My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3882: The Might of Time

The body of time!

The dark chief priest is not shocked. You must know that darkness is everywhere in the sky, and darkness can be dispelled under the alternation of the sun and the moon, but time cannot.

Time is also everywhere——

Darkness can reverse the universe and bring light to the world, but who can turn back time and space?

It's no wonder that Su Jin was so confident before, saying that he could break "Darkness Conservation" with this skill.

Shengtian's chief priest condensed his eyes.

Like an enemy!

The effect of "Conservation of Darkness" in this piece of heaven and earth has been greatly reduced, and when the body of thousands of years came, the darkness was even more dissipated!

Now, Su Jin, a body of tens of thousands of years, should have been taken by the Great Lord of Darkness, but it was not the right time for the Great Lord of Holy Heaven to appear!

The pressure on the priest of the holy heaven is getting greater and greater--

Soon, he gave a low voice!

One after another sharp colored stone tablets were condensed out by him using the rules of the King of Terror, and every stone tablet that did not seem too large was grasped by the palm of his hand!

Is this "The Hand of the Sky Tablet"?

Su Jin squinted his eyes and chuckled lightly, which is really ridiculous--

"Town!" The high priest of the holy sky wanted to try Su Jin's strength of those years, when he played a "Tianbei Hand"——

Next second!

Grasping the colorful sky monument with one hand, shoot directly at Su Jin's body for one year!


A body of years with a somewhat vague outline was directly turned into a grayish-white light by the colorful Tianbei! It effort at all!

"That's it?" Shengtian's chief priest felt that his IQ had been humiliated. It turned out that the body of this tens of millions of years is only ineffective, like a flowery, easily broken!

Naturally, Su Jin did not explain, but looked at the priest of the Holy Sky coldly...

And his performance is not only to make the dark chief priest astonished, even if it is a kind of law enforcement alliance powerhouse and other gods who are not being killed, it is also a surprise.

"This son condensed so many figures, it is only used to scare the priest of the holy sky? It is ridiculous, the priest of the holy sky is obviously annoyed!" Among the Tuoba clan, the elder of the king of terror laughed in a low voice.

"He couldn't support it anymore, and now he can only make up these flashy fantasies to confuse the priest, but these are useless at all. With absolute strength, all bells and whistles will be wiped out!"

"The "Heaven Tablet Hand" of the High priest of the Holy Sky only condensed one, and it effortlessly killed a time body. He even said madly that he could use this technique to break the "Conservation of Darkness" of the High priest of Darkness. I really don’t know where his confidence comes from—"

"If it is placed in the past, he has passed the test and will gain a good status in the law enforcement alliance. But now, it is not the Yuwen clan and the Chu family who want him to die, but the three main priests, the leader, all Let him not get out of the stairs to the sky!"

"From the current point of view, most of him cannot get out of it, and there is not much power available in his body."

"Playing with the priest, who gave him the courage? I think he wants to die sooner—"


The priest of the Holy Sky was still in anger, but soon... he suddenly became serious!

The ‘year body’ just now is rapidly condensing from the gray-white light again, and the ‘year body’ seems to have raised its head!

On the eyebrows, a mark of the ‘wheel of years’ began to shine--


The entire colorful sky tablet grasped by "Sky Tablet Hand" was instantly shattered!

"You!" Shengtian's chief priest had an ugly face. He thought he was being teased, but who knows it was not the case, then every body of time contains extremely powerful time strength!

You know that in this space, thousands of years have appeared! If such a terrifying power can be integrated, the victory or defeat of this battle may be really unpredictable--

The dark priest nodded silently.

Just now, although the priest of the holy heaven only shot a piece of "The Hand of the Heavenly Tablet", even so, ordinary horror kings and gods could not bear it, and the price Su Jin paid was only the power of the body of time. In the end, Not only did it break "The Hand of the Sky Tablet", but it also recondensed.

This technique is unique.

Obtained the absolute approval of the dark chief priest! His opinion is the same as that of the high priest of the Holy Sky. If Su Jin can integrate the tens of thousands of ‘years’ bodies’, then any one of them will have the same result. It is difficult to suppress Su Jin.

The Nalan family.

Originally thought it was out of play, but when Su Jin used the magical means of the ‘body of the years’ to break a piece of "Hand of the Heavenly Tablet", many Nalan clan had hope again in their hearts!

What about the law enforcement league!

As long as the city lord is not dead, they are temporarily trapped here, and no one dares to move them!

"The little brother turned out to be really a master, and he can deal with the two horror king gods indifferently--" Zhang Yuelu saw the truth and did not hide his worship.

"Keep it down." The gods of the Nalan clan quickly reminded Zhang Yuelu, "The two are not ordinary Terror King Gods. They are the three main priests of the Law Enforcement League. Only with them two can kill the people present. All the horror king gods!"

