My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3877: Unparalleled momentum!

The sword of no solution!

Hearing this, the Dark Lord priest did not speak any more, he might also want to see and see, Su Jin’s skill "Sword of Incomprehension" is better than his own "Dark Sky Breaker"!

In the dark space of the 300th level of the entire clearance ladder----

The prosperity of the sword seems to have begun.

This sword is not only outside the mountain of steles, even the trial monks in the first three hundred levels, they also feel the kind of sword power that makes their heart palpitations!

In the valley.

Zhang Yuelu's look in Fang Renxue's eyes always felt a sense of distress. She felt the problem from the beginning, but she hadn't explained it, so now Fang Renxue always treats her as a male cultivator.

It is impossible to say that it is not embarrassing.

But when that kind of sword power immediately affected the soul, Zhang Yuelu's face suddenly changed--

Even if Fang Renxue is not a sword repairer, her "Sword of the King God" is now trembling fiercely, and they almost coincidentally appear over the valley, looking around.

"What a terrible god, what a terrible sword!"

Zhang Yuelu and Fang Renxue looked directly to the northwest. Although she didn't know where it was, she did see an almost invincible divine sword in the blurry light and shadow, slowly steaming--

"The sword intent used by the King of Terror is not something you and I can imagine. You can only look up."

Fang Renxue said, as if she couldn't bear to hit Zhang Yuelu, she said, "Brother Yuelu will be able to reach the God of Terror in the near future. I have confidence in you."

Have confidence--

Zhang Yuelu cried secretly in her heart, Fang Renxue's eyes came again, all with affection, she is now a bit complaining about Su Jin, if there is a younger brother here, maybe it will be much better, at least it can make Fang Renxue narrow her eyes. .

"Maybe." Zhang Yuelu said with a guilty conscience.

after all.

Where is the King of Terror so easy to reach?

Zhang Yuelu hasn't even reached the Kingshen yet, and it's still far away. She originally hoped that with the help of the Law Enforcement League, with the advantage of'Clearing Jade Slips', she could rank in the top 1,000 and achieve the'Realm of Kings'. However, from the current point of view, there is still a chance. As for the'Terror King God' mentioned by Fang Renxue, she will not think about it anymore.

The location the two women are looking for is really good.

During this period, apart from one or two Protoss walking through the valley, there was no danger.

And now almost all the undead trial gods are gathered on the fifth floor, and there are a few talented and enchanting gods, and they have even broken the tenth floor!

"Who can use this sword intent?" Some gods also looked at the vaguely giant divine sword at the fifth trial level. The sword seemed to be not only vast, but also rising!

"Should not be the trial generation, right? This sword is too far away. If it is on the clearance ladder, it should be above hundreds of levels. We are all gods, except for a small number of evildoers that have rushed to the tenth floor. Besides, who can rush to hundreds of levels, isn’t this a silly-"

"Tongtian stairs, wonderful and infinite, maybe this is the fluctuation caused by the Tongguan stairs, not necessarily a trial of the gods——"

"Don't say that the Protoss, even if it is the King of Terror, can show such a strong kendo cultivation, I am afraid that there are not many, and this is a law enforcement alliance, who dares to make a big move here? Unless it's dead."

"The elders of the Law Enforcement League also did not show up one or two. It is good to explain, what is the situation that caused the giant sword shadow? If there is a problem with the sky ladder, if there is a danger ahead, we may have a Prepare mentally."


Under the increasing doubts of the gods of trial--

Law Enforcement League! Finally dispatched the elders, and reached the fifth level! After all, many gods of trial have not dared to go forward!

"I'm Qing Yan, the elder of the Law Enforcement League. As you can see, I have nothing to do with you. I can go through the barriers quickly and not go to war!" Elder Qing Yan is now sweating.


He was really sweaty--

He knew the situation, and he witnessed it with his own eyes outside the Enforcement League Beishan! You know, Su Jin also blackmailed him a lot of jade slips before! Fortunately, he agreed at the time, otherwise...otherwise... his life is not to be lost in this trial ladder!

"Senior, dare to ask what happened ahead?" A young man in Confucian clothing, surrounded by a group of protoss, quickly asked Elder Qingyan with his hands.

Elder Qingyan frowned slightly, as if he wouldn't be able to explain--

"There is a transcendent Protoss, it's just going through the barrier." Elder Qing Yan explained, thought about it, and said: "He is not what you can imagine. Among you, the strongest Protoss evildoer is the fastest. To the twelfth step space, and he... is currently on the 300th level!"

Elder Qingyan's last "Three hundredth pass" directly suffocated the entire fifth pass! be quiet--

The needle drop can be heard!

Three hundred levels-

How long is this! Then there is transcendence, appearing in the 300th level?

"Pre... Senior... This is absolutely impossible! How long will the trial take? How can a Protoss get to the 300th level!" The young man surrounded by many gods didn't believe it at all, but he couldn't anger Elder Qingyan, his voice Not too big.

"Impossible? It is naturally impossible on you."

Elder Qingyan was cold-eyed, and continued: "You can't reach it yourself, don't impose your incompetence on the gods of the world. Not only has the adult reached the 300th level, he is even now fighting with the Dark Lord of our law enforcement alliance. Fight!"

Speaking of the dark chief priest, Elder Qingyan arched his hands towards the northwest.

