My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3861: Sword swing

As the test began, it was just a moment--

Zhang Yuelu pressed his hand on Su Jin's shoulder, and the two groups of streamers instantly plunged into the stairs ahead!


When the field of vision gradually became clear, Zhang Yuelu's face was obviously flustered, Su Jin, this little brother, was still there! However, she found herself very unlucky.

Because that giant demon **** also transformed into a real body and started to step on it!

"The human touch in you, even if it is separated from time and space, the original **** can smell it, you...accept this reality!" When the giant demon **** stepped on, his face was full of hostility!

"Give me the sword!" Zhang Yuelu yelled. Before Su Jin could express his attitude, he grabbed Su Jin's arm and shook his hand and hugged the Yuelu sword in front of him with a vigilant expression.

"Do you need my help?" Su Jin said helplessly.

"Of need! Little brother, hide behind me!" Zhang Yuelu was shining with the rules of the gods, and the sword patterns rolled out from all around the rules of the gods!

Zhang Yuelu was slightly startled. At the moment when the rules of her gods broke out, a total of thirty-six moonlight deer suddenly condensed from all around!

When have I been so good... Zhang Yuelu is filled with endless doubts, but now she can't let her think about it. She said that her right arm is still a bit painful, and with this blow, she feels that her right arm will not move for a long time!

"You have to have confidence in yourself." Su Jin smiled.

"I'm fine anyway! Look at me cutting this ugly orangutan!" Zhang Yuelu snorted softly. She felt that she now has the power to make use of it. This Moon Deer sword weighing five million catties was directly dragged by her. Charge towards that giant demon god!

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

A straight spark was dragged from the tip of the Moon Deer Sword...

Zhang Yuelu felt that dragging the Yuelu sword at this time was a hundred times easier than before! She... has come 100 meters away from the giant demon god!

Holding the hilt with both hands, he finally raised it fiercely! The sword tip suddenly lifted off the ground, and the entire Yuelu Sword turned into a diagonal sword wave, instantly blasting at the giant demon god!

"The bug is small..." The giant demon **** raised his arm and boomed. Before he could finish his words, his face changed in shock! Even... finally turned into panic!


The giant demon **** looked at his right arm, then looked down at his chest, a terrifying sword wound penetrated directly!

Zhang Yuelu was stunned.

"No, it's impossible." The giant demon **** knows Zhang Yuelu better than anyone else. Usually, she can't even blast her own defenses, so how can she cut it with a single sword!

In the distance, many protoss who were eyeing Zhang Yuelu and Su Jin did not hesitate to give up after seeing this scene! The giant demon **** is like a big mountain, now on the giant body, the sword wound is transparent, and the upper half of the huge body has been chopped off...

Cut in half!

The giant demon **** has fallen in hatred!


A clearing stone slip floated from the body of the giant demon god——

Zhang Yuelu woke up from the sluggishness, raised his right arm, and inhaled lightly, and the clearance stone easily fell into the palm of his hand.

"Brother Deer is amazing." Su Jin clapped his hands and praised.

"That is!" Zhang Yuelu looked around and muttered with a voice that he could only hear while responding, "Could it be the reason for the test place? Can I increase my strength here?"


But most of it is.

Zhang Yuelu now relaxes her heart, with the power she currently shows, at least she won't be eliminated in the first round!

"Brother Lu, what should we do now? Are you starting to find other gods?" Su Jin asked deliberately.

"You... why are you so serious about killing?" Zhang Yuelu gave Su Jin a white look. "Look for the crack in this step space first. If we can go to the next step space, we will definitely find more jade slips." "


Before the postgraduate entrance examination, Zhang Yuelu didn’t listen carefully, but he also heard that if there is a Protoss one step ahead of other Protoss, they can get rewards in the next step space. The reward is a varying number of stone slips, so as to get the speed of clearing the stone slips. Definitely faster than slaughtering other protoss!

"Well, I listen to Brother Deer—" Su Jin said seriously.

"Go, leave here first." Zhang Yuelu continued to hand the Yuelu sword to Su Jin, and then took him by the arm, leading him and disappeared to the spot.

The vast far north, deep in the azure Shenfeng Mountains——

Zhang Yuelu wiped the fine sweat on her forehead. When she and Su Jin walked, they dodged dozens of protoss, and here, most of them were the end of this stepped space!

"Brother Deer, I heard that you were born in a human world, is there an object?" Su Jin asked.

"You're so long-winded!" Zhang Yuelu's face flushed, "Little brother, shut up, Brother Deer will lead you to become a king, otherwise, Brother Deer will not take you."

Su Jin:...

"I feel that the way out should be over there." Su Jin didn't even think about it, and pointed in a direction, where the thunder was raging, and many spatial rifts disappeared.

"Brother Lu has seen it a long time ago, so you can use it." Zhang Yuelu snorted, "Come with me!"


Thunder intertwined in the heavens and the earth, and the chaotic evil world darkened the entire world. In this deep mountain, Zhang Yuelu and Su Jin were condensed.


The electric light is like a pillar, as if blasting down from the nine heavens.

"Hand over the customs clearance jade slip, forgive you not to die!"

Eight black shadows rushed out from the side of the mountain and surrounded Su Jin and Zhang Yuelu!

Zhang Yuelu's face was startled.

"Handed in! We handed in—" Zhang Yuelu hurriedly dragged both hands, her own and that giant demon god's two customs clearance jade slips all floated.

"Brother Deer." Su Jin was really convinced, with a strange tone.

"Hurry up, don't want to live!" Zhang Yuelu scolded.

"You said you want to cover me." Su Jin stared at Zhang Yuelu, "Passing the customs jade is briefly unable to guard, when can I rush to the top 1,000?"

"Fate matters, we can't fight. Obedient! Give it to--" Zhang Yuelu is now terribly scared. She and Su Jin are two gods at best. How can they be the opponents of the other's eight **** races?

Su Jin arched his hand to Zhang Yuelu, saying that he had nothing to say to her——

Immediately, Su Jin stepped forward and stood in front of Zhang Yuelu.

"Listen." Su Jin said lightly to the eight gods, "You hand over the customs jade slips, and leave you a whole body——"

"Good guts! It seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet, now we are going to kill you!" Among the eight gods, one of the gods shouted wildly.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, after killing, the pass jade slip will naturally fall into our hands!"

"Yes, kill it, and then wait for the other victims, there is no need to waste time with them—"


The eight gods, the mighty gods, let out all their momentum.

Zhang Yuelu's heart was trembling now. When she looked at Su Jin in front of her, she had an illusion. Could this guy have a way to hold Yujian and not die?

Next second!

Su Jin retreated to Zhang Yuelu's side and shouted at the other eight gods: "My deer brother is the most powerful, and one move can kill you! Deer brother, take your sword, give them a little color and see— —"

After that, Su Jin put the Yuelu sword hilt in Zhang Yuelu's hand...

Zhang Yuelu... can't mention it... She was shaking all over!

Qiang Qiang...

The whole Yuelu Sword, when Zhang Yuelu was in a daze, began to scream! The Moon Deer Sword was trembling, trembling crazily!


A piece of sword lotus, centered on the Moon Deer Sword, burst open!

Sword in all directions! The eight gods were instantly annihilated by the terrifying sword power!

Looking at the more than twenty yuan of jade slips, Zhang Yuelu knew that there were already victims who were robbed of jade slips before them...

Now, Zhang Yuelu's heart could not be calmed for a long time, and her face was dull, and she muttered: "Little...little you find...Your brother deer is a genius..."

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