My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3856: The King of Terror, fallen!

From the current point of view, the evil lord has taken a step forward, and Su Jin is naturally not in a hurry, because the goal of holding the three brothers Yuwenhai, Yuwenlong and Yuwenbo has been achieved.

Yuwenhai is more and more frightened now——

The power of the entire Fate Gourd seemed to increase as his power increased, but when Yu Wenhai deliberately reduced his power, the power of Fate Gourd did not change.

If this continues, Yuwenhai feels that sooner or later he will be drained of strength!

Seeing the situation, the patriarch Yu Wenbo became more anxious, and even if he turned around and no longer contended with Su Jinduo, he chose to step towards the place where Yu Wenlong was trapped!


The boundless sword grave, vanished in an instant!

When Yu Wenlong saw his eldest brother Yu Wenbo, his face was filled with ecstasy! Big brother appeared too timely--

Su Jin allowed his opponent to step through the endless world of sword graves, without moving! Because it's unnecessary--

"Why..." Yuwenlong naturally saw that Yuwenhai was being dragged into the destiny gourd little by little, when he knew what the big brother Yuwenbo meant!

"Be careful." Yu Wenbo is hesitant now. If he chooses to save Yu Wenhai again, he will naturally give up this opportunity to temporarily kill Su Jin. He is still not sure if his second brother is sucked into the fateful gourd. Can you resist the power of that gourd divine treasure?

After all, Yuwen Yutian had fallen before--

"You guys quickly!" Yu Wenhai's face was dark, he was almost unable to hold it.

Su Jin crossed his hands in front of him, slammed into the body of the deity, and walked out of the terrifying time and space of another degree!

The place where he appeared was naturally between the Fate Hulu and Yu Wenbo brothers.

"None of you can save him, and you will follow in his footsteps later." Su Jin couldn't give each other a chance. To be honest, Yuwenhai could resist for so long, and it was beyond his expectations. If it were Yuwenlong and Yuwen Bo teamed up to rescue Yuwenhai, I'm afraid they might save him.

"Then kill you first!"

Yuwenbo and Yuwenlong step directly to kill!

The corners of Su Jin’s mouth began to cold, and I have to say that the first time he lifted the King of Terror, he really did not disappoint him——

A terrifying king god, the weakest is probably worth twenty or thirty king gods, and if he had just taken out the golden ancient monument, this Yuwenbo could pose a threat to him!

Of course, this also strengthened Su Jin's determination to destroy the Eternal God Realm!

If all the Protoss of the Eternal Gods reach the Land of Colored Glaze, he will be completely incapable of taking care of the whole Land of Colored Glaze, and even he will not be able to protect the longevity and other gods——

"Su Jin! You are indeed scheming! But under absolute power, all scheming will be a complete joke!"

Yu Wenlong raised his fighting spirit to the extreme, he exuded bursts of bright starlight rules, and shouted again: "My galaxy rules, from my birth, step by step, and now... Horror Galaxy will be ruled by me. Wherever I set foot, the sky will be controlled by me, and any creature will be trampled on by me! You... are no exception!"


Su Jin really felt the huge momentum of the two brothers Yuwenbo and Yuwenlong——

"Excuse me, you are in control of ten thousand days, and you can't control the side above this king's head!" Su Jinyi robe hunts, his whole body is not moving, his body is like a divine sword about to unsheath!

Yuwenbo and Yuwenlong didn't know, now Yuwenhai is already cursing secretly!

When is it, Su Jin hasn't been solved yet!

"How does it exist in the gourd..." Yu Wenhai trembled in his heart. As soon as he thought of this, his toes were almost close to the gourd's mouth...

not good!

Yuwenhai screamed! But at this moment, an irresistible force seemed to swallow him directly, he... was dragged into the fateful gourd after all!

The two brothers, Yuwenbo and Yuwenlong, roared directly with red eyes!


Su Jin's whole body seemed to change shape and shadow, removing Yuwenlong's horrible galaxy rules, but in an instant, Yuwenlong and Yuwenbo seemed to be still.

They heard a click--

"Big brother..." Yuwenlong's eyes flushed, looking at Yuwenbo, his eldest brother is also full of grief now, and carefully opened his palm...

That is Yuwenhai's rule jade slip!

Cracked! Yuwenhai's ruled jade slips, starting from the very center, are still falling apart like a spider web!

"Do you dare to kill the horror king of my Yuwen" Yuwenbo is now a little dizzy, and the old blood vomits a big mouth!

That's his brother!

God of Terror! Once disappeared-

The words of Yuwenbo shocked both the Nalan and Yuwen clan!

"Vice patriarch Yuwenhai was dragged into the gourd by mysterious power, and he disappeared in an instant!" I don't know how many Yuwen clan gods feel broken!

"The King of Terror can be wiped out in an instant? The power in the gourd is definitely not the power of the new Nalan City Lord! Just now he stopped the other two patriarchs and couldn't take care of killing Yuwenhai!"

"Three Kings of Terror... One fell! Our Yuwen clan can't afford this kind of loss! What is the origin of this son!"

"Dead... The King of Terror was sucked into the fateful gourd, and died instantly... Our Yuwen clan, is it really going to be defeated today!"

"There is still no way to stop... this new city lord of the Nalan clan, every time he makes a move, he uses amazing methods. In the face of the patriarch, in the face of the two horror kings, he wiped out the deputy patriarch Yuwenhai? "


This scene is so desperate!

Even if all the existence of Ren Yuwen's clan wanted to break their heads, I'm afraid it was such a situation... After the new city lord of this eternal capital shot, the original huge gap between the two clan is constantly narrowing!

It’s not how strong the Nalan clan is--

But the loss of the Yuwen clan is too heavy!

Mrs. Xuanji, Elder Chengfeng, including Nalan Moran were all standing on the spot!

The opponent fell a terrifying king so quickly! Could it be that Su Jin planned it long ago?

"Unexpectedly... it didn't even take any effort--" Mrs. Xuanji was stunned, her expression began to change, and finally made up her mind, no matter who Su Jin is, as long as the Nalan clan can not be annihilated, it will do!

"Our Nalan clan will set foot on the peak again under his leadership." Nalan Mo Ran said slowly.

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That's right!

Nalan Moran was completely relieved. They were surprised by Su Jin's actions, because the gap between the two clans was too big, but now they of the Nalan clan, except for the word'service', nothing else. Other ideas!

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