My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3884: The decay process of the chief priest

The priest of the Holy Sky has the confidence to kill with one blow!

Really... don't hide?

The great priest of the Holy Sky gathered his life strength on his right fist, and for a while, the fist moved the world, and the shining light was as bright as the explosion of stars in the universe!

How can Su Jin ever retreat?

Moreover, this is exactly the opportunity he wants, the best opportunity to kill the saint **** priest——

"Good coming!" The'Heaven, Earth and God Bridge' in Su Jin's body, powerfully running, even the nine powers, many insights, all burst out in an instant!

The two are like two fast colliding stars. In an instant, the light instantly covered everything!

The priest of the Holy Sky only felt his right fist hit a wall with incomparable defense! But he knew that he definitely hit Su Jin's left arm——

If Su Jin hadn't just avoided the vital point lightly, his blow would have caused Su Jin's divine body to collapse directly!


The priest of the Holy Sky only felt his sideways, and there was an unbearable pain...

This little beast also hit him!

The center of the two is shining brightly.

When the light dimmed slightly, the tragic scene was seen by all the Protoss in the law enforcement alliance——

Under Su Jin's left arm, an almost transparent hole appeared! It's terrifying!

On the other hand, the priest of the holy heaven is now roaring in horror, as if by a terrifying means! He looked at the two bone rings on Su Jin's fist, and finally fixed his gaze on a finger on his thumb!

The injury of the saint's chief priest was also extremely serious. He also abruptly took Su Jin's punch. Although he had the sacred power to protect the body, it still did not have much effect... Su Jin's punch almost made him Cracked side body!

"" The priest of the Holy Heaven turned pale instantly, and he felt as if a strange vortex had formed all over his body. In those vortexes, the rules of the King of Terror were gathering crazily!

Those rules of the King of Terror are nothing but the ‘rules of the King of Terror’ of his holy priest!

"If I said to kill you, I would kill you--" Su Jin's eyes were instantly red!

"Ah!" The priest of the Holy Sky seemed to be unable to use his strength now, and the surrounding vortex made him almost unable to stand firm, as if he was stepping in an endless sponge.

Moreover, the priest of the Holy Heaven felt that the more he struggled, the faster the "rules of the king of terror" would be lost in his body!

Also, how long has it been, just a few breaths, his "Terror King God Origin" has been touched, almost all of them will be swept away by that shaking vortex!

Outside this stepped space-

The dark chief priest has been dumbfounded.

Judging from the current situation, the saint heaven chief priest was actually controlled by Su Jin with unknown means, and there was no backhand! He naturally saw who the rules of the King of Terror in those whirlpool belonged to--

"If it hadn't been for my kindness..." The dark chief priest could not imagine it.

If he does not show goodwill.

It is probably his dark chief priest who has fallen into the current situation!

It turns out that Su Jin has yet to use another powerful method. Before they wanted to make a difference, everyone regarded Su Jin as a joke... Now it seems that the other party did not lie at all.

In fact, the Dark High Priest did not recognize Su Jin's words before, and the Holy Heaven High Priest was not as weak as Su Jin said!

You must know that the master priest of the holy sky, the understanding of the sacred rules, is invincible in the world, and the entire eternal gods does not exceed his existence here.

Moreover, the qualification of the chief priest is not because of the so-called kinship, but is obtained by real strength!

A long silence.

Godless break.

The heaven and the earth in that ladder seem to be the most dazzling place! Now, the high priest of the Holy Sky seems to be very scared, I don't know if some unknown means has been used, and when he looks at Su Jin, he even has a little fear—

"The chief priest... will you also feel fear?" The elders of the law enforcement alliance suddenly broke the silence. This is a breathing time. For each of their powers, it seems as long as a century has passed.

"It's too exaggerated, the priest of the Holy Sky is now... now he is suppressed to the point where he can't fight back! I used to think that this son's rants were rants, but now... it is the priest of the Holy Heaven who is suppressed by him!"

"The dark chief priest has all retreated... The holy heaven chief priest is still struggling now, what has happened to make the chief priest feel terrified and unable to struggle?"

"Who is he, where did he come from, and why is he not even his opponent..."

"If it continues like this, the priest of the Holy Sky will die! Why didn't the priest of Darkness take the rescue? Is it possible that he is really unwilling to cut this one? If it takes a little longer, the priest of the Holy Sky will be beheaded. what!"

"It's not that the chief priest of darkness doesn't want to! Look carefully—"

"Huh? What's the situation?"

"The rules of the Lord of Terror of the Holy Sky High Priest are being swallowed by the whirlpool of his body, that is to say, his current power is being swept away by madness, I don't know where! This is too terrible, our law enforcement alliance, in the end is offended What kind of existence!"

"Really terrifying!"


The chief priest of the Holy Heaven, caught in a quagmire of struggle, may die!

