My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3876: Unsolvable Sword

"The dark chief priest personally recruited, does this kid not know the prestige of the dark chief priest? As long as he speaks, I don't know how many horror kings will smash their heads—"

"The foreign savage **** dare to speak to the chief priest like this, but he has some strength, but it is useless to have strength. The chief priest possesses several horror king divine arts. "Dark Wheel" is just the weakest one. It's just surgery."

"I heard that no one has been able to force the dark chief priest to use the strongest technique. I am afraid this kid still doesn't understand. When he stands opposite the dark chief priest, he is doomed to lose."

"The barbaric **** is the barbaric god, who has never seen the world."


Naturally, Su Jin would not care about the words outside the mountain of stele. Those horror king gods could not be compared with the Dark Lord, even if it was Tuoba Xiu, he would be very easy to cut it.

When the dark chief priest heard Su Jin's refusal, he smiled and said: "Wait for you to join the Eternal Gods Realm, get the approval of our law enforcement alliance, understand my reputation, and it will not be too late to refuse."

After all, Su Jin is the **** of foreign appeal.

I don't know that his dark chief priest is also normal.

"Needless to say, no matter who you are, you can't shake my decision. To refuse now is to refuse forever--" Su Jin took another step.

The dark vortex formed by "Dark Cycle" is still being pushed back by Bisujin. It is as if he is walking behind a colorful wall of air. Every step forward, the vortex will be squeezed to the back.

The dark chief priest frowned slightly.

Forget it!

If he can't solicit, he can't kill it.

Eternal God's Realm has rarely seen such enchanting evil, so cut it, if the leader hears of this, I am afraid it will be unavoidable.

"If you can catch my "Dark Cycle", you can already rank in the forefront of all the horror kings of the law enforcement league. Unfortunately, your defeat is already doomed." It was the dark chief priest who said to Su Jin.

"is it?"

The colorful ‘air wall’ in front of Su Jin suddenly disappeared——

"Dark Wheel" also suddenly stopped the decline and came directly! That kind of ferocious trend feels like swallowing is involved!

Although the colorful'air wall' in front of Su Jin disappeared, his posture holding the divine sword in front of him has not changed. Now he seems to be standing on the reckless and tumbling river. The power is destroyed!


Su Jin gently pushed forward the "Excalibur" that was blocking him, and swept it away!

"What a fast sword!" The dark chief priest was taken aback--


Outside the stele mountain, many of the existence of the horror king and **** level could not see the traces of the sword swung by that divine sword!


Absolute suffocation.

Su Jin's sword swept across the vortex of "Dark Cycle", and the huge black vortex was shattered by a scene of sword light, and stood in countless black black light! The stars in the sky also seem to be spreading out from this sword!

"What's the trick? Do it--" Su Jin yelled at the dark priest.

The dark chief priest was secretly horrified. He originally thought that Su Jin was just arrogantly resisting before, but never thought that the most powerful state of "Dark Cycle" was also directly smashed by that terrible sword light——

"It seems to be taken seriously." The dark chief priest thought in his heart.

Collect the sword.

Su Jin held the divine sword in his right hand, waiting for the next move of the Dark Lord Priest.

"Unexpectedly, the strength of the city lord can actually be comparable to that of the dark chief priest." Nalan Xiaoyue grasped her mother's arm, her heart was completely occupied by complexity and panic.

At that time, it was fortunate that Su Jin didn't care about her, otherwise he would completely offend Su Jin and it would be the destruction of the entire Nalan clan at that time!

"I can't see it now." Mrs. Xuanji took a deep breath.

"At least from the current point of view, the dark chief priest has not taken advantage of the city lord's hands." The elder Chengfeng is now excited and hastily said to Mrs. Xuanji.

"Very realistic." Nalan Mo Ran sighed.

"Reality?" Nalan Xiaoyue looked at Nalan Moran.

Nalan Moran nodded and said silently: "Look at those Protoss, Tuoba Clan, Chu Clan, Yuwen Clan, and even Wild Clan, looking at us..."

Mrs. Xuanji was also very relieved, and nodded and said: "It is true. Among the Protoss, the strong are respected. Because of Su Jin, our gods, even if they are not as good as those of the horror king gods, have received responses. Some respect—"

"In the future, I will work hard to cultivate and become the King of Terror as soon as possible." Nalan Moran somehow felt a strong resentment in his heart!

At least become the King of Terror, and will not be despised by any Protoss! Now, although the Nalan clan has gained the awe of their clan here, it is all because of Su Jin!

"Xiaoyue, can you hear what my sister said?" Mrs. Xuanji patted Nalan Xiaoyue on the shoulder and asked.

Nalan Xiaoyue could only nod her head.

She knew that the hope of becoming the King of Horror was very small. Some Kings could not be promoted after all their lives. It was so easy.

Not to mention the King of Terror, being able to become the King of God is already a matter of high incense in the family——


Outside discussion.

It can't affect the dark chief priest and Su Jin in the slightest--

The dark chief priest had obvious hesitation, and slowly said: "Next, I will perform a trick. If you can't bear it, let me stop. Then I will announce that you have passed the trial of the King of Terror!"

"My king, I don't want to make you embarrassed!" From the tone of Su Jin, he obviously didn't want to sell the other side's face, and then deliberately said again: "Yuwen, the horror king of the clan, Yuwenlong, wants to pull other families to kill me in the law enforcement alliance! I and them are mortal enemies, we don't share the same spirit!"

The meaning in Su Jin's words is particularly obvious.

