My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3886: In the sky

Top of the sky!

What Su Jin saw was a desolate space, with earth, boulders, and even ice-blue ever-frozen ice. If he hadn't had a golden ancient stele to protect him, the monster storm here alone would be enough to hold him. To death!

The storm here is terrible--

Su Jin felt that if the ordinary Terror King God was here, he would probably be crushed by that kind of storm.

Enforcement alliance.

Gods, kings, and elders of the horror kings, all look up!

"He really stepped on the top of the sky!" Tuobaxiu's tone was cold. If he could go back in time, he would never provoke Su Jin!

"What kind of existence did our law enforcement alliance offend! Above the top of the sky, even the leader of the alliance has not yet reached it. It is unclear how many protoss treasures are placed on it—"

"Now we offend this son. If he is found on the top of the sky, those treasures will become his weapon against our law enforcement alliance in the future. Unfortunately, if the three main priests come together and attack him together, there may be a chance. In addition, if the leader is also there, naturally there will be no such thing."

"Could it be that he participated in the trial of the sky to reach the top of the sky and seek the illusory opportunity?"

"The ancient stele on his body just now has a faint record in ancient books. He... he may really be like the one said by the holy priest, and has something to do with the legendary eternal lord, or he is the eternal lord reincarnation. , Or it has a great origin——"

"The Eternal Lord, the old god, rebel against God! If he betrays the existence of God, if he recovers, the catastrophe in the world will no longer be avoided."


Clear the top of the ladder.

Su Jin could feel the ‘golden ancient stele’ above his head, shaking slightly, as if the golden ancient stele was guiding him, he looked directly at the center of the sky!

Since it is the biggest level, the reward should be quite generous! Su Jin faintly looked forward to it——

He didn't know that the law enforcement league had a lot of suspicion against him.

If he could choose, he would of course not do it. He mixed into the law enforcement league well, and let Zhang Yuelu and Fang Renxue become king gods, so that he could let the Nalan family regain a seat in the law enforcement league.

Unfortunately, things are counterproductive.

The Holy Heaven's chief priest fell, and he can only be blamed for his bad luck!

Su Jin's mood now is naturally extremely comfortable-

If he was able to leave this day, he would have made a huge profit just by beheading a holy heaven chief priest and establishing a great prestige among the gods.

If... he is saying if... if you can take something from the 999th floor of the sky, such as the Treasures and his ilk, the help to him and the blow to the law enforcement alliance will naturally be extremely great. of……

Su Jin rarely has such an upsurge.

Because this is the first time that the golden monument seems to guide the way forward, plus the previous conjectures, guessing the connection between the golden monument and the stairs to the sky, then the things that this monument perceives are absolutely extraordinary!


Su Jin walked towards the space center of the sky-

Fate in the gourd.

The Nalan clan, Mrs. Xuanji, and Nalan Moran didn't even dare to blink.

I'm afraid I missed this record-breaking scene!

Su Jin, the new City Lord of their Nalan clan, stepped onto the top of the customs clearance ladder!

"It turns out that this is the top of the sky..." Nalan Moran saw the scene outside through the fateful gourd. The top of the sky was too desolate.

"He was injured... I don't know if he can leave Tianding smoothly. If he doesn't, he will be besieged by the entire law enforcement league--" Mrs. Xuanji was also a little worried. She controlled the Nalan clan for several months, often thinking about things. More comprehensive.

Upon hearing this, Nalan Moran's face changed slightly.

She hadn't thought of that time yet--

Indeed, if Su Jin wanted to leave the space of the top of the sky, it would be equivalent to stepping down the stairs to the sky. At that time, it would be difficult to guarantee that the law enforcement elders would not stop him.

Besides, there is still a dark chief priest, but I don't know when the leader of the law enforcement alliance will rush back.

Time seems to be getting less and less... Nalan Moran became worried.

"Come on, kid! It looks like kid is looking for something! Renxue? Look at it... We have been through the first five levels before, but here is the highest level of the clearance ladder--" Zhang Yuelu was so excited. He grabbed Fang Renxue's arm and said to her.

Fang Renxue was silent a lot--

It seemed that even what Su Jin was doing could not attract her attention, as if she had been immersed in her own world of thought.

"The city lord is really too powerful. Now even if he is injured and slammed out of the law enforcement league, the elders of the law enforcement league may not dare to stop him." The Nalan clan gave his opinion.

"Yes, there is no one who can walk into the space of the top of the sky! The law enforcement league knows nothing about the space of the top of the sky, and cannot understand anything here!"

"The law enforcement league should regret it... Originally, the city lord came here just to participate in the trial, but was used by those insidious guys, and a holy priest died!"

"Our Nalan clan, under the leadership of the city lord, why worry about not being able to gain a foothold in the Protoss in the future? The law enforcement league will also tremble because of our city lord!"