Zhang Yuelu's heart tightened--

There are no fewer than twenty of the Horror King God! Can the chief priest of the two law enforcement leagues destroy more than 20 kings and gods?

Zhang Yuelu's eyes widened, and Su Jin's image in her heart was instantly radiant!

It's too awesome.

Fang Renxue pinched the corners of her skirt tightly, her knuckles were a little whitish and a little bit ashamed.

Although all the gods of the Nalan clan didn't know how she treated Su Jin, Zhang Yuelu knew, and she couldn't pass the hurdle in her heart, and now she almost wanted to find a hole to get in.

But at the moment!

In the 300th step space, the priest of the holy heaven somewhat doubted his life! He doesn't believe that his "Hand of the Sky Tablet" is so weak!


A series of "The Hand of the Heavenly Tablet", instantly turned into a hundred Dao, a thousand Dao, a ten thousand Dao, the priest of the holy heaven screamed at the end!




The shadow of the Thousands of Heavens Tablets keeps breaking apart one after another on the'Incarnation of Time'! In the next few breaths, the face of the priest of the Holy Sky became paler and paler--

Those disintegrated incarnations of the years did not merge again, and the breath of the years in the entire space was more than a thousand times stronger than before!

"Holy Heaven High Priest!" Dark High Priest's face was chilly, and he even glanced at Su Jin with some dread.

At this moment, no one has the clarity of their feelings!

The strength of the four weeks is affecting the creatures here!

In this 300th level space, there are only Su Jin, the Dark Lord and the Holy Heaven Lord! And the traces of the years have obviously affected the priest of the Holy Heaven...

That is the power of time!

The high priest of Shengtian was a little unbearable. His original middle-aged appearance seemed to be getting old now. The years originally stayed and solidified on him, but now they are accelerating in Su Jin's methods!

"Junior! Do you dare!" The priest of Shengtian waved his hand in a panic, and a mirror appeared directly in front of him. There were a few more wrinkles on his face. It was obvious that he had just used "The Hand of the Sky Tablet" to shatter those years The body is very unwise!

Years, after all, are everywhere.

But Su Jin's body is in it, right at the center of the power storm of the years, but he is not affected at all! And the dark chief priest also fell into the area outside this space in an instant. He... he felt that if he stayed in that level of time strength, waiting for the body of tens of thousands of years to erupt... he might have it in an instant Approaching decay--

He lived too long, too long--

Perhaps the saint's chief priest can still hold on and be able to cut Su Jin to death within a period of time when the power of the years has completely exploded, but he is not qualified to do that. He cannot use the price of ‘destruction’ to exchange Su Jin’s life!

What's more, he had no intention of killing Su Jin!

"Little naughty animal! You have completely annoyed me!" Shengtian's chief priest was covered in the powerful rules of the King of Terror, and quickly broke out, circles of sacred brilliance, shrouded himself in it, but the strength of the years is pervasive, even in the world In the smallest corner, a leaf, a grain of dust in the world, none of them can stop the years!

The miraculous thing is that the great priest of the Holy Heaven is in that sacred halo, and the burst of time and power seems to have little influence on him——

"Isn't you in Three Thousand World?" Su Jin calmly looked at the priest of the Holy Sky.

Now, although the high priest of the Holy Sky can see it not far away, he has already broken away from the scope of the three thousand great worlds. At this level, he Su Jin can easily do it.

The priest of the Holy Heaven is now shaking with anger--

Originally, he was flawless, but now he permanently left wrinkles on his face. All this is due to Su Jin, how can he bear it!

"Little evil animal, I will devour you alive, after beheading you, every inch of your divine bones will be grinded by me. Every strand of your soul and soul will endure the tremendous pain of eternal torment, you... …Dead!"

Holy heaven. The chief priest said at the end, the voice seemed to burst completely, he hated it, and soon, he pointed his finger again, this time, it was no longer "Tianbei Hand"!

He wants Su Jin to ruin his bones and make him regret coming to this world!

"Most of the opponents who spoke ruthlessly with this king did not end well--" Su Jin calmly responded to the opponent's outburst, and at the moment when the Holy Sky High Priest pointed at him, he also felt an extreme The amount of weird suppression.

"This technique is the origin of the King of Terror! This is "Pointing the Country", the power of all the worlds in the world, is about to kill you on the spot!" The priest of the Holy Heaven is very angry, and the consequences are serious!

If not just carelessly--

How could he pay such an unbearable price!

Now, Su Jin is hard to redeem for the chief priest of the Holy Sky!


Layers of the world, scenes of the emperor monarch, seem to have begun to manifest in the 300th-level space world! Those prosperous rivers and mountains are not to be listed, but those scenes are the shocking force caused by the body of thousands of years!

The world, combined with the emperor's luck! Su Jin nodded silently, what a "pointing country"!

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