"Who is the chief priest of darkness?"

"Enforcement League, the existence under the leader! You wait to ask again, in short, the **** who breaks through the barriers and you are not at the same level!"

Elder Qingyan said and disappeared with his sleeves--

And the words of Elder Qingyan also caused a sensation among all the gods of trials!

Zhang Yuelu naturally heard the voice of Elder Qingyan, and that voice almost resounded throughout the fifth level.

"My dear, peerless strong man, I really want to know each other." Zhang Yuelu muttered.

Fang Renxue doesn't seem to be envious, after all...the kind of arrogant, they can't even touch--

And for now.

The battlefield at the 300th pass.

This magnificent scene does not seem to be flashy, that terrifying vast divine sword, the sword is roaming the dragon, and the ancient and rare divine characters are even walking on the sword!


The sword is halfway through!

Above the point of the sword, and even the entire space of the stairs, there seemed to be an enchantment formed by Jian Gang, but only Su Jin knew that it was not an enchantment, nor was it a Jian Gang! Rather, it is caused by the gathering of endless sword marks!

"I am a dark sky-breaker, not weaker than any existence!" The Dark Lord screamed, and he already felt the great threat of "Sword of Insolvency"!

Above, the sky!

The dark road map turned into by "Dark Sky Breaker" is also booming!

Fully run!

Among the Taoist pictures that covered the sky, one after another, the terrifying black sky arms, condensed their fists, as if there were thousands of them at a glance!




The dark chief priest is now full of enthusiasm, this is a rare feeling in his life! He used to rarely compete for the best, because...he was never defeated! But now, Su Jin's strength has inspired a powerful fighting spirit in his heart!


On the dark road map transformed by "Dark Sky Breaker", every arm of the sky, every fist, is shaped like a mountain range of ten thousand feet wide. Thousands of such terrifying sky arms are blasted down. What is the scene? ?

When the thousands of heavenly arms smashed down, the hilt of the "Unsolvable Sword" also revealed!

"The Sword of Unsolvable" and "Dark Skybreaker" have not yet come together, they have already created a chaotic scene! Between the two, an endless arc of destruction light is still spreading!

Beyond Beishan!

Tuobaxiu's eyes almost fell!

"Block... blocked?" Tuoba Xiu almost didn't mention it in a breath, in disbelief.

"First, I took a "Dark Circle" from the chief priest of darkness, now... now he is using "Sword of Incomprehensibility" again, and he is contending with the chief priest's "Dark Skybreaker"...what is this mysterious young protoss? The existence of——"

"Darkness is overwhelming. Since the Dark Priest achieved the status of the'Priest Priest', he has performed very few times! No one dares to challenge him with this technique. Even ninety percent of the horror kings and gods are without exception. "In The Big Wheel", but I really didn’t expect that a foreign protoss could make the dark priest feel so difficult, he... can he perform miracles?"

"Really as he said, if he doesn't die... Yuwen, Chu Family, will all perish! Now it seems that a certain family is really stupid, and everyone will take a good look. Bring the whole clan and kowtow to this protoss evildoer, begging for forgiveness—"

A horror king came slowly.

Tuoba Xiu heard the words and was about to be furious, but when he saw this terrifying king god, even if it looked like a frost-beaten eggplant, it instantly wilted. This terrifying king god, the Tuoba family could not provoke... but another great priest. disciple.

"The Dark Lord is also very surprised now, it's a pity... The Dark Skybreaker is the invincible Terror King Divine Art. Now, those tens of thousands of Terrorist Heaven Arms are directly blasting on the "Sword of Insoluble", waiting to smash the gods. Sword, this's time to go on the road." There is also the Terror King God.

"Not necessarily, at least judging from the fight between the two, the "Sword of Insolvency" seems to be extremely mysterious, and it has not fallen to the bottom! Think about it, if this son is alive, I am afraid that it is also Will instantly have any position he wants—"

"No wonder the dark chief priest's solicitation, he refused!"


just now.

The Nalan clan, Nalan Moran, is full of pride and pride!

To be able to fight against the dark chief priest to such a degree, maybe Su Jin has exceeded the expectations of all the gods! Including the entire Nalan Protoss!

At present, the two destructive techniques are still fighting fiercely!

At 300 levels, "Dark Sky Breaker" is indeed fierce! Under the bombardment of tens of thousands of sky arms, the force of each blow is no less than a layer of stars and sky to kill at an extremely high speed!

But nevertheless!

In a moment, the mask full of sword marks has not been blasted!

Boom boom boom~~~

Su Jin raised his head impressively under the "Sword of No Solution", and in his eyes, a sword was spinning rapidly in his pupils!

"You... are on the Dao map of "Dark Sky Breaker"!" Su Jin's voice, mysterious and mysterious, appeared above the nine heavens!


A golden soul directly walked out of Su Jin's body!

This golden soul is constantly rising!

Ten miles, a hundred miles, a thousand miles, a thousand miles!

If you look at it after several time and space, you can see that golden soul, like a huge giant!

Su Jin's golden primordial spirit suddenly grasped the "Sword of Insoluble"!

"Give me...broken!" Su Jin roared a terrifying sound with the golden soul, and the sound was about to pierce the eardrum! Unparalleled momentum!

The huge "Unsolvable Sword", the huge golden soul——

A sword struck the black road map on the sky!

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