If it weren't for the benefits, how could Su Jin's trial test be at the 300 level! Su Jin felt that he had exceeded the standard when he had more than a hundred levels. When the Dark Lord appeared before, he had already understood everything!

The Yuwen family, the Chu family, want him to die on the customs clearance ladder——

Yuwenlong and Yuwen Qingcheng, let the Dark Lord sacrifice him to death!

The dark chief priest is also a little depressed now--

I wonder why Yuwenlong would kill you so urgently? That's not because you killed the two horror kings of the Yuwen clan! This is not to say that it is the Yuwen clan, if you change to any **** clan, I am afraid it will be difficult to let you go!

Su Jin watched the dark chief priest be silent, and couldn't help but speak again: "I don't need any existence, and do you really think this is the real strength of this king? It's ridiculous! You should be careful of your old fate—"

"Good good!"

The dark chief priest kept three good words, and then said: "So, I can let go of my hand, and I won't be afraid to hurt you!"

Just now, Su Jin smashed "Dark Cycle" with a single sword, and the Dark Lord was quite surprised——

He thought.

This is Su Jin's strongest sword, the strongest method, who knows that even so, he hasn't forced Su Jin to use his full strength.

"Just let the horse come here." Su Jin's robe fluttered in the wind, waiting for the opponent to take action.

The Dark Lord nodded, "This technique is the second technique of my Terror King Divine Technique, called: Dark Sky Break! Once this technique is used, there is nothing left, you... be careful!"


The loud noise appeared almost simultaneously with the dark chief priest!

I saw the dark chief priest raised his foot fiercely and stomped under his feet. Thousands of pieces of dark space, like a black butterfly with wings, slowly rose!

In the sky, countless Jianxia stars are obscured——

Su Jin did not look up, and he knew that this technique was ferocious.

It was a black Taoist map that Su Jin had never seen before. That kind of map seemed to be out of the scope of the Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces. It resembled the art of totem, but it seemed that there was no shortage of five elements, which was extremely strange.

But Su Jin was not surprised.

The dark chief priest can be so powerful, naturally, he has some foundation, and it is normal to be able to realize such a terrible "Terror King Divine Art".


In the entire dark staircase space, countless pieces of space fragments are being peeled away. Those space fragments are like glass, but they are still slowly rising.

"The flow of time has also slowed down at this moment." Su Jin looked around, and there was no longer the figure of the dark chief priest.

The point is that this terrifying magic technique that can slow down the flow of time even affected Su Jin!

You know, who is Su Jin?

Mastering the "Wheel of Time", his perception of time is not comparable to ordinary existences. The time perception of the dark chief priest mixed in "Dark Sky Break" can actually affect him!

Su Jin shook his shoulders slightly, and he was no longer affected by the flow of time around him, as if his Dao body had been isolated--

"That's OK?" The dark chief priest couldn't see what Su Jin did.

Just shake your shoulders?

The Dark Lord was dumbfounded, such a situation is really hard to see! And let alone Su Jin, even if a hundred horror kings and gods are now in this space, they are probably as slow as a snail, and it takes several breathing times to open their eyes.

Moreover, in terms of such a flow of time, no matter how powerful the existence is, it cannot escape here before the fall of "Dark Sky Breaker"!

"The second horror king divine technique "Dark Skybreaker"! I heard that this technique killed millions of evil evil gods countless years ago, and no one has been able to resist it!" There is a horror king **** outside the monument mountain. Amazed.

"The space, time and space, and even the years will be under the control of the Dark Lord Priest, but the young man seems to be the same as before, as if he has not been affected!"

"How could it not be affected! Here, all the horror kings of our law enforcement alliance are stationed in it, and only the dark chief priest can suppress us all! Of course, based on our understanding of the dark chief priest, it is impossible to let him release This technique, because when he used this technique "Dark Sky Breaker", we had already escaped!"

"Shake his shoulders, and years will no longer affect him? This is fine too—"

"The dark chief priest is too strong, but this young man seems extremely confident! Otherwise, why doesn't he run away? If we are, we have already been spitting out under that picture--"

No one can understand Su Jin's approach.


Not in his dictionary.

The Dark Lord of Su Jin’s Land is watching him somewhere. Perhaps, the power of "Darkness Overwhelming" can hurt the Dark Lord himself. Otherwise, how do you say "Nothing exists"——

On the wine jar in his left hand, Su Jin raised his head and swallowed alcohol!

Soon, Su Jin threw the wine jar aside elegantly, appealing to a thousand madness in his eyes, holding a sword in his right hand, raising his finger in his left hand, pointing to the sky!

"Who said there are no stars! This is the Milky Way!" Su Jin's left hand pointed--

A hero's star and galaxy was condensed in an instant!

"Hedong, it's a sword!"

"Hexi, it's a sword!"

"The world is a sword!"

There was a sword sound, and it appeared inadvertently, although it was small and unspeakable, but it could be heard!




More and more swords mingled all over the world!

One inch of sword light, ten inches, tens of thousands, like fireflies, and like flowers blooming on both sides, converge on both sides of the stars and galaxies!

Su Jin put his left hand on the hilt of the sword in front of his right hand, and started his sword!

In all directions, a large space, the inch of light is like a bubble on the water, slowly expanding, then expanding! At Su Jin, an indescribable divine sword, as if it could span a galaxy in width, appeared to break through the ground!

"This sword...why?" The voice of the dark chief priest resounded! Ask Su Jin!

"The sword of no solution."

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