My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3875: Dark circle

Kill me?

The dark chief priest was taken aback again.

He was amused directly.

Then, the dark chief priest nodded and said: "If you have the ability to kill me, that would be a blessing for the old man three lives!"

Su Jin did not have any expression on his face, he raised his right hand, and slowly said again: "My right hand represents the way of heaven. The condensed sword is the sword of heaven. You said that the stars will last forever, but I seem to see a pearl of dust. , To wash away the lead bloom, and then to shine the world again—"


Sword sounds again!

Su Jin Tiandao's right arm, the hand of Tiandao, the light is shining, his now condensed divine sword is quite extraordinary, gently sweeping the sky! Above this black darkness, the little stars in the sky really light up!

The dark chief priest was a little stunned, because only he knew how difficult it was to make this step in the Heavenly Stairs! And here is the step space of the third hundredth level——

"You will be defeated by your self-confidence. You exist like you. As long as you fail once, you will never stand up. And I will be a mountain that you cannot pass!"

The dark chief priest snorted softly, and in the colorful halo around him, there were gradually countless dark patterns like thin snakes gathering in front of him!

Space begins to shake!

The hands of the dark chief priest are condensed into claws, and the dark horror rules are constantly gathered in front of him——

The big shock of space began to increase exponentially!

Up to the nine hundred and ninety-nine floor and down to the first floor, every step space began to become unstable! Those outside gods who are in the trial and test, all have the feeling of a catastrophe coming——

This feeling is very real!

"what happened?"

In the fifth-level stair space, Zhang Yuelu and Fang Renxue were in a low valley, and they also felt the shock——

"Could anyone pass the fifth-level ladder test? According to time, it won't be so fast." Fang Renxue was very surprised. She didn't even know it was the man she looked down on...

"The Enforcement League is the authority of the Eternal Gods Realm. At this time, there is no word from the world. There is no announcement. We should be in no danger. I am afraid. Most of the gods of trials have come to the fifth dimension. I don't know what happened to my brother... …"

Zhang Yuelu was a little worried, and she regretted not persuading Su Jin. At that time, she still thought Su Jin would turn around—

However, he did not look back for them.

And when Zhang Yuelu found this valley, she deliberately paid attention to the surrounding area, but did not notice the existence of Su Jin, so now she knew nothing about where her "little brother" went.

"If he finds a cave to hide, he won't die, he can beat anyone with his strength."

Fang Renxue hesitated for a while and said again: "Fortunately, most of the gods don’t want to kill, they will only ask for the'clearance jade slip'. He should be in no danger. As long as he meets it, he will give him a sigh. 'Clear the jade slip' is good."

"I hope so..." Zhang Yuelu sighed.

"After the trial is over, you should be able to see him, don't worry." Fang Renxue said.


of course.

They are only in the ‘fifth floor’ ladder space, and almost all the trial gods have only rushed to this level. How do they know the scene far beyond the 300th level——

Three hundred close!

The dark chief priest's claws lightly closed, and the terrible means condensed from the dark lines seemed to be able to swallow all the brilliance, even the colorful halo around him had a faint tendency to be involved in it!

"Are you ready!" The dark chief priest is now boiling, feeling that the long-lost blood is burning!

"You're free--" Su Jin raised his hand and pointed his sword at the dark chief priest.

"it is good!"

The dark chief priest hunts and hunts in a python robe, and the dark vortex in his claws is like a spatial black hole erupting to the outside, just a whirlpool!

"Darkness! Big wheel!" The dark chief priest released his claws, and the surrounding void walls burst into pieces!

Su Jin was pressed by the aura like thousands of mountains. He moved his feet ten inches slightly, turning the state of the sword to protect him with a sword!


All darkness, like a living thing, was swallowed by the "Dark Cycle". The only remaining stars in the sky, like a trickle, were quickly swept in by the increasingly terrifying dark vortex!

This dark chief priest is indeed super!

If it can be cut off, in the Land of Glazed Glass soon, it will be missing a peerless enemy!

The power of the first round of darkness is here!


The sword that Su Jin was protecting in front of him began to condense a wonderful and incomparable divine flower, which seemed to be a vast and boundless barrier, much like an air wall, but with the color, and the color of the light wall!




The two powers fought each other. Although the Dark Lord’s "Dark Wheel" offensive was fierce, the appalling dark vortex could not pass the wall, and was kept outside the colored light wall——

This! The dark chief priest originally valued Su Jin's strength very much, but in his heart, there was no reason why the opponent could not be defeated by him!

But now, what is the situation? The kendo of the opponent's "Treading the Road" series has a faint taste that surpasses that of the "Treading the Road". Although those kendo light walls are beginning to shatter, they can obviously be held!

Su Jin's face was just like before, without any solemn meaning at all--

Law Enforcement League, near Beishan!

Yu Wenlong also broke out with a terrifying momentum, he took a step backwards, his hair began to shed, and his two eyes were about to stare out, staring straight at the scene in the 300th level——

"This little beast! The little beast can block the magical powers of the dark chief priest!" The expression on Yu Wenlong's face is as terrible as it is.