"The city owner is so handsome--"

"Skilled the saint's chief priest, was injured, and can still stand in the space of the sky, who in the world can do it!"

"What about the eternal lord who rebelled against God? The eternal realm of God is named by whom! Have you forgotten those old immortal guys—"


How much controversy.

Now I can't shake Su Jin's heart that is getting more and more bloody!

When Su Jin was betting his life with the saint of heaven before, he was hit by the opponent and was severely injured. At that time, he didn't feel as nervous as he is now——



His heart is beating wildly.

It seems to pop out of my heart at any time--

As for the terrifying golden ancient stele above the head, the light of the divine character became more and more bright, as if the closer to the center of the sky, the more it could resonate with the golden ancient stele.

what is that?

Su Jin stopped for a moment.

He saw many remaining human-shaped stone statues, some of the stone statues were missing, not because of natural weathering, but what they looked like when they were first formed.

Every stone statue, every stone statue's eyes, are lifelike.

"The battlefield of the ancient gods? The law enforcement league, it may have been in the hands of the eternal lord back then, and the breath of time here is very similar to one place..."

Su Jin recalled for a moment, his eyes lighted directly, "The colored ruins behind the old turtle! The breath of time in that ruin is absolutely the same as here!"

If the old turtle is related to the eternal lord, it should have been the land of glazed glaze after the eternal lord fell.

Thinking of this, Su Jin was full of enthusiasm.

Look towards the center of the sky.


What is it that can touch the ‘golden monument’ like this!

Su Jin walked in the space of the top of the sky, looking around, he was not in a hurry, but after a period of consideration, he had no other discovery, so he speeded up and rushed to the center of the top of the sky——


The golden ancient stele began to tremble!

Su Jin rumbling in his mind, he gently raised his hand, and he took out the body of the golden ancient stele. As expected, once the body of the'golden ancient stele' appeared, it broke away from his control and quickly turned into a golden light. !

So fast!

Su Jin could only use "shrink the ground into an inch" to burst out the power in his body in an instant, and then he could barely follow the golden light transformed by the "golden ancient stele"——

Gradually, the golden ancient stele shed dazzling golden light and stayed in the center!

The violent vibration made Su Jin instinctively look over! At the center of the sky, there is an extremely terrifying color brilliance circulating!

The color and intensity are even beyond what Su Jinping had seen in his life!

Treasure? What?

Su Jin wanted to open the'Eye of Mohe Town Prison', but now even the golden pupils of the years are closed in an instant, and several pupil techniques cannot be used, as if they are imprisoned here——

what's the situation?

Su Jin had never encountered such a weird thing before, and the invisible area of ​​intense color could actually confine his divine pupil!


Although Su Jin had already guessed, after all, it is impossible for nothing to exist here, but he is a little worried now, after all, the body of the golden ancient stele has flown into that colored area——

If he is not allowed to enter the mysterious colored light zone, isn't it that the golden monument will be lost too?

Not too possible. Su Jindang even denied this idea in his heart.

After that, because this was the space of the top of the sky, Su Jin didn't care about it. He directly chose to sit on a huge boulder, sat down and waited quietly—

"Stop? Why isn't the city lord moving anymore?" The whole Nalan clan watched in surprise in the fateful gourd.

"What kind of strange things are there in that colorful area?"

"The city lord must not stay here for too long. If it is delayed until the leader of the'Law Enforcement League' arrives, I am afraid that there will be another trouble and tremor at that time, and the lord of the Law Enforcement League is not as easy to deal with as the priest of the Holy Heaven."

"We are ordinary people of God, how can we discuss about the city lord wantonly? He is waiting here, there must be a reason for him to wait, let's just watch it quietly—"

"Did a'Golden Ancient Stele' fly in just now?"



In the sky space.

The gods of the law-enforcement alliance outside can't condense the scene in the sky at all, so naturally they can't know the situation now, only in a hurry——

Half a moment.

One quarter of an hour.

Half a stick of incense time, for every Protoss, it seems to be waiting longer and longer.

Su Jin's eyes narrowed slightly, he looked at the dazzling spot in the distance, and then to the ground, his pupils suddenly shrank——

That magical zone seemed to be spreading here, almost within ten breaths, it was already less than 100 meters away from Su Jin! Even Su Jin felt the void around him now, and began to slowly change the color...

Su Jin's heart seemed to be being fiddled with inexplicably, the surrounding colorful light, like a miasma, covered it in a blink of an eye. He wanted to forcibly calm himself down, but...but his eyes were shining with radiance!


The damaged stone statues nearby seemed to be revived in the diffuse color light! Every stone statue has an extremely strange blood-colored fingerprint on the surface of the stone statue!

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