My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3885: Ling Juding!

The most desperate thing in the world is nothing but helpless——

In the law enforcement league, Su Jin cut one of the three main priests, the elders of the law enforcement league, and the heads of the clan for many generations, also dare not say anything.

Holy heaven's chief priest, is it going to decay?

Who can stand the taste of watching the fall of a generation of strong men?

"Little friend, stop!" The dark chief priest saw that the holy heaven chief priest was dying, and couldn't help but uttered.

"Sumou is here today, who will... kill who!" Su Jin directly blocked it.

Fierce prestige, has been established!

The dark chief priest flicked his sleeves fiercely, turned around and couldn't bear to look straight--

The same as the chief priest, but on the verge of dying, he can do nothing!

The entire law enforcement league, outside of Beishan, was silent collectively!

Who saves, who kills.

Su Jin, who is not able to feel anymore, is talking big words--


The high priest of the Holy Sky raised his eyelids and tried his best to look up at Su Jin...

"Rao... forgive me." The priest of the holy heaven dominates the world for his whole life, but before it dies, he still does not give up a trace of hope of life, even begging for mercy!

"Go with the wind..." Su Jin said lightly.

The body of the priest of Holy Heaven gradually stiffened, and he kindly lifted it out of his throat in one breath...The feeling of suffocation made him want to raise his hand and grab his throat...


The almost inaudible sound of swallowing makes this world seem to lose all its color!

With a flick of Su Jin's finger, the divine body of the Holy Heaven's chief priest was like a sand sculpture.

Holy heaven's chief priest, fallen!

It fell so unexpectedly!

Su Jin's injury was also extremely serious, his tense nerves gradually relaxed, and the blood at the corners of his mouth began to gradually flow down——

Taking a look at the dark chief priest, Su Jin paused for a few seconds, and the other party did not speak.

Then, Su Jin raised his right hand and grabbed it to the east!



There was a toothless sound of destruction, directly awakening all the law enforcement elders!

Beishan, cracked again!

At this moment, Su Jin threw a purple-gold gourd backhand--

The terrifying rift seems to have formed a spatial rift in the monument mountain! The purple-gold gourd passed directly through the gap and hung over the Nalan clan surrounded by the silver gods!

"Nalan Clan...Where is it!" Su Jin's voice seemed to appeal to endless majesty——


The entire Nalan clan responded in unison!

The weird gourd directly turned into a cyclone, turning all the existence of the entire Nalan clan into the size of rice grains, and contained them all.

"Brother! And us!" Zhang Yuelu shouted in horror.

"Zhang Yuelu! Fang Renxue!"

"Yes!" Zhang Yuelu responded.

Zhang Yuelu realized that kind of magic, she felt her body shrink in an instant, but her hand could no longer hold Fang Renxue...

"Fang Renxue! Fang Renxue!" Zhang Yuelu shouted anxiously...

She could see that this gourd had to be answered by someone... but Fang Renxue did not respond--

How can this be good!

Fang Renxue's face was ashamed now, faceless facing Su Jin, she still stood there, motionless, she had her own stubbornness, even if she died here, she would not leave.


The shocking fluctuations are coming again!

Fang Renxue seemed to be aware, and slowly raised her head! A terrifying sky arm came out directly from the crack in the huge monument mountain!

Almost before Fang Renxue resisted, she was directly suppressed and taken away by the amount of pressure on her arm that day!

Fang Renxue's condition is not good at the three hundred level, she simply cannot withstand the suppression of this level! Although Su Jin had protected her long ago, she still felt like she would fall in the next second!

"Why not?" Su Jin looked at Fang Renxue coldly.

"I don't want to." Fang Renxue chose not to look at Su Jin, turning her face to one side.

"Fang Renxue, look at my hand."

Su Jin's voice fell.

Fang Renxue instinctively looked over, and immediately saw that Zijin Gourd's mouth was facing her!

"I will not leave." Fang Renxue said.

Only in the next second, Fang Renxue couldn't help but she was sucked in by Fate Gourd.

The world in the fateful gourd.

The Nalan clan, Zhang Yuelu, and Fang Renxue all met!

"This is not the time to play temper." Zhang Yuelu patted his heart and looked at Fang Renxue scolding.

"Look! From this gourd, you can also see the outside scene! This is a great method used by the city lord!" The gods of the Nalan clan kept exclaiming.


I can see from all directions--

And the outside scene is at the 300th pass of the Tongtian Stairs! At this moment, as Su Jin stepped forward, all the "Heaven, Earth and God Bridge" in this space disappeared!

Su Jin stood with his hand.

"I want to know..." The dark chief priest appeared at the 300th level, looking at Su Jin, and continued: "If the Holy Heaven chief priest didn't appear just now, you will deal with me in the same way as you just dealt with him. Drop me?"

