My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3881: Time body

That is, three hundred closes.

The bridge of heaven and earth seems to be connected to the ancient future, connecting the sun, the moon and the stars, it is actually expelling all the darkness on the stairs to the sky! This scene can be described as a shocking feat!

Su Jin walked between the sun and the moon, his expression as calm as ever--

In addition to this space, the darkness in all directions is still suppressing the stairs to the sky, and the situation is still not optimistic, but the temporary danger has been overcome.

It's about breathing.

Su Jin's eyes were sharp as eagle eyes, and he looked to the other side! There, circles of sacred breath flowed away, and the person who came was definitely not the dark chief priest!

"Holy Heaven... why did you intervene in this matter—"

In an instant, a bit of thick ink appeared from the 300th level, and then the ink dispersed and gradually condensed into the figure of the dark chief priest.

On the other side, the high priest of the Holy Heaven walked directly out of the halo. He looked much younger than the high priest of darkness. He appeared to be middle-aged, and the sacred rules of the whole body faintly affected the surrounding world!

"This son, you must never live on the stairs to the sky today." The priest of the heavens glanced at the priest of darkness and said slowly.

"If this is your own idea, this king won't forgive you!" The dark chief priest shouted coldly: "And I promised this little friend to keep his life, no one can hurt!"

The priest of the Holy Sky said coldly: "You can ignore my words, but the words of the leader can be counted by you?!"

The dark chief priest should even be directly on the spot-

The law enforcement league, what does the leader mean?

Su Jin finally understood, and smiled slightly: "It turns out to be one of the three chief priests. Why, should you fight with the dark chief priest?"

"The current you don't have the qualifications yet..." The Saint Heaven High Priest looked directly at Su Jin and shook his head.

Su Jin does not have this qualification now...

The words of the saint heaven chief priest, the dark chief priest also understand, this son... is it really an existence with a great identity? Otherwise, why would the leader have to kill him?

"It seems that this king must stand up for power today." Su Jin's eyes were very cold, and the rich murderous intent was flooding his pupils!

"The Lord of Eternity, sin and rebellion against God, sin is no longer part of your age." The priest of the holy heaven carefully looked at Su Jin, and had no doubts about the command of the leader. This son must be the Lord of the Eternal, otherwise How can the methods of the dark chief priest always be broken in the past!

The dark chief priest shook his heart!

Eternal lord?

Just this young man?

"Can you be mistaken! There must be a misunderstanding!" The dark priest said quickly: "And if he is really the Lord of Eternal, I fight with him, where is my life!"

"He is not now, then he will definitely be... the Dark Lord Priest! If you don't believe it, take a look at this leader's order!" The Holy Heaven Chief Priest swept his arm directly and slammed a golden scroll at the Black Lord Priest ——

The dark chief priest will be suspicious.

But when the golden scroll started, the dark chief priest suddenly exclaimed: "It's really the order of the leader!"

He looked directly at Su Jin.

The shock in the eyes is not concealed at all!

Su Jin was ashamed.

Where is the eternal lord?

He was not even a Protoss, it was just a coincidence. At the old turtle, he passed the test of the ‘golden monument’! Although, if the ‘golden monument’ is really the so-called Lord of Eternity, then as a human race, he must not be—

But Su Jin would not explain either.

After all, it is not clear at all.

"Little friend, are you willing to walk down the stairs to the sky and wait until the leader and the other first chief priest come back, and then make a decision?" The dark chief priest quickly looked at Su Jin, and he felt that there must be a problem in it.

If Su Jin is the ‘Eternal Lord’.

Then it wouldn't just be joining the Nalan clan, otherwise, with his raising arms, those old gods and rebellious gods wouldn't be able to swarm into Su Jin's camp?

Moreover, it is even more impossible to take such a big risk to come to the law enforcement league and participate in the so-called trial of the sky-reaching ladder!

"No." Su Jin sneered.

The dark chief priest's face is blue and red, he has no evil intentions, but if he were Su Jin, I am afraid he would not be willing to do this——

"Dark priest, I know you regret this son, but the lord’s order must not be violated, otherwise you will naturally know the fate of disobeying the lord!" The holy priest snorted, "You and I have joined forces to suppress this, those and this The gods involved are also under the control of the law enforcement alliance. This time the alliance chief has been swept away!"


Su Jin's eyes suddenly became more fierce!

The law enforcement league, caught the Nalan clan?


Su Jin's eyebrows were raised, and several kinds of pupil techniques were directly blessed together, condescendingly, looking towards an extremely far-reaching place... there... it was already beyond the monument mountain!

The entire Nalan clan is surrounded by silver guards. Every god, Nalan Moran, is panicking! And that is...

Zhang Yuelu... Fang Renxue——


Su Jin sighed silently.

"The saint of heaven! This king's Haikou has already boasted. Now the elders of the law enforcement league, countless gods have seen and heard this king say, this king... wants him to live! Although the leader's order has been issued, but But after the king boasted that he went to Haikou!" The dark priest hesitated for a moment and looked at the holy heaven priest.

