My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3873: Three hundred off

Shenxia soaring!

Where Su Jin stood, the surroundings seemed to be occupied by indescribable rays of light, those streams of light seemed to surpass the essence! And he didn’t know that the beams of light rushing around even caused vibrations inside and outside the mountain of steles——

Great shock!

Law Enforcement League!

An invincible aura, with the divine sky that broke through the entire stele mountain, diffused!

Whether it was Tuobaxiu or other horror king gods, they all looked at the trial stele mountain, cracking rapidly from inch to inch, and the classification even spread to them not far away, making them all step back!

The Nalan Clan——

The expressions on Nalan Moran, Nalan Xiaoyue, and Mrs. Xuanji's faces can no longer be described as shock! Now, Su Jin is in the trial ladder space inside the stele mountain, but the gods rushing up from Su Jin's body can actually break through the sky above the stele mountain!

How terrible this is!

"What a terrible evildoer!" Tuobaxiu's face was very unnatural now, but he thought of that possibility.

Ruo Su Jin walked to the three hundred levels.

Ruo Su Jin defeated the chief priest.

What to do!

It's time to kill the Yuwen clan, and to slaughter the Chu family! It...should trouble him the Tuoba clan!

It can be said that Su Jin’s inadvertent trial vision has caused all the current gods of the law enforcement league, kings, and terror kings, to collectively lose their voices——

a long time.

A horror king looked at Tuobaxiu. Previously, Tuobaxiu was a little biased to protect Yuwen and the Chu family, causing him to provoke Su Jin. Now... this move may put the Tuoba family in trouble.

"What to do..." The Terror King God who looked towards Tuoba Xiu was the elder of the Tuoba clan, and his cultivation was at the same level as Tuoba Xiu. He was also one of the Terror King Gods who took action to suppress Su Jin.

"Tongtian Ladder Trial...If he doesn't die, Tuoba clan, it's over!" Tuobaxiu said, his face turned pale.

The Tuoba clan has never been annihilated.

there has never been!

And now... if Su Jin passed the trial and asked them Tuoba to kneel down and apologize, what should they do!

The Tuoba clan would rather die than yield, but...

Tuoba Xiu found that he was thinking too far, and Su Jin was still in a one-hundred-layer ladder space, far from reaching the three-hundred level. The opponent not only had to pass the three-hundred mark, but also had to defeat the chief priest. Complete the trial!

It's impossible to think about it.

Tuobaxiu thought so, his face quickly returned to normal.

"What do you think?" Tuoba Xiu asked lightly, looking at the other horror king gods.

"He is extraordinarily different--" There was a Terror King God who responded to Tuoba Xiu.

"I'm asking you what you think of the vision of the light soaring to the sky." Tuoba Xiu frowned.

Immediately, the King of Terror said to Tuoba Xiu: "As far as I can see, in the 130-story staircase space where he is, the suppression power has reached the limit he can bear, but... there is a saying It's inappropriate to say."

"Say." Tuoba Xiu felt a sudden heart, looking at this Horror King God.

"You Tuoba clan provoke this son, I am afraid it is a big trouble. The reason for the dazzling light is that his physical potential is being released under tremendous pressure!"


Many horror king gods heard this, suddenly suddenly——

"Are you optimistic about this?" Tuoba Xiu said coldly, staring at the talking King of Terror.

"It's hard to say, I always feel that he can create incredible things, maybe he can rush to the three hundred mark, it may not necessarily!"


Many horror king gods are also competing to speak.

Some are optimistic, some are devalued, in short.

Yuwenlong and Yuwen Qingcheng are also extremely upset now——

"There are so many horror kings who are optimistic about this little beast!" Yu Wenlong said bitterly, his whole body exploded like a beast, and the degree of hatred in his eyes is no different from a poisonous snake. What other horror kings say, he is natural Very concerned.

In short, as long as Su Jin, all the good things, he is extremely dissatisfied!

Yuwen Qingcheng said calmly: "It's okay. As far as I can see, he can rush to the 150th floor, which is already the limit of the limit. We may all make a fuss."

"Hope." Yuwenlong didn't dare to think about it at all. If he had paid such a heavy price, he couldn't kill Su Jin, he was sorry for the two dead brothers of the terrifying king, and he was even more ashamed of the entire Yuwen clan!


Su Jin originally had double pupils as colored pupils in disguise, but now! It's different!

Not only the frowning eyes, his eyes also burst out with an extremely strong look!

At this moment, Su Jin's mind seemed to reveal a phantom golden ancient stele. On the golden ancient stele, there are incomparably mysterious ancient characters from the Protoss. Every piece and every line seems to flash in his eyes. ——

Su Jin's pressure plummeted.

He knew this was definitely the reason for the golden ancient stele!

The golden ancient stele came from the Eternal Gods Realm, and I don't know if it has anything to do with the law enforcement league or this sky-reaching ladder trial field, but this is not something Su Jin needs to consider now!


Su Jin raised his hand.

far away!

