My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3878: Conservation of Darkness

This sword smashed by the golden soul!

The entire "Black Road Map" transformed by the Dark Sky Breaker turned out to be like a huge floating ice, starting from the middle, it quickly began to crack!

The terrible power is affecting the Tao Tu that covers the sky! And those tens of thousands of terrifying sky arms, in an instant, turned into huge rocks, shattered by endless sword intent!

Like a broken bamboo!


The "golden light" in the eyes of the golden soul suddenly dimmed, and it instantly turned into a normal size, and walked into the deity again——

"Darkness Qingtian broke, was... was cut to pieces!" Outside the stele mountain, horror continued!

Tuoba family, Yuwen family, Chu family! Even hundreds of elders and patriarchs of the Protoss who came after hearing the news were all shocked, as if they could not accept this scene.

Under the leader, one of the three main priests, the Dark Priest, is almost invincible. What's more, this is "Dark Skybreaker", which is still the horror king divine technique used by the chief priest——

So, it's like sword cutting tofu, being chopped into pieces?

Yu Wenlong's eyes were blood-red, like an angry lion, and a low roar was coming from his throat!

He doesn't believe it--

How can this little beast compare with the Great Dark Priest? If he walks out of the Dark Great Priest alive, then the Yuwen clan...

Yuwenlong really didn't dare to think about it anymore. Earlier, his two brothers, Yuwenbo and Yuwenhai, fell. He thought it was just a trick by Su Jin and used a despicable means unknown to outsiders, but now...

Now when Yu Wenlong saw that "Dark Sky Breaker" was cut to pieces by Su Jin, he...really scared!


Yuwen Qingcheng also seemed to be out of strength, why is this happening? The difficulty of Su Jin’s trial was raised to the ‘three hundred levels’, and he couldn’t be put to death. In order to keep everything safe, he was insured and invited the Dark Lord out...

If it still doesn't work... what to do!

"Our Yuwen clan... I'm afraid..." There is a Yuwen clan god, and his confidence has begun to waver. At least for now, Su Jin has a positive momentum, and... can the Dark Lord really kill him?

Not necessarily. It's not necessarily true. Su Jin is so enchanting. If he falls, it will be a great loss to the entire Eternal God Realm and the law enforcement alliance. If he is weak, it will be fine.

But now...

"Our Yuwen clan, after we have lost two Terror King Gods, we shouldn't bother with them! It's good now, I heard that Yuwenlong has sold us, which is also good... at least we don't need to stay in Yuwen clan..." And the gods said.

"Except for some core Yuwen clan, we are all going to join another protoss. If this young man does not die on the clearance ladder, he will definitely liquidate the Yuwen clan! We need to find the right opportunity and announce our departure, otherwise there is only a dead end!"

"The patriarch... is really stupid..."

"Now, the new city lord of the Nalan clan can be compared to the Dark Lord Priest, and has received two horror king divine skills to immortal. This is no longer for us Yuwen clan to offend! I want to say... let's run away—"

"Things reversed so quickly. The Nalan clan who fled in embarrassment before, the retribution of immortal coming to our Yuwen clan?"

"You know how difficult it is to get to the 300th level! This is enough to represent his strength, and now, he seems to have been appreciated by the Dark High Priest again, and the Dark High Priest will probably not kill him. Then... The patriarch, I’m afraid... it won’t end well!"

"It would be great if the former patriarch did not die. At least patriarch Yuwenbo could make a wise decision. It's a pity... now even if Yuwenlong kneels down to Su Jin for a living, he probably won't agree."

"Ah, look, the Dark Lord worships him..."

Law Enforcement League.

Suddenly there was no sound.

Every face is filled with endless disbelief, and almost no one is sluggish! They looked at the scene at the 300th level, and indeed felt a little horrible—

Yuwen family.

Chu family.

Tuoba family.

All king gods, terrifying king gods, patriarchs, and all elders of the law enforcement league all have one expression, that is shock! sluggish!

Even the Nalan clan is like this——

Three hundred closed.

Su Jin guessed right. The reason why the dark chief priest could not be perceived before, could not be seen by his divine pupils, disappeared into that piece of darkness, is precisely above the "Dark Road Map"!

Now the "Dark Road Map" transformed by "Dark Sky Breaker" has been smashed by Su Jin, and after the sky full of black light disappeared, the figure of the dark chief priest naturally appeared-

A drop of blood silently dripped from the palm of the dark chief priest's right hand.

Just after "Sword of Unsolvable", after smashing the Dao map of "Dark Sky Break", the remaining prestige was shocking. Almost the moment when the Dao diagram was broken, the remaining prestige was almost instantly locked by Su Jin. position.

The dark chief priest can only choose to carry it hard... His right hand also took the sword with his bare hands! That's why I was injured--

""The Sword of No Solution", what a sword of no solution!" The Dark Lord raised his right hand and looked at the temporarily unhealable wound in his palm. He even saw strands of blood-colored spider web-like shapes moving from the palm of his hand. The wound spread, "There is a curse on the sword. You really surprised me."

The dark chief priest laughed--

Immediately afterwards, the power of the King of Terror quickly gathered from his body on his right arm, and soon, the "Curse of God" was forced out of his palm.

