My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3887: Gate of eternity

Su Jin currently feels very strange.

Although the surrounding stone statues seem to be resurrected, they actually don’t seem to have seen him. Each stone statue is more like being frozen before death, all heads are raised, and their eyes are determined--

"God gave death!"

"God gave death!"


One after another weird blood-colored fingerprints, under every weird voice, one after another stone statues, either shattered their bodies, or collapsed to the rules of God, without exception!

Su Jin noticed this phenomenon and turned to look at the dazzling color. The center seemed to have turned into a strong light spot!


Without distracting thoughts, Su Jin walked towards that spot of light step by step.

If you look from a distance, Su Jin seems to be submerged in a light curtain, no more back can be seen!

Fate gourd.

Both Nalan Moran and Mrs. Xuanji were shocked. The intense light covered everything, and the previous shocking scene disappeared instantly. There was an inexplicable power, and even the'destiny' was also covered up. They couldn't see anything at all. scene--

The strong light made Su Jin almost can only walk with his eyes closed.

But the color light seems to be diminishing! Su Jin opened his eyes slightly according to the feeling, and the scene in front of him was shocked!

What an exquisite god!

In the distance, Luotian Waterfall, straddling the sky, shocking and beautiful, those snow-white water splashes flowing over the rocks, the old trees hanging around with fruit, the **** bird flying around——

Where is the golden monument?

Where is here again?

Su Jin had a sense of being separated from the world, and the desolate scene in the space of the top of the sky was completely like two places.

"My injury--" Su Jin looked at the hole under his shoulder. No wonder that Shicai was in the dazzling brilliance, and itching was unbearable. The injury he suffered when he fought with the Holy Light High Priest had healed perfectly!

"Don't be surprised."

A sound like a silver bell appeared.

Su Jin looked at it and was shocked.

It was a girl in a dark blue dress. The girl was under the waterfall, bare feet, turning into a blue shadow in one step, and appeared in front of Su Jin——

With this dress, such a figure, and with her hands on top of the delicate belly button, Su Jin fell into a state of beauty for a while and was unable to break free.

"Are you an existence in the sky?" Su Jindang asked faintly, looking at the girl in the dark blue dress, even after reacting.

"Yes." The girl slowly said: "I have waited for this day, I have been waiting for too long..."

"Don't make trouble, where is the golden ancient stele just now? It is the property of this king, please return it." Su Jin was secretly wary, he couldn't see through this woman.

I can't see through the cultivation base, I can't see through the realm, it looks like a living thing, but it doesn't have any spiritual aura, of course... it can't be a human——

"The ancient stele is your thing, you can call it out at any time." The girl said softly.

Su Jin raised his hand.

A golden light grew bigger and bigger in his palm... It really turned into the appearance of the golden ancient stele.

"Where is this?" Su Jin asked, "Is it still in the sky?"

"It's... more accurate, it should be in the gate of eternity." The girl laughed, "I am the gate of seems...that is a little hard to understand?"

The gate of eternity?

Su Jin's eyes immediately became weird, and he started to look at the girl and slowly said, "It's not difficult to understand, but this king won't believe a word of what you say, unless you ask me to confirm it-- "

"How to confirm?" The girl widened her eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Jin's claws stretched out and pressed her shoulders.

This Nizi really loves to lie!

There is clearly a temperature on the body-

Su Jin confirmed from left to right and distinguished before and after, and finally the girl couldn't help but said: "I am indeed the incarnation of the'Eternal Gate', and I, like the golden monument, are waiting for you to arrive. As for the other divine treasures you lost back then. After the battle with God, it has been scattered across the heavens, and it is difficult to find them all again—"

It seems...

It seemed that the cloak of this divine bead little beast was really cowhide, and it could make the gate of eternity indistinguishable.

"And your cloak... I'm familiar with your cloak, anyway, it was all yours back then—" the memory was too far away, the girl said.

Su Jin's face suddenly turned dark.

I really want to stop her and stop talking nonsense! If he didn't want to borrow the identity of the Protoss, I'm afraid he would have to show his human identity directly.

"Girl, take a closer look at me again, I...I'm really not the existence you are waiting for--" Su Jin smiled calmly, "Look at me, where is the power in my body like you? You can discern the power in my body carefully. "

Su Jin felt that I was almost told that I was a human race----

The girl shook her head, then hesitated for a while and said, "I can touch you only with your permission."

"Okay! Come on!"

Su Jin was helpless.

The girl slowly raised her hand and gently touched Su Jin's chest with her fingers. In the next second, she hooked her fingers directly, and a "Heaven, Earth and God Bridge" appeared.

"Master!" The girl screamed, as if she felt she had offended Su Jin, and hurriedly knelt down——

Su Jin:...

what's going on?

