My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3850: Shining

The three thousand Su Jins transformed into "Three Thousand Shadows" shocked the two tribes once they appeared in this world——

Of course, everyone knows that only one of them is true, but even so, it is definitely a top visual feast, three thousand gossip pictures, each wrapped in a Su Jin, surrounded by 92 kings and gods!

This scene, for the two races, is absolutely unprecedented!

Yuwen Yutian just stayed for a while, and then woke up. He quickly yelled: "Don't be afraid! This is just a blindfold of the opponent! As long as we work together to find out the true body, and don't give the opponent a chance to break one by one, then Steady victory!"

Most of the other kings and gods also suddenly woke up--

It's impossible to think about it. There must be only one real body of the other party. Except for the deity, at most they belong to the ‘incarnation outside the body’. As long as you are careful not to be attacked by the deity, it is not a concern.

Void storms, like ghosts crying, are blown out of the gaps in the void——

The shocking scenes of the ninety-two kings and gods working together are enough to shock the world. Under them, they are like iron buckets, indestructible!

"First attack!" Yu Wenlong suddenly shouted from behind.


Yuwen Yutian directly raised his hand and gave the order, "Kill!"


The radiance of the kings and gods from the ninety-two kings and gods rules is like a sky, the brilliant colors seem to cover everything! Yuwen Yutian believes that Su Jin's so-called "outside body avatars" cannot last long, as long as they are all broken up, the real body will appear!


In the light of the ninety-two ruined kings and gods rules, the three thousand Su Jinying incarnations already showed signs of annihilation!

"Three hundred broken!" Yuwen Yutian became excited, "He is not as powerful as he imagined! Let's rush along with me!"

Yuwen Yutian can’t miss this opportunity for performance. He rarely encounters such a time of merit!

But in the next second, a scene of jaw dropping appeared!

The gossip pattern of the "Shadow Incarnation" that was destroyed by the Ninety-two Dao Kings and Gods rules has not disappeared. Although the "Shadow Incarnation" has been destroyed, it seems to be displayed in another way!

Every destroyed shadow incarnation, in the gossip array, there is a magnificent ‘heaven, earth and **** bridge’ condensing like a mountain range! It's just that the current Heaven and Earth God Bridge, under Su Jin's meticulous disguise, is more like the ‘rules of terror’ of the King of Terror!

Don’t be too ruthless in this situation!

Of the ninety-two kings and gods who are fighting against Su Jin here, which one is not a well-informed existence? But in this situation, who can make it clear?

The new city lord of the eternal capital, the methods are more wonderful than each!

The scene is undoubtedly extremely shocking--

The tens of billions of miles of time and space in the vicinity seem to be occupied by ‘heaven, earth and god’ bridges, ‘rules of terror’, and in an instant, those unbroken ‘shadow incarnations’ exploded!


Su Jin's deity is condensed on a "heaven, earth and **** bridge"!

"The other party's deity is there!" Wangshen found that Su Jin seemed to be standing above the nine heavens, holding his hand, quite domineering!

"Work together to destroy the rules of the Terror King God!" Yuwen Yutian is now under great pressure. Although they are King Gods, even the Peak King God looks extraordinary in front of the Terror King God. This is definitely not a joke. They are really not sure to break down those Terror King God rules--

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The three thousand heaven, earth and **** bridges seem to span the present and ancient times. Since the exhibition of Su Jin, every heaven and earth **** bridge has undergone amazing changes, so that in the end, every heaven and earth **** bridge is like a piece of the night sky. Galaxy!

Su Jin raised his hand, the feeling revealed in his eyes, as if he was despising sentient beings, he gently raised his hand, and the 92 kings and gods headed by Yuwen Yutian suddenly felt the pressure suddenly increase!

"Everyone release all the rules of the kings and gods! Turn into the kings and gods barrier, don't worry! We have 92 kings and gods, the condensed barriers, even the horror king **** can't shake it!" Yuwen Yutian saw Su Jin raised his hand and knew that the other party was about to release a killer move. He was shocked and quickly gave orders.

The shocking aura was released from the 92 kings and gods!

Every rule of kings and gods surrounds all the surroundings, and the rule enchantment under the combined force of the 92 kings and gods makes all the existence of the Nalan clan look desperate!