Su Jin does not expect "The Curse of the God" to destroy the Dark Lord Priest——

But "The Sword of Unsolvable" has already met Su Jin's expectations, and even faintly exceeded his expectations.

"Your "Dark Sky Breaker" is also very good, at least a few kings and gods can't survive this hit." Su Jin is of course not stingy with praise.

The dark chief priest nodded and said: "After this battle, you stay in the law enforcement league! I will ask for instructions from the leader and let you be the four chief priests——"

The three chief priests have become the four chief priests?

Haha, it seems that you can have everything at once, everything in the world seems to be at your fingertips, but... how could Su Jin accept it.

"Let's talk about it." Su Jin shook his head.

The Dark Lord Priest's face was stunned. Before Su Jin refused his solicitation, he was a little unexpected, but now that this proposal is said, he thinks that Su Jin should agree to it... and the result... The result turned out to be a lighthearted one. 'talk later'--

This little guy... doesn't even want to be equal to him...

It's really interesting.

As everyone knows, Su Jin's remarks have caused much shock to many protoss outside Beishan!

"The three major chief priests have not changed for many years. Now the dark chief priest obviously appreciates this, and wants him to be one of the four chief priests on an equal footing! I don't want this!" Some law enforcement elders cried with envy.

"The four chief priests, he only needs to nod his head now, and the dark chief priest will probably let him go down three hundred levels, and within half a day, he can become a chief priest, but he is unwilling. It is incredible--"

"He doesn't want to do it, is it possible that he wants to be...Leader? No, I **** it! You can't say such a thing! But if you are a deputy leader, the law enforcement league has no such rules, and there has never been a position of deputy leader—"

"He is qualified. Just now, the chief priest of darkness was slightly injured under the "Sword of Insolvency". How dare you imagine?"

"The Dark High Priest didn't hurt him, but instead he hurt the Dark High Priest...this...Who is this guy, and how did he come from——"

"I'm afraid that the dark chief priest did not expect that an externally-inspired **** could actually have the strength to fight with him! This is too enchanting!"

"A draw... I want to say that it was unfair from the beginning. It was always the Dark Lord who made the move, and the other party broke the move. Moreover, after the "Sword of Insolvency" cut through the "Dark Sky Break" road map, it hurt When it comes to the dark chief priest, this is called a tie? I think the dark chief priest has fallen into a disadvantage."

"If there is no victory or defeat, how can it be called a disadvantage? The Dark Lord priest has even more powerful tricks that have not been used—"


There was no Terror King God who paid attention to the changes in Yu Wenlong's face until now.

Yuwen Qingcheng is now pale!

She panicked.

Really panicked!

"My husband is still half a stick of incense, and will should I explain——" Yuwen Qingcheng is desperate now, she even looked at Yuwenlong, after all, she came from Yuwen's family, plus, indeed Because Su Jin was offended by the Yuwen clan.

"The chief priest, he is worthy too." Yuwenlong hates now, hates himself for not being able to kill Su Jin, so that the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to the Yuwen family.

The Yuwen clan, who has spent everything, seems to be useless for this son! This is Yuwenlong's most angry.

"It depends on the situation. If things don't turn around and this little animal lives and walks down to the sky trial, then... then it can only go far..." Yu Wenlong didn't want to say this last sentence, but the form forced him at all. There is no ability to change life against the sky-

"Yuwen clan, are you leaving now?" Yuwen Qingcheng was a little warm and angry.

"Then your Chu family, can you dare to fight all the horror king gods, including your husband? With his current strength, can I, your husband, and your Chu family be defeated together?" Yu Wenlong didn't want to, but the truth is In this way, in front of you!

Yuwen Qingcheng bit his lip and turned angrily...

She didn't have a better reason.

The husband is coming soon.

Her life is definitely not easy--



The endless streamer gradually faded.

The dark chief priest looked at Su Jin and slowly said: "If you can take the last blow, you will have completed this test and you can walk down the stairs to the sky at any time. If you can't take it, I still said that, no Will kill you, and will elect you to be the fourth chief priest in the history of the law enforcement alliance, whether you want it or not—"

"The last blow... it must be very powerful." Su Jin also looked forward to it, looking at the dark chief priest and said.

"This technique is my most proud and strongest "Terror King Divine Technique". I am not afraid to tell the gods of the world. With this technique, I can stabilize the position of the first chief priest!"

The aura of the dark chief priest is getting higher and higher. Su Jin stared at him, and he felt a trance. The opponent's Terror King Divine Body, like ink, was melting away, and an astonishing throbbing spread from Su Jin's heart. Come!

This blow...

Su Jin's face changed slightly!

"This technique is called "Darkness Conservation". I am the place where darkness is. Wherever there is darkness, I am immortal, immortal, but can be reborn endlessly, and can receive the power of darkness from the heavens. This technique is invincible!" The chief priest continued to say to Su Jin--

Su Jin's face became more and more serious.

The attack of the Dark Lord priest definitely used all the origins of the King of Terror, and Su Jin even thought that even if he put all of it, he would lose the battle! That is the premonition of frustration that is truly felt!

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