A sky arm spans north and south! Condensate directly! The horrific level of the arm that day is absolutely unprecedented, and there is no one to come! The key is that around this sky arm, there are terrible rules condensed by the cloak, and each one is like a living mountain, like a dragon, like a snake!


Loud noise.

This is one hundred and thirty floors, but Su Jin's condensed sky arm directly penetrated fifty floors, and there was no one at all, and it was still tearing!

Starting from the 130th floor and finally to the 199th floor, they were all torn apart by the palm of the sky arm! But the 200th floor of the staircase space is a mark of over a hundred, which is extremely difficult to break!

With long hair, Su Jin's expressionless face was blown by the storm of space, and it seemed that the eternal age could not suppress his arrogance!


On the one hundred and ninety-ninth floor, an extremely strange imaginary brilliance gradually rose up around Su Jin. In that imaginary brilliance, the ancient golden **** character, like a scripture, flew up and down.

At the same time, Su Jin's eyes are gradually converging into a grayish blue——


Su Jin stepped to the 200th mark!

Immediately afterwards, he was like a ghost, as if he looked at the rules of heaven and earth, and even the suppression of the stairs to the sky, directly and strangely integrated into the step space on the 201st floor——

"Wear... through?"

The Enforcement League, I don’t know how many horror kings and gods, staring at all this in amazement, this situation is simply unheard of. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, who would believe it?

"Huh! Tian Mi." Tuoba Xiu's fist in his sleeves was creaked by him.

"Can the Secret of the Sky be obtained by the Protoss?" There is a King God, not the Terror King God, and asked from a distance.

"Yes! Only extraordinary gods will not give up the secrets of the sky, but the secrets of the sky are too few and too few in the heavens. There have been several gods who have successfully refined the secrets of the sky, but after the fall, the secrets of the sky will fly again. Go and disappear into the heavens, waiting for the next chance."

"For the time being, he used the power of the sky secret to pass through the ladder space, but... but the ancient gods handwriting surrounding him, even if we look at it now, it is still jerky. Can you see the meaning?"

"He really is the **** of great fortune! He has been so good at a young age, have you just seen it? The rules of the King of Terror wrapped around the arm that day, even in the law enforcement league, there are few people who can compare with it— —"

"It's too powerful. If he goes to the three hundred levels, I wonder if he can compare with the chief priest."


It can be said.

Su Jin can go now, not to mention the Nalan clan, the Yuwen clan, the Chu family, and even the entire law enforcement alliance are unbelievable——


Almost one step is a big step space!

Two hundred and twenty-five floors!

Two hundred and thirty-seven floors!

Two hundred... sixty-three floors!

Getting closer!

Now every step that Su Jin has taken has suffocated Yuwenlong and Yuwen Qingcheng, and the unclear premonition became stronger and stronger--

"Almost!" Yu Wenlong wiped the sweat from his forehead. He is a terrifying king god, the new patriarch Yuwen, who also sweats!

Similarly, Yuwen Qingcheng also fell with each step, and his face became worse and worse--

Two hundred and seventy-one floors!

Two hundred and eighty-two floors!

Two hundred and ninety-nine floors!

Under the incredible gaze of all the Terror King Gods, Su Jin stood on the level three hundred!

"Three hundred floors, three hundred floors--" Tuobaxiu was a little gaffey, and the murderous intent in his heart became more and more intense. This son must never stay, absolutely!


There is also the chief priest.

As long as the chief priest beheads this child in the 300th floor of the ladder space, all threats will be eliminated! Tuobaxiu can only pin his hopes on the chief priest now!

Who can imagine this scene!

Who can count!

East of Beishan——

Strong cheers broke out among the Nalan clan! What if there are many elders from law enforcement leagues nearby! Their Nalan clan, under the leadership of Su Jin, had already stood up in a short time!

"The third hundredth floor! Is it considered to have passed the test!" Nalan Moran wanted to follow the clan **** and cheered, but she always felt a little uneasy.

"I don't know, the law enforcement alliance is acting, and it is impossible to figure it out—" Mrs. Xuanji also took a deep breath. Although I don't know if it is passed, she finally completed a stage of achievement!

"Mother, no gods will dare to look down upon our Nalan gods!" Nalan Xiaoyue was also excited--

"Our Nalan clan has suffered humiliation and humiliation over the past few months! Even the Yuwen clan has been chasing us, and we live to a group of humble rats!"

The Nalan Protoss cried and cried loudly. Now that the depression is completely eliminated, Su Jin's reputation in the entire Nalan Protoss has increased infinitely!

"Three hundred levels...Why haven't the trial been over yet?" Nalan Protoss couldn't help asking.

"The city lord is standing at the 300th pass. The elders of the previous law enforcement alliance also said that they need to step to the 300th pass. They should have announced that the city lord has passed the trial!"

"I don't know, it's weird."

"The city lord is standing at the 300th pass, and he hasn't moved for ten breaths. He... he should also be waiting for the law enforcement league to announce--"

Three hundred closed.

In this stair space, there are blurry scenes everywhere, and the terrifying suppression will make this space world collapse all the time!

Su Jin seemed to be aware, and calmly said with a hand: "Get out!"

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