My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3851: is this real

" have... the power to break the rules of the King God..."

Even if the eyes of the King Hengtian are dark, eternal disappearance! He only discovered this problem before he died, but it was a pity that he couldn't communicate it to other kings and gods! Because the mortal king god, even if his head is different, he will not die!

"You kill again, don't blame the old man for being ruthless!" Yu Wenbo was furious. If Su Jin were to slaughter again, I'm afraid it won't take a moment for the 92 kings and gods to be beheaded!

This is a loss that the Yuwen family cannot afford!

But where does Su Jin manage--

Whenever Yuwenlong, Yuwenbo, and Yuwenhai thought to stop him, he could always make a stroke and break through the siege!

What magic! Yuwenhai's face flushed too...

"It's like shrinking the ground into an inch." Yu Wenlong was nervous.

If it is also the King of Terror, and the opponent possesses such a superb magic, they may only be caught in endless chasing battles, and the current situation is not very good for them!




Another series of screams from the King God-

Ninety-two kings and gods, in the following 30 breaths, soon more than half of them were killed and injured!

"Junior! You slaughter my Yuwen clan, and we will kill you Nalan clan!" The three horror kings of Yuwenbo gave up chasing and threatened directly!

Just reacted now?

Su Jin sneered and appeared in front of the Nalan clan for the last step! His face was indifferent, the divine sword in his hand disappeared into every inch of light, and then he took out a handkerchief that Nalan Moran gave him last night and calmly wiped the blood on his hand——

If you kill enough, you don't kill anymore.

The remaining kings and gods, including Yuwen Yutian, are only forty out of three! Yuwen Yutian is now crying without tears, his face is as gray as death! How could he think of such a fiasco!

On the other side, the Nalan clan is still falling into a deep and shocking silence... Just to them, it seemed to be an unattainable dream scene...

Ninety-two kings and gods slaughtered more than half in an instant! This speed is worthy of the appearance of the King of Terror! Moreover, looking at the calm posture of the city owner, it is really impossible to tell them to refuse!

Now, Mrs. Xuanji, her eyes are absent...

This kind of power is like a gift from heaven, descending into their Nalan clan in a dreamlike way! A few months ago, Nalan's everlasting shame, and a few months later, Su Jin arrived, showing his invincible power!

Only when Nalan Moran woke up...In her eyes, a strong enthusiasm and worship were emerging!

"The City Lord is mighty!"

"The City Lord is mighty!"

"The City Lord is mighty!"

The sound waves that opened the world and the earth exploded crazily among the Nalan clan. The sound seemed to awaken all the gods and kings of the Yuwen clan instantly!

No one knew, Su Jin was silently relieved in his heart at this moment——

He had always wanted to find a chance to break through. However, the 92 kings and gods of the other party were in a group, and it was difficult for him to break in. Fortunately, the other party opened up the rule barrier, so he did as he wished to proceed according to the situation he expected, otherwise, it would be very difficult. Difficult!

"This is... is this true..." Mrs. Xuanji raised her head and looked at Nalan Moran blankly. From the Yuwen clan to the present, she seems to be in a dream, everything is like this Untrue.

"I don't know." Nalan Moran's tone was proud. She didn't want to talk to each other. After all, what Mrs. Xuanji did to her is still vivid, but she doesn't care about it anymore.

Because from now on, Su Jin will be her strongest backing! Her stepmother, never want to bully her again!


Yuwen Yutian burst into tears, dozens of heads floating in the sky, dozens of headless kings, the blow to him was absolutely fatal!

"Patriarch...Yu Tian...Yu Tian is guilty!" Yuwen Yutian knelt on his knees in the void, crying at Yuwenbo!

The Yuwen clan has never suffered such a heavy loss since the founding of the clan! They have been developing smoothly in the Eternal God Realm, but now! He Yuwen Yutian has become the sin **** of the whole clan! Seeing those kings and gods being slaughtered, there is nothing to do!

His mission was defeated!

"Get down!" Yu Wenbo is also very annoyed now, but the more he is like this, the more sober he is, and he has already regarded Su Jin as an opponent of the same level in his heart, even... even their three horror kings are present, There is no guarantee of victory--

Yuwen Yutian and the other kings and gods crawled and watched the many heaven and earth **** bridges in the void dissipate. When they returned to the rear clan, they saw all the gods, and they all lowered their noble heads!

