My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3859: God's test

"What? How to discuss it."

Su Jin narrowed his eyes and responded calmly.

The huge phantom seemed to be staring at Su Jin, Tuoba Xiu paused for a moment, and then said: "Since you are a protoss, you are eligible to participate in the test of the gods, and you have passed the Eternal Gods domain's many protoss approval! Otherwise... You will be the hostile existence of the entire Eternal God Realm!"

God's test?

Su Jin laughed dumbly, and finally his face closed, and he strode past the air wall restriction, and came to the side of the western time space, and said: "In this case, the king will now participate in the test of the gods!"

"I am here to lead you to the test. You will join all the gods inspired by the gods to participate in the test. You have slaughtered many gods of the Yuwen clan. The current patriarch of the Yuwen clan, Yuwenlong, will enforce the law in the gods. It has already been told that you need to finally pass the test of the God of Terror to be regarded as the cultivation of the eternal God's domain!"

Tuobaxiu's voice came--

"Can't go!" Madam Xuanji and Nalan Moran exclaimed at the same time, and quickly stopped them.

"Yes! The city lord must not go!" The elder Chengfeng is panicking now. If the new city lord goes to participate in the test of the gods, what should the Nalan clan do!

"Even if our Nalan clan goes against the Eternal Gods Realm, we can't participate!" Nalan Moran sent an emergency message to Su Jin. She knew that Su Jin didn't care, but this matter was very important, and there might be life concerns.

Su Jin smiled, and did not respond to their words. Instead, he looked at Tuobaxiu, and then said with his hand held down, "I have a request!"

"What's the requirement? God's Domain Law Enforcement League can consider it as appropriate." Tuoba Xiu responded.

"I can participate in the test of the gods, but the Nalan clan must be with me! During my test, the Nalan clan must be blessed by the Gods Domain Law Enforcement League, otherwise the Yuwen clan will definitely slaughter the Nalan clan!" Su Jin Said.

Tuobaxiu hesitated.

Then, Tuoba Xiucai said, "God's Domain Law Enforcement League, agree to your request!"

Mrs. Xuanji and Nalan Moran took a breath—

God's Domain Law Enforcement League is the authoritative existence of the entire eternal God's Domain! Being supervised by all the Terror King Gods, all families with the Terror King God are among them, so this guarantee can still rest assured them.

Previously, the Nalan clan was still a member of the God’s Domain Law Enforcement League——

But the former city lord has fallen, and the Nalan clan has no Terror King God, and naturally loses the qualifications of the Gods Domain Law Enforcement Alliance——

Tuobaxiu's condensed phantom swept the void lightly, and the air wall looked like paper! Quit instantly! As for the entire Nalan clan gods, the whole body lit up, and a black hole directly swallowed all the Nalan gods.

Su Jin was also a little surprised, the strength of Tuobaxiu was really too strong!

With just one blow, the air wall ban was broken! This is something that Su Jin did not expect.

Immediately, Su Jin also walked into the black hole, and this time and space regained silence, as if no one had been here!


The gradually increasing colorful light came into view, and the scene began to spread in Su Jin's eyes——

In this world, the stairs cannot be seen at a glance! Any creature standing on this vast platform under the stairs, looking up, can't help but feel its insignificance.

Su Jin was teleported here...Although he didn't know where the Nalan clan was now, he should be outside this place of trial, paying attention to him.

In the surroundings, in addition to some of the trials and cultivators that I had waited for earlier, beams of light rushed and landed.

Su Jin rarely feels so much pressure--

There are many powerful protoss among these inspired gods, and among them there are even real existences that reach the strength of the King of Terror. Of course, there are still some Tianjiao Protoss who are not as good as the King God.

Su Jin guessed well.

Now, the place where the Nalan clan appeared was not a test place, but among several sacred mountains. The gods on those sacred mountains were flashing, and many other gods followed this world to the land of colored glaze.

This is the headquarters of the Law Enforcement League——

"Nalan Clan!" Yuwenlong looked red, almost desperate to fight with Mrs. Xuanji and the others. He now knew that Su Jin was already in the test place, in the third sacred mountain world from their left hand. He easily Can see Su Jin's figure!


Tuoba Xiu stepped between the two clans.

"Elder Tuoba! As the elder of the law enforcement alliance, you have to call the shots for our Yuwen clan!" Yuwenlong was about to cry. He knelt down in the posture of the King of Terror, and knelt down as the King of Terror. In front of Tuoba repair!

"The Yuwen clan and our Tuoba clan have a very good friendship! But the friendship is back to the relationship. Our law enforcement alliance has agreed to the request of the Nalan clan. During the period when this child passes the test, to protect this clan from harming one god, get up! Tuoba Xiu snorted heavily.

Blessed by the Enforcement League?

Yu Wenlong was stunned.

He thinks he is smart, but obviously the other party is not stupid, otherwise how could he lead the whole family to the headquarters of the law enforcement league!

"Elder Tuoba! My two brothers of the horror kings and gods died in one fell swoop! It is also a great loss for the entire Eternal God Realm! Please also the law enforcement alliance to treat the evil gods fairly!" Yu Wenlong stood up and clasped his fists.

"Don't worry... it's just a foreign **** race, how can it easily pass the test of the gods——" Tuoba Xiu said indifferently.

Yu Wenlong's eyes flickered, and finally, he took a deep breath and stopped insisting.


The test of the gods is indeed difficult to pass, especially Su Jin, who must pass the test of the Terror King God to be recognized as the "Terror King God".

And the danger in it, naturally can be imagined, it is almost impossible to succeed——

Tuoba Xiu turned and left.

With a vicious look in his eyes, Yu Wenlong looked at the presence of Nalan Moran and Mrs. Xuanji, and said with a low voice: "When that kid falls in the test place, this king will exhaust all the extreme punishments in the world, and take you one by one. All the clan gods of the Lan clan have tortured to death, you... pray for your future destiny!"

After all, Yuwenlong took the clan **** of the Yuwen clan and walked toward the other place mightily.

Mrs. Xuanji and Nalan Moran do not have much confidence in Su Jin, because it is true that, as Tuobaxiu and Yu Wenlong said, the test of the gods, especially the test of the King of Terror, is a little bit difficult to think about. May pass--

But before Tuobaxiu approached the door on behalf of the Gods Domain Law Enforcement League, this was forced by helplessness and could only do so.

The Nalan clan, including Nalan Moran and the others, all looked at that sacred mountain, and the time and space world in that sacred mountain was the place to test Su Jin!

at this time.

Su Jin stood with his hands quietly, and the foreign protoss next to him, or surrounded by blood, or full of blood, came more and more——

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