My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3874: Big talk?

get out?

Above the three hundred levels, Su Jin's tone could still be so indifferent! That's not the third level-

It's the 300th level!

Beyond Beishan.

Many people were shocked by Su Jin's arrogant tone.

Especially Yuwenlong, Yuwen Qingcheng!

Yuwen Qingcheng’s beautiful figure is now shaking slightly. The price paid by her Chu family and Yuwen clan is not enough to make Su Jin die on the spot——

"Little beast!" Yuwenlong's hated teeth were almost broken. "At more than a hundred levels, he was already difficult to move forward. In that state, he can't pretend, but now, he is standing now. The 300th level, why is it easier than the 100th level!"


If I knew this, it would be better to directly ask the chief priest to take action at the 90th pass, otherwise the price would not be so heavy!

"We can't, the chief priest of the law enforcement league can definitely do it!" Yuwen Qingcheng trembled.


Is it really that easy?

Yu Wenlong felt that it was not that simple. In the 300th step space, Su Jin could still find the existence of the chief priest, which showed that Su Jin's combat power had not affected much.

If so, it would be miserable——

Su Jin now.

It was indeed not as difficult as before, because of the golden ancient monument, he seemed to be no longer suppressed by this stepped world, although there were still some obstacles, but for him, he did not care too much.

"Under the suppression power of the 300 level, you can still find me, you... indeed have the strength of the King of Terror."

The mysterious voice gradually began to appear as circles of halo began to appear. Su Jin raised his head and looked up to the sky. The colorful halo is still expanding!

"I've already stepped on the 300th level, and I'm considered to have passed the trial." Su Jin's voice is extremely cold, because the other party has not announced it, so he feels that there should be a more difficult level waiting for him!

"Defeat me, and you will be recognized by the Enforcement League and the entire Eternal God Realm!"


That has occupied most of the center of the halo of the sky, and a black robe Terror King God manifested from the most central position!

Su Jin was very surprised.

This is the King of Terror. It’s true, but the King of Terror that Su Jin encountered is not too small, but no one can compare to this King of Terror. Even... even just by feeling, he can I feel that there is a big gap.

Before, the strongest horror king that Su Jin encountered should be Yuwenbo——

But if Yu Wenbo is compared with the existence of this mysterious black robe, it is no different from a mess of shit, that is the gap that can be seen with the naked eye!

"Who are you?" Su Jin said coldly.

"Law Enforcement League, one of the three chief priests, the chief priest of darkness. Below the chief priest." The chief priest of darkness lightly opened his eyes, and the massive coercion swept over like a storm!


Six eyes.

Su Jinzhen didn't encounter the existence of this kind of progression, the other party had out of the eyes under his brow, and on his forehead, two pairs of vertical eyes were arranged in a very regular manner!

"Law Enforcement League? I'm here to try on the ladder. Can your Enforcement League intervene in this way?" Su Jin sneered. In fact, he said that this is also a little questioning—

After all, the Yuwen clan has blood and deep hatred with him, if this is not Yuwenlong's insidious trick, he would not believe in killing him.

"The law enforcement league represents all the rules. Whether you can pass the trial, the law enforcement league has the final say, and you, you have to defeat me now to be considered affirmed." The dark chief priest stared at Su Jin with six eyes, which seemed right. Su Jin's combat power was interested.

As one of the three main priests, I rarely meet people who are interested. To be honest, this Su Jin can walk three hundred levels, even he is very surprised-

"Then fight!"

A soft cry.

It's Jianming!

At the feet of Su Jin, a vast and profound divine sword appeared, and the sword seemed to have a golden dragon lying on its body, lifelike!

The vague light and shadow around, and the vague space, seemed to freeze under the sword of "walking on the road"!

The dark chief priest smiled and brushed his robe sleeve lightly. In the space of three hundred steps, all the blur was swept away, and all around, including Su Jin's feet, turned into an extremely dark black starry sky——

In this darkness, even the starlight cannot be manifested!


This dark chief priest can actually put pressure on Su Jin!

You know, how confident Su Jin is in his own strength now? After all, he had killed the existence of the King of Terror, and he was not one or two!

But this dark chief priest made him truly feel the threat, death threat!

Trial beyond the stele mountain--

When Tuobaxiu saw the dark chief priest who was one of the three major priests, he was relieved for no reason. The dark chief priest made a move. It should be stable. Among the three chief priests, although he is not the strongest existence, he still Can be ranked second, and the gap between the three main priests is actually very small, so small that it can even be ignored!

"The Dark Lord! The position is below the leader of the law enforcement! The battle is strong and invincible!" Many horror kings are already a little embarrassed.

Even most of the horror king gods looked at Su Jin from outside the stele mountain, with some sympathy--

"Being able to die in the hands of the dark chief priest, he is enough to laugh in the world, because the three major chief priests enjoy a long and invincible loneliness. Every chief priest does not know how many years have not been shot. The last time I saw the chief priest shot, It was 90,000 years ago," said the Horror King God.

