My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3860: Zhang Yuelu

Place of trial.

Facing the endless stairs to the sky, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, or because of Su Jin's temperament. When many foreign protoss looked at him, they looked at him with awe-

Su Jin saw this, his breath began to converge, and the ‘rules of the god’ that had been condensed by the cloak began to spiral out of him.

As a result, some foreign protoss were suddenly disappointed and stopped paying attention to Su Jin.

In their opinion, Su Jin is nothing but a god, and he has not even reached the "king god".

"Step aside!"

After a dozen or so breaths, a **** storm overturned many weak protoss and rushed towards Su Jin!


A hurried figure flashed past Su Jin's position, but now he couldn't help but remind him, and even retreated to Su Jin's side——


An epee that was slightly wider than the door panel was directly cut out by a scruffy young man. In an instant, in the light of the sword, there were 18 sacred-looking blue star deer bursting away! The **** storm was stopped!

Su Jin couldn't help but look at each other a few more times-

This scruffy young man, about 17 or 18 years old, was covered in gray, and there were even some unwashed blood stains on his clothes. Su Jin was accidentally surprised by the other's appearance. His looks were too handsome, and there were six blue lotus marks on his eyebrows. exist.

And that place full of blood was a huge monster who looked like a gorilla!

"Look, everyone, this sissy who was born with me in the human world is named Zhang Yuelu! The very ordinary human surname! He has been adopted by a pair of human fathers until now, and he was finally given to others for retirement. Called the God of Inspiration!" The giant demon **** pointed at the young man who was stopping in front of Su Jin, and shouted at the surrounding with an endless mocking tone.

Human adoption?

More than tens of thousands of gods in all directions? All burst into laughter--

" shut up..." Zhang Yuelu clutched her right arm, and the expression on her face was a little bit painful.

"Is the original **** wrong? I tell you, in this place of trial, you will die in the hands of the original god, and you can't escape for a while!" The giant demon **** drank softly again.

"You were born with this sword at the same time, why can't you drive this sword perfectly?" Su Jin ignored the giant demon god, but said to Zhang Yuelu curiously.

"Nonsense—" Zhang Yuelu turned to look at Su Jin, and said in a thick voice, "Didn't you see it? I have already performed supernormally. I can only cut out nine moon deer with this sword at most!"

Su Jin:...

Isn't it because of him?

As a sword god, Su Jin is on the way, this moon deer can perform supernormally, and this is also the reason why this sword feels him——

"The test is about to begin, no protoss can make a lot of noise! ​​This is the world of the gods, each ladder has an extremely vast space and time, you need to rely on your own strength to break through the space and step onto another ladder space!"

The number of elders with law enforcement alliances directly manifested above the gods!

"You're lucky, you won't have such good luck next time--" The giant demon **** cast a deep look at Zhang Yuelu, then turned and walked to stand a hundred meters away.


Zhang Yuelu patted his heart.

"Oh, do you know how dangerous it was just now?" Zhang Yuelu turned and looked at Su Jin face to face, a little annoyed: "There are so many fools here. Didn't you see that the attack has arrived? If it weren't for me, you would be dead! "

"Then I have to thank you..." Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry.

"Of course you have to thank me, but you can rest assured, I have dealt with it a lot, and it has been transformed into a world, it has not been able to do anything to me. Don't worry, I will cover you in the future."

Zhang Yuelu stretched out his hand, "Introduce myself, my name is Zhang Yuelu, your brother Lu."

"Su Jin..." Su Jin stretched out his hand and held Zhang Yuelu's hand.

Zhang Yuelu quickly withdrew, and then said: "Well, from now on, you are my little brother, understand? I cut a sword for you. This sword weighs 5 million catties. Brother Lu is about to remove my arms. , You...carry me!"

Su Jin:...

Simply inexplicable.

Come to take part in the test of God in a good manner, and the test has not been tested yet, and I was accepted by my brother——

Su Jin silently waved his hand and the giant sword buzzed. This sword was higher than Zhang Yuelu, but its weight was as light as a feather to Su Jin.

And Su Jin remembered that the giant demon **** just said that this moon deer was a sissy...

She is...the daughter's body...this is nothing to hide from Su Jin's eyes, although the other party does not wear perfume, wears a sloppy cloth, and has messy hair.

"This test of the gods is very dangerous. Remember, after the test starts for a while, you must follow me closely. Because of your deer brother's destiny, you will definitely be able to pass the test!" Zhang Yuelu's tone was very serious, even He patted Su Jin on the shoulder.

Su Jin nodded and said lightly: "Then thank you Brother Lu——"

"My brother, don't thank you!" Zhang Yuelu said.

About Mo, half a stick of incense time.

All the foreign inspiring Protoss are all in place!

With a quick glance, Su Jin felt that there were at least several million!

Is Eternal God's Domain really attractive like this?

Su Jin changed his thoughts, but it wasn't so surprising—

Above, several elders of the Gods Domain Law Enforcement League waved their hands directly, and thousands of streams of light were thrown down casually!

Su Jin and Zhang Yuelu, as well as all the people who inspired the Protoss, condensed a stone slip!

"This is the clearance stone slip! Among the previous hundred levels, this slip will serve as the most important clearance certificate! And in every stepped world, life and death depend on ability! After the 100 levels, you will get the top 1,000 pass stone slips of other gods. , Will get the baptism of the test land, and become the king **** in the next level!" The elder of the law enforcement alliance slowly said.


Many inspiring protoss are all looking fanatical.

In other words, ordinary gods Tianjiao is only a god, and it has not reached the king god. As long as the stone slips of other gods are obtained in the world of stairs, the number of stone slips from other gods can become the king god!

This is a disguised killing!

Zhang Yuelu's face was pale, she instinctively glanced at the giant demon god, and the other party looked at her all the time. With this look, the giant demon **** suddenly made a gesture of wiping her neck—

"I want to become a king god! Among us, most of us are the gods born in the mortal world, and those ancient gods with clan land, we rarely have the opportunity to join! Even some gods will never encounter an orthodox clan in their lifetime. !" Youshen's face flushed.

"Within a thousand, you will be able to become a king god. There is a great chance!"

"In the world of the first step, there should be scenes of killing everywhere!"


With the big wave of the elder of the Gods Domain Law Enforcement League!

An elder of the Law Enforcement League gave a heavy drink: "The test begins!"

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