My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3857: Yuwen defeated


Su Jin's expression was indifferent, and he raised his hand to float the "Fate Gourd" in his palm.

Yuwenbo, Yuwenlong, and even the gods of the Yuwen clan, Wangshen, all face changed drastically!

This weird gourd seems to have become their nightmare! First, Wang Shen Yuwen Yutian was sucked in and killed instantly, and then the terrifying Wang Shen Yuwenhai was dragged in. The method of death and the speed of death were exactly the same!

Now, Su Jin is in control of the treasure. Although the Yuwen clan still has two horror king gods, anyone with a little brain knows that the gap between them is gone!

This also means that there is no gap between the Yuwen clan and the Nalan clan!

"This is our new city lord!" The clan gods of the Nalan clan, I don't know how shocking, especially after the fall of the **** of terror, Yuwenhai, they have been in a daze. In the hustle and bustle!

New City Lord Su Jin’s thunderous methods simply exploded and completely caused a sensation among the Nalan clan! And his prestige has also risen to a very high level!

At this moment, Su Jin's prestige is even much higher than that of City Lord Nalan who had just fallen a few months ago!

Yuwenbo and Yuwenlong looked at each other, knowing that this is not the time to be sad!

They are really worried now... because the unknown danger in the gourd will only make them more and more cautious!

Su Jin is also very curious now, his left palm is floating with "Fate Gourd", his right hand is slowly raised, and his finger is lightly flicked—

A circle of wonderful colorful brilliance blooms in the mouth of the gourd!


Su Jin seldom was shocked, but now... when that ray of light gradually strengthened, he was really shocked, he knew what the evil lord had evolved into!


Among the colorful brilliance on the gourd's mouth, a shining finger flew out!

The evil lord, the avenue that he chose to walk on, turned into a stone finger close to jade!

Su Jin put away the destiny gourd, as if he put his finger on his thumb casually.

Good condition.

At least Su Jin was very satisfied. The moment he had just put on the finger, a drop of blood melted into the finger. After Caihua was released again, the finger condensed the light!

"Big Brother..." The evil lord's voice appeared in Su Jin's mind.

"Say." Su Jin said calmly.

"I'm going to prepare for the next stage of evolution. During this period, you can use part of my abilities, but the rules of the king and the gods I need in the next stage are simply described by a huge amount. If you can't find the rules of the king and god, the gods The rules are barely okay--" the evil lord said.

Su Jin's eyes lit up--

"No problem." After Su Jin responded, the evil lord was silent.

He never expected that he could start using part of the power of the evil lord! This is pretty good!

However, Su Jin also felt very strange, because this finger did not seem to cause Yuwenbo and Yuwenlong to move. Could it be that after the evil lord evolved into this stone finger, his aura was also hidden?

"Next, Yuwenbo!" Su Jin suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Yuwenbo!

The muscles on Yu Wenbo's face couldn't help but pulled out.

He understood what Su Jin meant, this is the second death of Yu Wenbo!

"Hands!" Yuwenbo shouted directly, and together with Yuwenlong, they cut right and left!

Yu Wenlong's horror galaxy rules are full!

Yuwenbo, on the other hand, made a horrible treasure!

That is a very old astrolabe. Although it seems unremarkable, after injecting his Yuwenbo's rules of the King of Terror, the surrounding wind and clouds line up, and the astrolabe seems to be transformed into a continent, shrouded in this world. Above time and space!

"Kill my brother! I want you, your eternal capital, to be buried with the entire Nalan clan!" Yu Wenbo made a ruthless voice, and the entire astrolabe was running vigorously before the voice fell!

"What kind of rubbish—"

Su Jin was full of disdain, raised his right hand, palm up!


On the astrolabe, the azure blue luster like the sky shines directly!

Immediately afterwards, there was a terrifying palmprint on the huge chart!

Yu Wenbo deceived one step closer, raised his finger to cut, and cut out the first line of murder!

Su Jin did not rush to avoid the blow, he appeared to Yuwenbo's side like a ghost, almost to the point where Yuwenbo was very surprised!


Su Jin directly pressed his right hand on top of Yuwenbo's head!

"You thought it was an opportunity, actually! You were fooled!" Yu Wenbo grinned miserably. The rules of the King of Terror released by him all split time and space, turning the surrounding area into a **** killing field! In his opinion, no one can survive his attack range!

"is it?"

Su Jin's voice is like a long-lasting killer in the ancient abyss, once a murderous eruption, he will not give his opponent any more opportunities!

Yuwenbo immediately felt different!

"You--" Yu Wenbo suddenly felt frustrated and panicked. He immediately focused his gaze on Su Jin's palm thumb, the finger!

Chi Chi ~~~

Yuwenbo’s rules of the King of Terror, like a rushing tide, directly cover the past!

Su Jin just felt the finger tremble slightly, and the space around the finger quickly formed a terrifying vortex, the countless rules of the King of Terror, directly following the vortex!

"Ah! My rules, why can you take it away! You..." Yu Wenbo was anxious, and he is really scared now. His brother Yu Wenhai might have fallen because of this finger!


An extreme sword light flashed!

Yu Wenbo's eyes were suddenly dull. He wanted to cover his throat and neck, but he couldn't use his own rules of the King of Terror!

He can't even use strength to heal his wounds!

"Big Brother!" Yu Wenlong's eyes were almost protruding, and he wanted to rescue him directly!

"Escape... Escape..." Yu Wenbo finally covered his throat, but the gushing blood had already dyed the surrounding blood!

Yu Wenlong hated him and stomped his feet! In a flash, he walked to the Yuwen clan, waved his sleeves and put away all the clan gods, and fled to the western time and space when he came!

It takes half a minute--

Yuwenbo turned into a plume of blue smoke and drifted away on the spot. Su Jin meditated on the spot, and looked at the stone finger. This treasure did have unexpected effects when worn on his hand.

Looking at the time and space in the west... the direction where Yu Wenlong escaped...

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised a smile unconsciously, and then, he appeared in one step where the Nalan clan was!

"Win!" Mrs. Xuanji relaxed.

"It's a pity that Yuwenlong ran away... and swept away those clan gods of the Yuwen clan." Nalan Moran felt a little regretful. It was a really good opportunity just now.

Su Jin looked at her face and said indifferently: "This king deliberately let it go, can't you see it?"

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