Is it possible that she is also familiar with the Heaven and Earth God Bridge?

"You really didn't see it?" Su Jin coughed lightly, "I am... a god... yes, I am a protoss——"

"God only appeared after the master appeared. Back then, your "Bridge of Heaven, Earth and God" was able to connect to the present and the ancient, and can stand up to the heavens. The so-called gods are only the existence of the birth of the world after being enslaved by God. Only called the'God'." The girl was shaking with fright, even when she spoke with a trembling voice, she didn't seem to pretend.

Su Jin's face is getting colder and colder--

He didn't care about these details, anyway, for him, it is not a bad thing to get this ‘Eternal Gate’.

"Alright, let's talk... Can I use your "Gate of Eternity" to be invincible in the world?" Su Jin asked.

"Uh-" The girl raised her head, and then said embarrassed: "Fighting with God, the master tried everything, even I was almost broken, and I couldn't recover by myself, so..."

"So you are useless?"

Su Jin smiled bitterly, "You don't want me to repair the ‘Eternal Gate’, so this king hasn’t gained much benefit, and he has to take time and strength to repair you—"


The girl nodded, "But...I am not useless at all."

"What's the use?" Su Jin's eyes immediately raised hope.

This girl said that she was "The Gate of Eternity", Thaksin, but it should not be too wasteful. After all, the golden monument can provide him with a lot of help. This has such a prestigious "Eternal Gate". It's useless.

The girl said: "As long as you agree that I will follow you again and regain control of the gate of eternity, I can span hundreds of time and space in an instant, and with the restoration of the future, I will be second only to... the treasure of the heavens— —"

"How many times can you cross?" Su Jin sighed.

" will take a long time to reappear once." The girl grinned.

Forget it.

Su Jin didn't want to embarrass her either, and then said, "The guys from the law enforcement alliance outside, this king will settle accounts with them in the future! Let me go--"

"Okay." As the girl said, the surrounding scenes froze in an instant, and dazzling colorful light spots were quickly converging on her body.

Turn around!

Su Jin saw an extremely mysterious portal, which condensed before his eyes! He knew that this was outside the gate of eternity-

"Master, stretch out your palm--" The Gate of Eternity uttered a voice.

Su Jin lifted Tiandao's right palm.

The gate of eternity instantly turned into a ray of brilliant colored light waves, quickly digging into Su Jin's palm! Su Jin felt the difference at that time, he could feel the existence of the "Eternal Gate"! When he looked at the palm again, the imaginary ‘Eternal Gate’ floated directly from the mark in the palm.

This is equivalent to mastering the gate of eternity?

Su Jin felt that he was losing a lot... The heaven, earth and **** bridges in his body were all operating, mobilizing some of their power, and nourishing this door!

He understands, this is the ‘fix’ that the girl wants!

"I have another function... as long as the master is injured, I can quickly heal you--" The girl's voice appeared in Su Jin's mind.

A beautiful woman who was born well has turned into an eternal door! Su Jin thinks about it, it's not a big deal. If he wants to see it, he can make her condense from the imprint of "Eternal Gate" at any time, which is not bad.

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, and immediately he held his right palm!

In a flash!

Su Jin seemed to have turned into a star light spot and disappeared directly into the sky! Before that, his voice transmission echoed around the entire law enforcement alliance!

"Everyone from the law enforcement league, it will be long in the future! How worried about your head and how long you can stay on your neck—"

Su Jin's voice resounded!

Tuobaxiu, Yu Wenlong, know that Su Jin is gone——

Leaving the law enforcement league!

This day will be the shame of the eternal gods! Shame Day of the Enforcement League!


Dark starry sky.

All the gods in Fate Gourd were all released by Su Jin——

Soon, Mrs. Xuanji's crystal scepter once again allowed all protoss to enter the scepter space.

After entering the crystal scepter-

Su Jin sat on the dragon chair of the imperial palace and ordered Madam Xuanji to urge the crystal scepter to the land of colored glaze.

Another place.

Under the bright starry night, Zhang Yuelu and Fang Renxue were also arranged in a Shangjia pavilion. Outside, the ink was dark, and in one of the underground fairy ponds, the lights were dimly lit.

Zhang Yuelu was also the golden robe that Su Jin gave her... and she was also very worried about Fang Renxue's state, she seemed to be unhappy all the time.

"Fang Renxue--"

Zhang Yuelu still intends to explain and tell Fang Renxue the truth, but it is difficult to tell her about her daughter.

Now, Fang Renxue raised her head in a daze when she heard Zhang Yuelu calling her.

Zhang Yuelu has made up her mind. She and Fang Renxue face each other, stepping forward, grabbing Fang Renxue's hands with both hands, and then...

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