Yuwen Yutian, and even Yuwenhai, Yuwenlong, and Yuwenbo the three horror kings did not expect that Su Jin and others were at this time!


Above the nine-day sky, a black space-time vortex is rapidly surging and rolling out! In that whirlpool, thunder and lightning were full, flickering silently, and the sky-shattering aura of destruction was being released from the time and space whirlpool!



Yuwen Yutian's heart of the king and **** seemed to be suppressed in an instant! I am afraid that no one will believe that he is a king god, even an ordinary king god, under the union of the other king gods, a heart of fear will grow in his heart!

"Heaven...Heaven Arm!" Not only the King God, but all the beings in the two races, all saw the whirlpool above the nine-day sky! In that whirlpool, a sky arm wrapped around the ‘Terror King’s Rule’ is being explored!

And the careful Protoss saw the difference, with six fingers on the palm of his arm that day! Can cover the sky!

The vast sky arm, desperate pressure, is pouring down!

Here, only Su Jin knows that his six fingers can cover the sky and break all barriers! Therefore, even the ruled enchantment of the kings and gods jointly supported by the other party is useless to him!

Yuwen Yutian is now gritting his teeth, urging all his strength, he knows that he can only do this, and he can't have any retreat at all!


It's near again!

When the terrifying hand that covered the sky came to the rule barrier...

Yuwenlong, Yuwenbo, and Yuwenhai, the three horror kings, immediately felt bad!

"Not good!" Yu Wenbo shouted in surprise.

But it is too late!


The "Kingshen Rule Enchantment" supported by the ninety-two kings and gods, like tofu, was filmed to a pulp! Those shattered fluorescence, with the deep black space-time abyss, seemed to make everything stand still--


Ninety-two kings and gods, including Yuwen Yutian, all spit out blood!

Fortunately, the combination of the 92 kings and gods was strong enough, and no king gods were destroyed because of this! This is a blessing in misfortune!

"Where am I, I am the Hengtian King God in Yuwen, I..." A king **** was seriously injured, and the entire camp of 92 king gods was smashed by the palm of his arm that day. Even now, there are still king gods who have been shaken. Seven meat and eight factors, the injury is also different, there are some serious!

While Yuwen Yutian and the others are still rejoicing, they don't know that even more terrifying nightmares are waiting for them!

Because a sky arm smashed the entire ‘king **** rule enchantment’, all the ninety-two king gods were shaken apart! This is also in line with the expected effect that Su Jin expected!

Such as Yuwen Yutian!

Now he wiped the blood stains off the corners of his mouth fiercely, and looked around with cold eyes, but the more he looked, the more panicked his heart——

Soon Yuwen Yutian was sure that he was standing on a ‘Heaven, Earth and God Bridge’ now! Around this heaven and earth **** bridge, the same birthday month, very bright!

"Broken--" Yuwen Yutian thought of an extremely terrifying situation. He fell into one of the heaven, earth and **** bridges. What about the other ninety-one kings and gods?

Isn't this the strategy of Su Jin? Destroy one by one?

"This son, what a terrible city!" Yu Wenbo's face was pale, he knew that he could not wait any longer, because Su Jin's deity had already begun to act!


Among the three thousand heaven, earth and **** bridges, Su Jin's true body came and went freely. He walked into a **** bridge heaven and earth, condensed a divine sword directly in his hand, raised his hand and cut...

Among them, the King God suddenly had a strange body!


The sound of terrifying bones being chopped up, one after another, is endless!

In a blink of an eye, sixteen kings and gods were beheaded to death!


Where can the three Yuwenbo brothers sit still now!

"Junior! Death!" Yu Wenlong stepped forward. The rules of the King of Terror gathered all over his body were extremely prominent, as if he had the power to destroy the sky, and at what speed he appeared directly in front of Su Jin a few meters with an arm. Wave.

Su Jin stepped on his feet, dragged his long sword, and instantly appeared on another heaven and earth bridge!

"Don't... don't kill me..." King Hengtian was frightened, he felt that when Su Jin stood on the bridge of heaven and earth, he was no longer qualified to move!

A sword light swept across, Hengtian Wangshen's eyes were dull, and a red line on his neck was gradually enlarged, and then enlarged again——

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