For the Yuwen clan and the Chu family, this is definitely not good news!

The reversal is a bit fast! The smiles on Yuwenlong's and Yuwen Qingcheng's faces hadn't completely receded, their expressions were frozen in the scene now——

But the Nalan clan is silent now, no **** in this clan dared to speak!

They...the happiness shouldn't be too sudden!

If according to what those Horror King Gods just said, the new city lord is not the opponent of the dark chief priest, then now... the holy heaven chief priest is suppressed by the new city lord with fear, does this mean that the strength of the new city lord is also in the dark chief priest? on?

Where did that group feel like it was a unrealistic dream! This dream came so suddenly, so exaggerated!

"City Lord!" The Nalan clan, heading towards the mountain of steles, bowed!


All the Nalan Protoss, all subdued!

It can be said that Su Jin's current prestige has surpassed the former City Lord by many times! The new city lord who can be comparable to the chief priest will probably be a nightmare for the Yuwen clan, the Chu family, and even the entire law enforcement alliance!

Nalan Moran was not yet awake.

Mrs. Xuanji, Nalan Xiaoyue, the same is true.

But when they heard the violent roar like a nine-day thunder, they woke up! Su Jin... now... suppressed the saint's chief priest?

How unreal--

But the dreamlike scene truly caught their eyes!

The shouts and cheers of Nalan's family behind him even made Nalan Moran and Mrs. Xuanji want to shout!

How much grievance, how much humiliation, they all want to vent at this moment!

Previously, the Yuwen clan relied on three terrifying kings and gods to chase down her Nalan clan! At that time, the Nalan clan, the group of dragons without a leader, was about to be driven to extinction!

Finally came to the trial, possessing Su Jin, a highly prestigious new city lord, but surrounded by the silver gods, was ridiculed by all the gods in the law enforcement alliance!

Now... all those mocking faces turned into shock and fear——

"Is this true?" Nalan Moran looked at Nalan Xiaoyue, Mrs. Xuanji.

"Yes." The excitement on Mrs. Xuanji's face was not concealed at all.


Too late.

In this short period of more than 20 breaths, the priest of the Holy Sky tried everything possible, but the city government, like him, now also feels how difficult things are.

There is almost no solution to his current situation!

Moreover, the high priest of the Holy Sky is almost certain that it is the reason for the finger in Su Jin's hand that caused his power to pass!

"Little beast! dare not rely on the power of the gods!" The Holy Heaven's chief priest roared out loud.

"Don't let you use it?" Su Jin sneered.

Can cut off a high priest.

For him, it is definitely a huge profit!

Moreover, life and death fight each other by means! If you think about it in another way, Su Jin is now the chief priest of the Holy Sky, and the other party may deal with him as cruelly as possible!

The High Priest of the Holy Sky now resists fear, but with every breath, he feels that part of his origin of the King of Terror has been swallowed--

If the origin of the King of Terror was swallowed... how would he end up?

He will die instantly!

Close to decay!

"Dark priest! Don't take action at this time, when will you wait!" Seeing that Su Jin didn't let him go, the Holy Sky priest shouted!

"I... how can I save you..." The dark chief priest looked hard.

He wants to save.

After all, they are the same as the chief priest, working together, and working together for the leader——


Is it really saved?

From the perspective of the Dark Lord, I am afraid that everything was expected at the moment when the Holy Heaven Lord appeared, so the "Heaven, Earth and God Bridge" in the entire space did not disappear.

The strongest method of the Dark Lord Priest is "Darkness Conservation". As long as Su Jin uses his time body again, even if he blocks him for a while, the Holy Heaven Lord will be obliterated!

There is another important factor... that is the current state of the Holy Heaven's High Priest——

That whirlpool, the madness is sweeping away the rules of the King of Horror of the Holy Heaven High Priest, and even the origin is passing away. If the Dark High Priest does not rely on "Darkness Conservation", he will have to walk into the battlefield himself. He cannot guarantee that he will not end up like this. The Holy Heaven's chief priest ended up like this!


The Dark Lord Priest is extremely convinced that Su Jin has the ability to kill him——

Su Jin's power, this kind of city mansion, in the eyes of the dark chief priest, is definitely the only existence among the young protoss!

"If it weren't for him to recruit students, it would not be you, but him!" Su Jin said coldly, staring at the chief priest of the holy sky.

"Little evil animal! You let me go! Let me go! I will use endless holy methods to refine you to death, will not end well! The leader will cut you thousands of times!"

The priest of the Holy Sky felt that all his rules of the King of Terror were swallowed in the surrounding whirlpool, and his source of the King of Terror also disappeared instantly!

A terrible scene appeared!

The face of the saint's chief priest instantly grew old, as dry as skinny——

The world is quiet.

Everyone understands what this means--

The death process of each protoss... Now, the priest of the Holy Heaven is close to the edge of decay!

Rotten! What a terrible word!

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