My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3846: Ten Kings

Seeing Yu Wenlong talking like this, Yu Wenhai also looked speechless--

Just now, the three of their three brothers, all three of them were the King of Terror, staying next to the God of Destiny, but without noticing it, the God of Destiny suffered a disaster.

"What do you think, talk about it." When Yuwenbo saw Yuwenhai did not speak, he did not dare to take it lightly. When did they encounter this situation!

"It's like magic." Yu Wenhai said: "But the opponent's combat power is unknown. This method has a certain chance of failure. In short... it's strange."

Saying it means not saying it!

Yu Wenbo frowned and hesitated, "Which one of you will try his combat power first?"

"No need, it’s better to be safe. It’s better to send ten king gods from our side. It should be enough." Yu Wenlong hurriedly stopped the eldest brother. At this time, let the two scary king gods take action, and there is a weird method. The bottom-line guy, it's a bit dangerous--

"Alright." Yu Wenbo nodded. This is a good idea. First send ten kings and gods to provoke the new city owner. The other party must not be able to use the shocking method just now, so you can watch it. Show the opponent’s true combat power.


Yuwenhai arranged directly, looked at several king gods not far away, and said: "Yu Tian, ​​you choose nine king gods to challenge the other city lord——"

Yuwen Yutian:...

He really doesn't want it! The new city lord of the Nalan clan just now was so scared that a king **** was ‘called’ to death! This kind of existence is definitely already the strength of the King of Terror, and when the King of Fate came over before, he said with certainty that the new city lord is the "God of Terror"?

With such a pair, how can ten king gods be better than one "Terror King God"!

"Don't worry, it's still uncertain whether the other party is the King of Terror. We will help you at the critical moment, without worrying about your life." Yu Wenlong also said.

"Okay!" Yuwen Yutian gritted his teeth.

I thought that the King of Destiny just now, you didn't protect it! This is probably going to be miserable... Now Yuwen Yutian can only hope that Su Jin is not too strong, otherwise... it will be difficult!

Immediately, Yuwen Yutian no longer hesitated! Just turn around and choose——

"If you kill the New City Lord of the Eternal City, this king will personally teach and give you the way to go to the King of Terror!" Yuwenbo's voice shocked the spirits of nearly a hundred kings, including Yuwen Yutian!

well known!

In the beginning, there was only one king **** in the Yuwen clan, and that was Yuwenbo! Later, under the careful guidance of Yuwenbo, Yuwenhai and Yuwenlong broke through and achieved the realm of the King of Terror! This kind of opportunity is definitely extremely rare!

"I'm willing to go to war and kill the new city lord of Nalan!" The king of the Yuwen clan walked out!

"I! I swear to defend the dignity of the Yuwen clan, I am about to take the head of the new city lord of Nalan!" Another Wang Shen strode to the side of Yuwen Yutian!

"And I!"


In no time, the ten kings and gods of the Yuwen clan were gathered! There are even many hesitant kings and gods who are extremely regretful! The opponent’s new city master’s method is a little weird, but the strength is unknown. Their ten king gods must have a great opportunity...For the king **** who has not stepped out, they missed a great opportunity!

Yuwen Yutian also became confident--

He has been stuck at the peak for a long time, but the realm of the King of Terror, like an unreachable dream, he even felt that he could not reach it in his entire life! Now, the patriarch has spoken! Picking off the head of the new city lord of Nalan and cutting his life, there is a shortcut!

How can this not make all the kings and gods of the Yuwen clan excited!

"Stable, steady!" Many of the Yuwen clan gods couldn't help stabilizing their minds when they saw this. The face that had just been lost can definitely be found this time.

"We have three Horror King Shenzhen Clan, are you afraid that they won't succeed! This kid really doesn't think he can overturn our entire Yuwen clan!"

"Just now he gave up so much energy and called out a king **** to death. Now we have ten king gods to fight, so we won't stand to give him a chance! Our patriarch has already been murderous against him! Ten king gods , Can take off his head steadily!"

"But it was really weird just now... I really don't know how he did it. How did a good-natured God of Destiny burst into pieces? Even the three terrifying Gods around him could not save—— "

"It's so dangerous just now. If the three Terror King Gods didn't overthrow us, I'm afraid that just the kind of explosive power that just opened could cause us Yuwen clan to suffer heavy losses!"

"This son, must not be underestimated, and I always have a bad feeling that even if he is not the King of Terror, he can be comparable to the King of Terror!"

"Relax, our Yuwen clan has nearly a hundred kings and gods, even if it doesn't help, there are still three kings of terror. The king of terrors is the strongest existence!"


While talking!

Yuwen Yutian took the other nine kings and gods of the Yuwen clan and stood directly in front of the air wall!

"Together, break the ban!" Yuwen Yutian said with a gloomy face, and wanted to take the Su Jin item to the top with the support of the huge lineup behind him!

"it is good!"

"Broken the ban!"


Ten king gods, every king god's "Kingshen Rules" are released! The shocking scene is like the rising sun in the dark!

They are beginning to break the ban!

On the Nalan clan, they all panicked, unable to retreat, unable to escape, otherwise they will be treated as traitors! But if he doesn't retreat, how should he deal with the opponent after breaking the ban?

Although the Nalan clan has nearly forty king gods, including Nalan Moran, the opponent's king **** has more than double the advantage compared with them. If the Nalan clan king gods dare to move, the opponent will definitely be straightforward. Go out all, and destroy the whole Nalan clan!

"I'm so scared... what to do..." Some of the Nalan tribes were scared to tears. Then Yuwen Yutian took the nine kings and gods together and unfolded the "Rules of Kings and Gods" and directly took some of the Nalan tribes The weak protoss shook, and even the rules of the gods trembled in the body.

too frightening……

"Don't be afraid! We have a city owner, and the city owner didn't panic!"

"The rhetoric that the city lord just released has been done. He must have a way to fight the ten kings and gods. He hasn't fallen yet, and we must not have any retreat!"

"Yeah, you must not be intimidated!"

"The New City Lord is so handsome, he took the lead and didn't move, as if he was waiting for the other side..." There was a goddess from the Nalan clan, with his eyes shining straight and looking at Su Jin.

Su Jin is indeed not worried--

Because this wall of air is a great moat that the ten kings and gods are difficult to overcome!

really! The shocking scene appears again!

Yuwen Yutian's face suddenly changed, and their ten kings and gods, work together! The rules of the ten kings and gods bloomed, and they almost used their full strength, but they could only shake the air wall in front of them!


You can only feel the buzzing, but you can't break it! embarrassing! Yuwen Yutian's face was as red as a chicken blood... You know, they are now being watched by the whole Yuwen clan, the three kings and gods including the patriarch!

"Yutian! Break the ban!" Yuwenhai said angrily. He didn't know what Yuwen Yutian was doing. They were all the same as not eating, even breaking the ban was so troublesome!

"Yu Tian--" Yu Wenlong was also puzzled.

Yuwen Yutian's brain was buzzing with pain now, and he could only turn around and said: "Clan... Patriarch... We... can't break..."

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