"The black python robe, I didn't expect it to be the chief priest of darkness, and today, it is destined to become a record-setting event! After all, the chief priest of darkness is not dealing with an existence in the eternal gods, but a **** of inspiration!"

"Enjoy death! The dark chief priest is no longer an existence he can overcome! He will turn into black ashes, like the stars in the dark time and space, and fade away!"

"The chief priest, how can he challenge--"


The Nalan family.

Every face is full of shock!

No **** speaks.

Because the chief priest of darkness is an absolute nightmare for the law enforcement league, and for any god, king god, and horror king **** in the eternal realm!

Rather than provoke the chief priest, it's better to stop yourself!

Su Jin naturally didn't know the horror of the dark chief priest, even though the coercion was still erupting, but was he... an existence that could be despised by anyone?

Obviously not!

Step on the road! Su Jin's momentum is also rising! He did not retreat even half a step--

"It's good to be able to stay under my coercion and not retreat, you...very good." The dark priest feels more and more interesting. This little guy can always surprise him. He originally thought that this battle would be very boring. The process ended, but now, not only has the opponent not retreated, but the coercion is also rising sharply. It is obvious that he wants to resist.

Not bad.

Don't be afraid, dare to have the heart to resist, if this son can survive in the hands of his dark priest today, the future can be expected!

"This king is outside, there are few opponents, you also surprised this king." Su Jin stepped on the sword, holding his fist on his back, and said without counseling.

"The pressure on the Three Hundred Level has been lifted. I just don't know if you can fight for a while, can you still be so arrogant! Moreover, you are too young, the entire Eternal God Realm is as young as yours, not many." The dark chief priest said calmly.

"To be honest, don't talk about the three hundred levels, even if you step on the 999th floor, the top of the sky-reaching staircase, I don't care at all such coercion!"

Su Jin paused, and then said, "Since you have done this, the king will also let you not use 100% of your strength--"

Don't show... all strength?

The dark chief priest was stunned.

He was dumbfounded.

As everyone knows, the dark chief priest is highly respected, and it is impossible to speak wild words, but now... now, the **** of foreign appeal, dare to speak out? !

The entire law enforcement league--

There was a terrible exclamation all out!

Among them, there are many horror king gods such as Tuobaxiu!

To know.

When did the three main priests in the Eternal God Realm encounter this situation! This is no longer a wild word, but a rampant talk. It means to ignore the many powerful existences of the Eternal God's Domain——

"When did such a madman appear among the gods of the heavens!" Tuoba Xiu was a little angry, and Su Jin looked down on the Yuwen clan, the Chu family, and even the Tuoba family, that's all!


Even the dark chief priest, one of the three chief priests, didn't take it seriously.

The Nalan clan, Mrs. Xuanji, Nalan Moran, and Nalan Xiaoyue, all had their faces dull. They thought that Su Jin would be very difficult to pass, but they didn't expect... At this moment, facing the dark chief priest, one of the three chief priests. , The city owner can even... so confident!


In the eyes of Nalan Moran and Mrs. Xuanji, this is self-confidence!

The real self-confidence of the strong!

"City Lord!" Elder Chengfeng is now a little energetic. If the Nalan clan does not believe in all the gods, all kings and gods, and all gods in the law enforcement league, he... believes!

Because Su Jin could have avoided taking over the mess of the Nalan clan! After all, it is irrational to get into trouble on your own body!

And now, facing the dark chief priest, one of the three chief priests, he may disappear at any time if he underestimates the enemy, and even be pinched to death by the opponent in an instant——

Su Jin... The city lord of the eternal capital where the Nalan family is located, in the eyes of Elder Chengfeng, if he is not sure, how dare he risk his life to say this?

"Just... he said... he said he wants to let the dark chief priest?" Nalan Mo Ran woke up from the sluggishness, how could this be possible!

In the past, even her father, City Lord Nalan, was not qualified to see the Dark Lord before he died. If there is a serious matter to discuss, when the Dark Lord Lord of Sword has to kneel and worship!

This is the rule! It is also the rules of the law enforcement league-

so horrible.

"Wait for the dark chief priest, take off all his skin, muscles and bones! His mouth will also be torn!" Yu Wenlong was furious, he had seen Su Jin's power.

Although every method is weird, how can it be impossible to reach the point of being comparable to the dark chief priest——

Yuwen Qingcheng is also full of murderous intentions now. Her Chu family and Yuwen clan are desperate and there is no way out!

Until now.

The dark chief priest came back to his senses.

Let... let him?

Although it sounded like a child's joke, the Dark Lord still couldn't help but look at Su Jin, and took a long look at——

A moment, after silence.

The dark chief priest pointed to the dark starry sky and slowly said: "No matter how proud the stars are, one day they will fade away. You may be a good opponent, but the gap between you and me is like the boundless stars and This place is so far away, so far away!"


Su Jinyun was calm, his left hand was still behind with a fist, and his right hand, he didn't look at it, so he lifted it up gently, "Is it because I have a trial level, and you will only pass if you cut it? Or defeat it. ——"

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