This scene undoubtedly hurt Yuwen Yutian's heart deeply!


All the gods of the Yuwen clan now seem to be the same as the previous gods of the Nalan clan. They all seem to be ashamed to bury their heads in the earth!

"The big thing, there are the patriarch and the two deputy patriarchs supporting us! What are you afraid of! Hold your head up!" Yuwen Yutian shouted, as if he wanted to wake up the gods of the Yuwen clan!

All the gods of the Yuwen clan, all raised their heads! The light of hope is in the eyes!

Yes! Their Yuwen clan hasn't lost yet, and they even have a huge advantage! They also have three horror king gods, confronting Na Su Jin!

"The patriarch and the two deputy patriarchs must be able to kill murderers!" The **** of the Yuwen clan began to say firmly.

"The current Yuwen clan and the Nalan clan, but the gap is getting closer! However, the number of the King of Terror is beyond their reach! There are three of us, and the other...only one! Why not be afraid of him! "

"But just ninety-two kings and gods, when fighting against the other city lord, didn't everyone have finished talking about abuse? As a result, if the clan leader hadn't stopped him, the other party would probably slaughter all our kings and gods!" There are also Yuwen clan gods. Cry, lose the previous confidence.

"You underestimate the King of Terror! The King of Terror, no matter how weak it is, in a one-to-one situation, it is impossible for one party to win in a short time! One of the other, the three of us only need to besiege, the other No doubt he will die!"

"Hope! If the Yuwen clan is defeated in this battle, they will never be able to raise their heads in the Eternal God's Domain! However, we do still have a huge advantage, so there is no need to worry too much!"

"The other party's new city owner is simply incredible! The methods are more evil than ever! Ninety-two kings and gods combined are not opponents of the other party——"

"Our Yuwen clan can withstand this level of loss! As long as the three patriarchs don’t fall, they can recruit other kings again! But the other party can’t afford to lose! Once that new city lord falls, the entire eternal capital will be accepted. The Lan God Race will be completely wiped out of the heavens and the eternal God's realm!"

"Destroying the opponent's entire clan, this is the price of slaughtering our Fang King God!"


On the side of Yuwen Protoss, the momentum is back! They have not forgotten the existence of the three horror king gods, and the fact is like this. They believe that the three horror king gods can destroy the dead and crush the opponent's new city master!

Su Jin's face was indifferent, and the corner of his mouth had a touch of evil charm...

Killing some protoss here, the number of protoss rushing to the Land of Glazed Glass will be much less, which is why he chose to become the new city lord of the Eternal City——

"I advise you to find some horror kings and gods over again, otherwise Yuwen will destroy the clan today, and there will be no gods who will stand up for you."

Su Jin floated the blood-stained handkerchief directly towards Nalan Mo dye——

Last night, Nalan Moran gave him a handkerchief. Today, this handkerchief was stained with the blood of the enemy. It must be of great significance to Nalan Moran.

"You are so arrogant to the limit, let alone you, even the other horror king gods in the Eternal Gods Realm, no one dares to speak such crazy words!" Yu Wenbo coldly shouted.

"Oh? In this case, this king really overestimates your Eternal God Realm..." Su Jin smiled.

"Brother! What can I say to him! Today, their Nalan clan must be destroyed by us, otherwise it will be spread out, where should we put the face of Yuwen clan!" Yuwenlong angrily said.

"Yes, big brother, don't hesitate! I really don't believe that with the power of our three brothers, he can't be cut!" Yu Wenhai is still in pain now.

Because most of the kings and gods who have passed away have made friends with him.

Although the levels are different, Yu Wenhai is usually used to being slapped by other kings and gods. This time, he really stabbed him and cut him to the pain!

"Don't be careless, get everything ready for me." Yu Wenbo said solemnly.

Yuwenlong and Yuwenhai, when they look at Su Jin——

How does it feel to be stared at by the three horror kings?

That kind of murderous aura is simply indescribable, the entire time and space situation, the stars, seem to be frozen under the gaze of these three eyes!

Su Jinsi looked at the three Yuwenbo brothers without any fear.

The pressure is slowly getting stronger——

Yuwenbo, Yuwenhai, and Yuwenlong are three horror kings, tied together! In the dim void, layers of space were opened by that terrifying aura!

In this battle, one side is destined to fall!

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