My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3845: The lord is mighty!

Originally, after Su Jin's dedication to Nalan Moran, his strength has increased, and he even refined the "Speaking of the Law" yesterday, but it was still somewhat difficult to kill Wang Shen.

Very dumb.

Yes, all the gods, whether they were the Nalan clan or the Yuwen clan, were all startled by Su Jin's embarrassing scene, which might become a ridiculous event for all gods.

"Dead!" Su Jin tried again and found that the meaning was still a lot worse. He glanced at Nalan Moran, but there was no embarrassment on his face.




Several times in a row.


It's hard for Su Jin not to be embarrassed, why is this——

The King of Fortune was still nervous at first, and he was even prepared to contend, thinking that Su Jin would appear inexplicably, and then make a killing trick on him, but the opponent really did not move.

The Yuwen clan burst out laughing.

"What's going on today? Is this the new city lord of the Nalan clan? It's really amazing. What kind of trick is this performing? Hahahaha—" The **** of the Yuwen clan burst into tears.

"Could it be that the King God is so easy to kill, and you can kill the King God by shouting the word'death'? This new city lord has no other ability to see. The performance skills are simply amazing. Please stop acting, otherwise I'm afraid we will laugh out loud!"

"The new city lord is so capable. It turns out that there is really a saying that if you can become a city lord in this way, then every **** of the Yuwen clan among us can be the lord of your eternal capital—"

"How many times is the new city lord going to shout? I think it's just a guy who wants to find a sense of existence. I don't have the slightest ability. I thought that if you dominate the entire Nalan clan, you can fight head-on with our Yuwen clan. "

"No, I can't do it...I'm laughing to death..."

"Look, the gods of the Nalan clan are almost buried in the ground. What kind of amusement is this. Can you stop being so funny?"

"New City Lord, but that's it, I thought it was such a powerful person--"



Nalan Moran also showed a questioning expression. Like her, Mrs. Xuanji, the elder Chengfeng——

"It's just a small mistake." Su Jin said lightly: "Next, up to five times, don't blink."

Su Jin could not find the feeling before, but just after shouting a few words, there was always a kind of throbbing in his heart. He knew that the feeling was getting stronger and stronger, but no one would. Believe it.

"I believe in you." Although Nalan Moran didn't know that Su Jin was slow to move his left hand, he still chose to believe it. After all, too many strange things had happened to her.

First, the “rules of the gods” that could not be restored were healed, and then broke through to the king **** one night, and even Su Jin created a “king **** art” for her. If these are spoken out, tell them to the opposite Yuwen clan. Who would believe that this is what Su Jin did?

He must be able to create miracles, for sure! This is what Nalan Moran insists on now-


Under the ridicule and gaze of Yuwen's clan, Su Jin raised his hand again and pointed at the King of Fortune!

"I said, I want to kill you, their three terrifying old dogs can't protect you... Give me! Die!" Su Jin's voice is like Huang Zhongda Lu, holy coming to the world!

The faces of the King of Fortune, Yuwenlong, Yuwenbo, and Yuwenhai all changed drastically!

Earlier, every one of Su Jin's ‘death’ words shattered the void, and the blood-colored ‘death’ words appeared one after another!




There was fear on the face of King Mieyun. He only felt that his'rules of the king' were rushing out of his body uncontrollably! Then the blood-colored ‘death’ words directly smashed the ‘rules of the king’ to pieces!

"The King of Terror, save me!" King Mieyun yelled in a panic, his colorful eyes began to be covered with bloodshot eyes, and his whole body began to spurt out!

The three terrifying king gods Yuwenbo, Yuwenlong, and Yuwenhai swept over all the gods and kings of the Yuwen clan with a single wave of their sleeves. All the gods are staying away from the ‘king **** of destruction’!


The body of King Mieyun is swelling like a ball, and it is still swelling!

The scene is undoubtedly extremely terrifying!

"Don't...don't kill me...I don't want...don't want to die..." The God of Fortune is still sane, but he knows that he is about to die! He chose to defect when the new city lord was on top, it was a capital crime! But he really didn't want to die, because it was not easy to cultivate to the king god! !

In the scene, apart from the panic and screams of the Yuwen clan, no gods of the Nalan clan spoke. They all looked up, and every god, king god, and eyes were shocked! !

Mrs. Xuanji is more shocking than any god, is there really such a wonderful means in the world? In one word, kill the king god? ?

As the king **** herself, she just didn't see any power fluctuations in Su Jin's body just now. He raised his hand and pointed to the direction of the king of Mieyun, really like pointing to the air——

There is no divine power fluctuation, no divine power of perception, unable to affect the heaven and earth qi, this is simply an impossible situation!

But even though it's impossible, what's the matter with the God of Destiny?

It's really unexplainable!

"I was wrong, I... wrong..." The King of Destiny finally smashed to the point of shocking the world. From the beginning of the'speak out the law', he could no longer control his own'rules of the king', but he The instinctive desire to survive, but he could only shout weakly, and at the last moment, he did not give up the meaning of wanting to live——


A blood mist, mixed with blood plasma and meat, burst into pieces!

"The City Lord is mighty!"

"The City Lord is mighty!"

"The City Lord is mighty!"

Nalan Protoss, the whole world shouts! They seem to have been waiting for this moment for too long. To what extent they were humiliated by the opponent Yuwen's clan before, how happy they are now!

Finally, found the place!

"Oh my God! This is the power of the new city lord! Standing still, just a word, kill the king god! Who has this power? As far as I know, no terror king **** has this ability!" The **** of the Nalan clan said excitedly.

"Yes! This is our new city lord! The nightmare of the Yuwen clan! The former city lord’s hatred, I’m afraid it will really be reported today!"

"It's really weird. I didn't see the city lord releasing the rules of the King God, and there was no power fluctuation of the rules. There really was no trace. Then the King God of Destiny was ‘called’ to death! Who can explain!"

"Under the leadership of the New City Lord, the era of our Nalan clan being bullied is coming to an end!"

"Look at the three kings and gods, their faces are very ugly. Obviously, they didn't see any of them. I'm afraid that even the three horror kings didn't see what this means!"

"Quiet, really clear!"

"The new city lord is already great, haven't you heard? The eldest lady has already become a waste god, but with his help, she not only restored the rules of the gods, but also broke through to the king **** in one fell swoop, and taught her a king. The magic technique is the one that killed Yu Yan earlier!"


At this moment.

Yuwenbo's face was pale, and he turned his head to look at his younger brothers, Yuwenlong and Yuwenhai——

"Did you see it?" Yu Wenbo asked in a deep voice.

"No, it's weird, there is no such method in the world." Yu Wenlong is also under great pressure now.

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