"If that's the case, then you don't need to take action!" The Holy Sky High Priest had its own halo color ring around, and then said to Su Jin: "You are expensive, and you don't need the Dark Priest to help anymore, this king... …You committed suicide—"

"From now on, the three main priests of the'Law Enforcement League' will become two!" Su Jin also said murderously.


So crazy?

Outside of Beishan, some of the elders of the law enforcement league, and the Patriarch of the Protoss, their faces changed drastically!

Su Jin meant to cut off the ‘Holy Heaven’s High Priest’!

"I speak now, I am not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue!" Seeing that Su Jin despised the law enforcement alliance so much, he naturally wanted to maintain the authority of the law enforcement alliance and immediately yelled.

"He even broke the Dark Lord’s two "Terror King Divine Art", and now the Dark Lord’s third "Darkness Conservation" invincible divine art is still putting pressure on him. His power must be low! But even so, he How dare to say such a big thing!"

"The Eternal Lord? He can't be! Even if he is just an old **** who has awakened a little power, what does it have to do with the Eternal Lord?"

"Holy Heaven's chief priest, although ranked third among the three chief priests, the overall strength of the three chief priests is almost the same, and his current strength has not been lost. This kid is nothing more than a stubborn tongue at best -"

"A high priest can contend against ten horror king gods at the same time. If it is in "Darkness Conservation", no amount of horror king gods will be able to defeat the dark chief priest. His ability to carry it for so long is already the limit. Now he is still screaming, wanting to kill the saint heaven chief priest?"

"Children are ridiculous!"

"If it hadn't been for the high priest of the Holy Sky to show up, he might have been defeated by the high priest of darkness now, so would he still dare to be tough?"


Many horror king gods rushed to speak angrily--

These words were naturally known by Zhang Yuelu and Fang Renxue.

Su that amazing...

Fang Renxue woke up from the trance, every existence in that scene could handle more than ten Terror King Gods at the same time?

Those two are even more respected chief priests in the law enforcement alliance?

"Little brother..." Zhang Yuelu now fully understands everything, no wonder she once gave Su Jin the ‘clearance jade slip’, Su Jin said that she didn’t need...

With this kind of ability, what do you want to clear the jade slip!

"Fang Renxue." Zhang Yuelu shook Fang Renxue's arm and sighed: "Now you know, it's not that I'm too powerful, but that he is helping me secretly. Otherwise, based on my ability, how can I be comparable to the king? God? And one more thing... If I can get out alive, I will tell you the truth..."

Fang Renxue lowered her head deeply-


She even felt a deep inferiority complex because of her ignorance.

Yuwen family!

Yuwenlong and Yuwen Qingcheng looked at each other now, their eyes were full of surprises!

"Great, I didn't expect that he really has a connection with the Eternal Lord! He must die for rebellion, and the law enforcement alliance cannot let him go. This is a surprise!" Yu Wenlong is now completely relaxed, because of who It can be seen that Su Jin does not have much power to deal with the high priest of the holy sky.

"I knew this a long time ago, why did you and my clan pay such a price! But as long as this child disappears, everything is worth it." Yuwen Qingcheng is still in pain now.

"Don't worry, it's just something outside!" Yu Wenlong showed a smile on his face.

"Now it depends on how this little beast died. The Holy Sky Lord Priest made an attack. He should have been cut off. If he is really related to the Eternal Lord, or is really the eternal Lord reincarnated, for Yuwenhe As far as the Chu family is concerned, this is a great contribution! It can definitely make up for all losses." Yuwen Qingcheng Road.

Yu Wenlong's face is like a flower, "I forgot about it, yes, this credit is not something that any clan can casually achieve—"


The dark chief priest is in a dilemma.

He does not believe that Su Jin is the so-called "Lord of Eternal", even the reincarnation of "Lord of Eternal" is impossible—

However, judging from the tit-for-tat situation on both sides, the Dark Lord felt that he didn’t know what to do, and could only step back. To be honest, Su Jin was able to disperse the darkness in this space, and even almost broke his "" "Conservation of Darkness" surprised him.

"Shoot. Endlessly die." Su Jin pointed to the saint's chief priest and said.

His heart to kill has been established!

The high priest of the Holy Sky smiled disdainfully and faintly said: "This is "The Hand of the Heavenly Tablet". When I first became the God of Terror, I realized the first magic of the Terror King. Its power is acceptable. I hope I can take it down—"

If Su Jin hadn't been consumed and was still at the initial peak and hadn't fought so many rounds with the Dark Lord, the Holy Heaven Lord might have been more cautious.


Su Jin could no longer be his opponent.

"Dark priest, if it were not for this god, I will break your "Darkness Conservation"!" Su Jin indifferently glanced at the dark priest who retreated to the distance, and then stepped into nothingness!


On countless "Bridges of Heaven, Earth and God", in every winding path, a gray-white phantom began to appear! Those phantoms can only be slightly seen as Su Jin's outline, which looks extremely mysterious!

Countless gray and white figures, densely packed, came from all the heaven and earth **** bridges!

Upon seeing this, Shengtian's chief priest also looked at Su Jin somewhat unexpectedly——

The dark chief priest slowly widened his eyes, and finally he couldn't help but exclaimed: "The body of the enlightenment? No! This is... the body of years!"

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