!" There is a terrifying king **** among the Yuwen clan!

Mrs. Xuanji's face is warm and angry! Her Nalan clan is not without the slightest combat power! Anyway, there are nearly forty king gods! The other party didn't pay attention to the Nalan clan at all now!

can. But when Mrs. Xuanji looked at other Nalan Protoss, she found that things were far worse than expected! Except for the other king gods of the Nalan clan, some of the ordinary Nalan protoss were trembling, trembling all over!



"Ah! What the hell!"

Some of the Yuwen clan gods who took the lead hit the boundless air wall directly, making them dizzy for a while! It seems that at least ten thousand people are hanging on that invisible wall!

"Hahahaha—" Many Nalan Protoss laughed at the miraculous effect of the city lord's formation.


"Be careful! There is a master in the opposing clan!" The Yuwen clan finally calmed down, and went backwards, returning to the vicinity of the palace group——

Su Jin's mouth raised a cold smile.

Nalan Moran walked up to Su Jin. She was generous in temperament, she was beautiful and exquisite, and said, "The three horror kings of the Yuwen clan are Yuwenbo, Yu Wenlong and Yuwenhai. Among them, Yuwenbo is Patriarch, the strongest."

"It's not important." Su Jin said lightly.

No...not important?

Nalan Moran's heart jumped, and he looked at Su Jin with doubts——

"Why is it not important?" Nalan Moran asked.

"First of all, it is the most important thing to stabilize the military spirit. Let's solve the traitors first."

As Su Jin spoke, he stretched his waist, then grabbed Nalan Moran's waist and slowly said, "Elder Chengfeng, call the Lord of Destiny."

To be honest, the current elder Chengfeng really didn't dare to call a battle in front of the Yuwen clan, but this was the order of the new city lord, how dare he not respond!

"The betrayer of the Nalan clan, the King of Destiny! The New City Lord has something to say to you!" the elder Chengfeng shouted.

Su Jin:...

What do you have to tell the other person?

I have to say that the Yuwen clan is really well-trained, and it has regained its composure in such a short time! However, after the elder Chengfeng shouted, horse fleas began to appear in the opponent's group!

The opposing camp, come out with four existences!

Yuwenlong, Yuwenbo, and Yuwenhai! The other one, it’s not who the God of Fortune is! Before Su Jin was surrounded by the king gods of the Nalan clan, he vaguely glanced at the other party. Later, he was elected as the new city lord. The king **** escaped and left the clan.

"I heard that your Nalan clan has declared war on our Yuwen clan? Mrs. Xuanji, but your decision?" As the clan chief, Yuwenbo naturally had to speak first, looking at Mrs. Xuanji coldly.

"Didn't the King of Fortune have told you the situation?" Madam Xuanji couldn't help but see the other party still pretending.

"He said so, but your new city lord is just a tooth-mouthed kid. At this age, can he be a city lord? Can he hold your Nalan clan hundred thousand gods? Are you kidding me?" Yuwenbo said coldly. Tao.

Mrs. Xuanji choked--

Look at Su Jin.

The current situation is out of control, and there must be a battle between the two races! Moreover, the hopes of the Nalan clan are all pinned on this new city lord, there is no other way!

"I don't need to worry about the Nalan clan who live in my town." Su Jin said immediately, and then said: "And you Yuwen clan, to be honest, you can barely enter the eyes of this king."


The Nalan clan, and even the Yuwen clan on the opposite side, all quieted down——

But after the silence, the Nalan clan had no face and bowed their heads in shame, while the other side burst into laughter!

Why not laugh!

This is simply ridiculous, many of the gods of the Yuwen clan who laughed have their faces drawn!

"Where is this hairy boy? Your former Nalan City Lord has been killed by our Yuwen clan, and you still don't know whether you live or die? This guy doesn't really think he has the power of the King of Terror?" The **** of the Yuwen clan laughed. Said when.

"Yeah, I heard that it is a foreign god, even the Eternal Gods Realm! He doesn't even know how powerful our Yuwen clan is! It's a pity that he is so conceited at a young age, and waits for the King of Terror to defeat the prohibition. Hold his head in your hand, I'm afraid I should cry bitterly!"

"Is there any mistake? The former Nalan City Lord is also a Terror King God, and their Terror King God has been destroyed, and now they dare to provoke the majesty of our clan. I really don't know what to say--"

"The goddesses of the Nalan clan, all of them are very beautiful. After a while, everyone will grab what they need and call him crazy!"

"This is the new city lord of the Nalan clan? Young enough. It seems that the Nalan clan is really incompetent. There is no **** to choose from. What's more ridiculous is that they actually chose to fight with our Yuwen clan at this time. , I laughed so hard!"

"The King of Destiny is also considered savvy, forsake the dark and turn to the bright, knowing that there is no future in the Nalan clan. It's a pity, after today, there will be no Nalan in the Eternal God Realm!"


just now.

The Nalan clan is being mocked by the Yuwen clan! Except for a few **** clan gods, most of them are in the state of bowing their heads, as if they can't wait to find a hole to get in——

Hearing this, Su Jin just smiled.

"The King of Destiny, you should know that no matter what the clan, defecting is a capital crime." Su Jin looked at the **** of Destiny and said slowly.

At present, there are three horror king gods standing beside the king of death! Why is he afraid of this new city owner?

Shenyin, the King of Fortune, said with a smile: "I have taken refuge in Mingjun, what's wrong? You are a child, but a **** who has cultivated for a few years, I will be afraid of you?"

A weird smile appeared on Su Jin's face, and then slowly said, "Do you think that the three horror kings can protect you? I can tell you that if I kill you, no one in the world can redeem you! "

"Come on!" The King of Destiny was also aroused fierceness. He expected Su Jin not to come over, otherwise the three Yuwen Brothers would instantly kill each other!

"I'm standing here, killing you while waving my hand--" Su Jin raised his hand and gently pointed at the God of Destiny...

Not to mention, the King of Destiny is really nervous now!


Su Jin looked solemn, and drank a word gently--


A cool breeze blew in Su Jin's ear~~~

"Speak out the law", failed!

This makes Su Jin very helpless to trigger the probability, really small and pitiful.

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