"Ten percent." Su Jin responded calmly.

"Oh! You go--" The dark chief priest waved his hand, as if he was a bit old again. He crossed the eternal God's domain for a long time, but a young man hit him.

"Law Enforcement League... This king remembered. The green hills will not change, and the green water will flow long! When I recover from my wounds, I will hunt down all of your Enforcement League!"

Su Jin glanced around the world with a thunderous voice. After he finished speaking, he looked up into the distance and sneered: "I left from the top of the stairs to the sky. Before that, any of you can challenge me! Yu Wenlong, Chu Family, Tuoba clan! This king... I will leave you a few more days to breathe!"


Almost instantly, Su Jin broke through the 300th level and appeared on the 300th level!


Is this guy crazy?

Inside and outside the law enforcement league, everyone was frightened by Su Jin's rampant attitude!

The authority of the entire law enforcement alliance seems to have been directly challenged because of Su Jin alone!

"No one has ever been able to set foot on the 999th pass. It's called Tian Dian! Even the chief priest cannot withstand the suppression of its mighty power!" An elder of the law enforcement league laughed angrily.

"This son is going wild here today, and the lord and the first chief priest will rush back in the coming day, and he will be dead and passed away miserably!"

"With a badly wounded body, walk up to the top of the Heavenly Stairs? He is sure that he is not joking? How is it possible! He can't walk up even if he doesn't fight the two chief priests, with peak power!"

"From ancient times to the present, the customs clearance ladder has lasted forever, but although this 999-story ladder is in the law enforcement league, any horror king in the law enforcement league does not know what the scenery above is, because... Even if the trial authority is used, it is impossible for the elders to reach the top!"

"What if he...what about his line?"



Soon, many horror king gods, all staring dumbfounded...

Shut up.

A terrible scene is happening in the more than 300 levels of the clearance ladder!

After almost no breath, Su Jin can walk into a ladder space!




Three hundred and seventy levels.

Four hundred levels-

Four hundred and fifty levels!

Now there is a very strange phenomenon!

The more Su Jin went up, the speed became faster!

Another hundred levels!

Five hundred and fifty levels!

Su Jin’s whole body, the ancient **** characters began to rise and fall, and those ancient **** characters that looked jerky were also increasing——

"Legal Enforcement League, the trial of the sky, it may be really related to the golden ancient stele!" Su Jin has a strange feeling more and more. Soon, he stood at the 700th pass, and there were about hundreds of gods around him——

At the seven hundredth pass, only a very small part of these divine characters are shining.

"Seven hundred off!"

Outside the monument.

Tuobaxiu's old faces are almost wrinkled together, even hideous! Now, there is no one to fight against the huge law enforcement alliance! And the situation is getting harder and harder to stop. After all, even if Tuobaxiu is willing, they can’t get to the 700th level.

Elder Qingyan is even more frightened now!

"I...I personally took away the two friends of this adult..." Elder Qing Yan is almost completely shuddered now, and he can't imagine the consequences.

Originally, Su Jin’s two friends could have the opportunity of the King God, and as long as they wait a little longer, they will be able to rank in the top 1,000 depending on the number of'clearance jade slips' and become the King God, but... but because of being caught Elder Qingyan grabbed the trial ladder...

Yu Wenlong's eyes are about to stick out now! He clenched his fists and found that he could do nothing but despair!

why! Why can't the two chief priests kill Su Jin! And the other party has to choose to walk up the stairs to the sky, wanting to reach the sky!

"Yuwen Qingcheng! Go back to the Chu family and give this king an explanation..."

An angry voice radiated directly to Yuwen Qingcheng's ears. The depths of her pupils were filled with fear, "Husband... Husband——"

The Lord of the Chu Family is back!

Enforcement League, under the watchful eyes of many elders and Wangshen, Su Jin is still breaking through!

"With his wounded body, he can move forward, and he is getting faster!" There was the Terror King God in silence, and he became more and more flustered.

"No one has ever climbed to the top of the nine hundred and ninety-ninth level! Enforcement league, the ladder of customs clearance already existed in the old gods. The leader has tried hundreds of times, and at most... he can only go to the seventh hundred and sixth. Thirteen levels...but in his heart...the eight hundred and ninetieth level is already..."

Many gods start to cry.

This scene is simply not too scary!


The 900th level!

Su Jin's body swayed slightly, and on all sides of his body, there were at least thousands of God words emerging! And every **** word is as bright as the sun!


Su Jin raised his head and glanced at it. Above the thousand luminous and brilliant words of God, a golden ancient stele that seemed to be more than a vastness hovered above his head. It felt like a golden ancient hanging from above. The same as the monument wall!

The surrounding suppression almost disappeared invisible! For the remaining ninety-nine levels, Su Jin just raised his leg!

Just one step!

One step to the sky!

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