My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3858: It should come, can't hide it!

Deliberately let go?

Madam Xuanji was shocked, and there was no way to conceal the surprise on her face and surprise in her eyes!

Nalan Moran opened her small mouth slightly, and was obviously shocked. To be honest, she hadn't seen Su Jin's plan before!

"Cut the grass and don't get rid of the roots, City Lord——" Elder Chengfeng said in a very regretful tone.

Su Jin looked weird and said lightly: "This is called putting a long line to catch a big fish, otherwise Yuwenbo will not be the second one to die. I let go of the weakest Yuwenlong. Soon after, his Yuwen family borrowed from his married family. It will definitely make a comeback, and when that time comes, it is the best time to destroy the entire Yuwen clan."

Mrs. Xuanji was faintly flustered and couldn't help saying: "The Yuwen clan and some powerful protoss in the Eternal God's Domain are deeply involved. This kind of approach is too risky."

"Wrong." Su Jin shook his head and said, "If I get to the Land of Glazed Glaze, the situation will probably be more complicated than it is now. Even if I just wiped out the Yuwen clan, there will still be no one who should find us. It's better to fight here. ."

"I support you." Nalan Moran walked to Su Jin silently and took his hand.

"There is another important reason for doing this..."

Su Jin glanced at Nalan Mo Ran, and said calmly, "You will kill Yuwenlong's life then."

Nalan Moran was moved and nodded slowly—

"The Nalan clan is stationed here, the ban I set will be restored soon, and the Yuwen clan will not give up so easily."

Su Jin said to Mrs. Xuanji: "Call the other gods to watch the wind here, wait for the other gods of the Eternal God Realm to arrive, and then fight to the death!"

"Okay." Mrs. Xuanji raised her delicate snow-white arms, and with a slight lift, a portal channel appeared in front of Su Jin——


Soon, the imperial palace.

Nalan Moran, Nalan Xiaoyue, and Mrs. Xuanji were all silent, looking at Su Jin sitting on the dragon chair.

"The air wall outside is restricted, can the King of Terror be shattered?" Nalan Moran was always a little worried, she took the lead in breaking the silence and asked Xiang Su Jin.

"The two horror king gods should be able to break with a full blow," Su Jin said.

"I don't worry, I'll go outside and watch... as soon as there is an emergency, I will call you—" Nalan Moran felt a little in his heart. Although Yuwen Clan still has Yuwenlong, a horror king god, the other party must go. Finding a helper, there will definitely be more than two or three Terror King Gods arriving.

Su Jin wanted to stop her, but seeing her in a hurry, she couldn’t say anything else—

In the empty imperial palace, Mrs. Xuanji didn't feel anything, but Nalan Xiaoyue was a little fidgety now, how did she know that Su Jin was so good!

"Xiaoyue, now that I’m free, don’t hesitate to apologize to the city lord’s brother. Not long ago, you made a ruthless remark to the city lord and almost brought disaster to my Nalan clan!" Mrs. Xuanji waved her hand quickly, Nalan Xiaoyue cried, and pulled to her side——

"Forget it." Su Jin yawned, "I'm tired and want to take a break. Call me if you have anything to do."

Although Mrs. Xuanji was in a good mood, she could only obey when she saw Su Jin's response. After all, Su Jin had just fought against the three Terror Kings of Yuwen, and it was normal to be tired.

In the imperial palace, only Su Jin is left in the end——

His left hand is holding the finger on his right thumb, and his brain is running fast.

Since leaving the land of colored glaze, I have initially achieved my wish. At least here, I will temporarily stop the existence of the eternal gods. Next, it will be Yuwenlong's...

If Yuwenlong is really capable, he can naturally gather some good opponents! At that time, the combat power of the Protoss will inevitably increase again! Su Jin's purpose is this, he only hopes that the other party will arrive early.

Quietly leaning on the dragon chair, the sky outside is getting darker and darker—

It has been half a day since the Yuwen clan fled. It stands to reason that the other protoss of the Eternal Gods Realm should also arrive, and they should follow the Yuwen clan after the Yuwen clan.

However, during this period, no family appeared!

Su Jin closed his eyes and took a nap. He was not surprised. After all, the news of the Yuwen clan's accident should have spread among other protoss. It is normal for him not to act rashly.


It's another hour, the sky is like thick ink, and the darkness is invisible.

A woman wearing a snow-white nightdress, surrounded by a little bit of colorful light, stepped up the steps step by step, Su Jin opened a gap in her eyes and admired the woman.

"The imperial palace is a cold place, and the city lord should not rest here..." the woman said, with a refreshing tone.

Su Jin changed his mind...

Pretending to be quite approved, she nodded and got up from the dragon chair... The woman walked to him, held his right arm, and disappeared into the imperial palace...

The sun is early in the morning.

Birds and flowers.

All night without incident.

Su Jin appeared refreshingly in front of a stone stele with "Qingyangjian" written on it, surrounded by flowers and fragrance, which seemed to be a place of retreat.

"It's really good for you to do this..." Su Jin turned his face slightly, reached out his hand to pick a thorny flower, said a word to the woman, and walked away.

Looking at the disappearing figure--

The woman opened her mouth slightly, and then, a crystal scepter condensed in her hand.


To the east of the air wall prohibition...

The Nalan clan, always on guard!

Madam Xuanji appeared holding a crystal scepter, looked at Nalan Moran and asked, "Nothing happened all night?"

"Yes, but I didn't feel the existence of the Horror King God... There are only a few King Gods in the Western Time and Space, and they took a look." Nalan Moran said lightly.

Mrs. Xuanji smiled. It seems that the strength that Su Jin showed yesterday was indeed quite scary.

About half a stick of incense time has passed. The entire air wall ban is shaking invisibly!


Su Jin appeared in one step!

At the moment when the air wall banned the shaking, the entire Nalan Protoss seemed to be on the verge of an enemy!

Western time and space! An imaginary shadow that occupies more than half of the sky, slowly opened his eyes, it is too big, although it is only a condensed phantom, its strength can also be judged from the vibration of the air wall!

Is the King of Terror!

Nalan Moran and Madam Xuanji were all nervous.

"Old man, Tuoba Protoss, Tuoba Xiu!" said the huge phantom, and continued: "You are not the **** of my eternal divine realm. You have not experienced the test of the gods. You slaughter my eternal divine realm. The old man represents the eternal divine realm law enforcement alliance. Come and ask for an explanation!"

Mrs. Xuanji's face was dumbfounded.

It's time to come, it's coming!

If Su Jin is the "Terror King God" in the Eternal God Realm, and joins their Nalan clan and becomes the city lord of the Eternal City, he will naturally not be criticized, but now... the other party is taking the test of the gods to say something, but it is pinching. The gate of their new city master was granted!

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