"Broken." Although Yuwen Qingcheng didn't say anything, he already had a bad feeling in his heart!

Extension repair.

Do the King of Terror!

There was no sound.

In the stele mountain, that one god, one sword, seems to have created an indelible impression on these terrifying king gods——

a long time.

Only when the King of Terror broke the silence, he asked: "The Yuwen clan, the Chu family, is it really wise to offend this son?"

Because of the presence of Tuoba Xiu, many horror king gods dare not speak bluntly, but as things have progressed to the present, who can guarantee that Su Jin will really die at the 300th level? !

"This son is terrible, the Dark Lord's "Dark Wheel", but the famous horror king divine art! With a sword, he can resist for so long!" The horror king said again.

"Are those walls of air? The power of "Dark Cycle" is constantly causing cracks in it, but with the blessing of this son, the cracks in it are also quickly repaired. The trick of the Dark Lord is probably difficult. Kill him."

"It's really surprising enough, a **** who is inspired from outside has such a terrifying power. If it weren't for him to go through the trials of the King of Terror, who would pay attention to us old guys!"

"The Nalan clan, the city lord died violently. They existed in name only and were to be divided into clan gods by other protoss, but now... it's different! This Nalan clan has simply picked up a treasure—"

"The dark priest's face is not quite right, the power of this son has exceeded his expectations!"

"Is it possible that this son really didn't use all his power? You must know that the one who is fighting against him is the dark chief priest, one of the three chief priests! Is it so big?"


far away.

All the gods of the Yuwen clan are all bowing their heads!

On the other side, the Nalan clan cheered in unison! Even if there are many horror king gods, they dare to do so!

"Damn Yuwenlong." The horror in Tuobaxiu's eyes has not subsided, but he has hated the Yuwen clan and the Chu clan in his heart. If they hadn't troubled the Nalan clan before, why did he offend Su Jin!

Something really happened--

In the law-enforcement league, all those who saw this scene were transmitting their voices, calling their friends and friends, and even many protoss called their Patriarchs to witness this world war!

At this time.

The Dark Lord is still blessing this "Dark Wheel"! But gradually, he saw a scene and felt humiliated--

Su Jin held the sword in front of him with his right arm, and the air wall could make up for it at any time, and he was even relaxed, with an extra wine jar in his left hand!

Grab the wine jar and drink!

"You..." The dark chief priest's voice was also like eternal ice.

"The Dark Cycle is really good, do you want me to praise you? The Dark Lord?" Su Jin took a sip of wine and looked at the other party and asked.

"What I want is a dignified battle! There is no one who will let anyone! You do this, let this king in the eternal realm of God, how to face! You humiliate me so much, it is better to use all your strength and take my head off, I... It can be considered as a clear name for the rest of the world!" The dark priest did not cover up his voice, he wanted a hearty battle.

Rather than that.

Su Jin grabbed the wine jar in one hand, glanced at the dark chief priest somewhat unexpectedly, nodded and said, "Okay—"

On the occasion.

The mysterious ancient words that can only appear on the "Golden Ancient Stele" around Su Jin seemed to flash in the dark, and then he took a step forward!



The Dark Lord's eyes widened!

"Dark Cycle", although not the strongest horror king magic of the Dark Lord, it is not so! Now, the appalling dark vortex, as Su Jin took a step forward, was being forced back by unpredictable power!

This is impossible!

The dark chief priest couldn't help but look at Su Jin's face again--

So young, so cultivated, so... overbearing!

Who is he!

He comes from what family!

Where was the original birth?

The shock on the face of the dark chief priest absolutely surpassed any time in Pingsheng. In the end, he calmed down his mood and said: "This battle, I will not kill you. Afterwards, you are willing to sit under my seat and become the one under my seat. Bin? I can even accept you as the closed disciple, are you willing?"

Cherish talent!

The dark chief priest is very talented!

If it is an ordinary Terror King God, kill it if you kill it. But this young man is absolutely extraordinary in the future, and if this young man falls through his hands, it will definitely be an unbearable loss for the Eternal God Realm——

Su Jin was a little dumb, the other party did not show any real power, and this "Dark Cycle" was not the other party's method of suppressing the box, the other party... still can confidently defeat him!

"Thanks to you, but Su, I don't want to!" Su Jin said lightly.

Not willing!

Do you still want to enter the door of the Dark Lord?

Many elders of the law enforcement league, the King of Terror, were all frightened by Su Jin's words! You know, this is definitely an opportunity that will never happen in a lifetime. I never thought that I was so lightly rejected--

"What a crazy kid!" There was a terrifying king shouting.

"The dark chief priest, what a position, such a solicitation, he is unwilling! The tattered Nalan Protoss, compared with the dark chief priest, the gap is like a galaxy star sea, he... unexpectedly unwilling!"

"This son is really arrogant. Doesn't he really think that he can overcome the dark priest? This is wishful thinking and absolutely impossible!"

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