My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3888: I don't know who I hate

Pull forward--


In the dark night, everything is silent.

A slender figure rushed out from Zhang Yuelu's residence, covering her mouth. She seemed unable to accept the reality. After rushing out, she didn't know the direction and ran towards the north frantically...

Soon, Zhang Yuelu appeared outside the pavilion with worry on her face. She loved looking at the direction Fang Renxue had left. In addition to sighing, she sighed--

Withdrawing her gaze, Zhang Yuelu looked in the direction of the'Imperial Palace'. After a little thought, she passed the voice to Su Jin. After all, Su Jin has an unshirkable responsibility for the development of this situation!

He has to take responsibility!

Fang Renxue didn't know how long he had been away.

Where is this again?

She always feels unable to get out, unable to escape, she even has the illusion that it is difficult to be accepted by the whole world, and she is incompatible with all gods and all people——

On the calm green lake, Fang Renxue appeared awkwardly under a tree, and soon stared at the water in a daze.


Fang Renxue heard very light footsteps.

The familiar voice seemed to have endless sighs, and then, the voice slowly said:

"The beauty rolls the bead curtain and sits deeply with crests."

"But seeing the tears wet, I don't know who I hate."

Su Jin's voice!

Fang Renxue never wanted to see him again, let alone hear this terrible voice, if she could, she would rather not meet him in the trial of the stairs——

"What are you doing..." Fang Renxue watched Su Jin appear in front of her, turning her face to one side.

Su Jin smiled lightly, raised his hand, condensed the table in front of Fang Renxue, then sat down, filled her with wine, and said, "Send you--"

"Send me..." Fang Renxue's expression became a little unnatural.


Su Jin said indifferently: "The stairs to the sky, the trial changes, it is not me who can control you, although you can no longer become the king of the eternal gods, I now have another good fortune to give you, after this, you go west, I go Dong, no matter how much we owe each other."

As he spoke, Fang Renxue hadn't refused yet--

Su Jin raised her hand, a trace of motherhood was like a thin strand, and quickly enveloped Fang Renxue's body. She was completely stunned, staring blankly at the indifferent youth sitting opposite.

Within Fang Renxue's body, there were waves of overwhelming changes that she had never expected! Every ‘rule of God’ of her began to change almost instantly!

As if the flowers bloomed for a moment, as if ice water was flowing, almost before she could react, she covered her eyebrows in pain. She was not ready yet, otherwise she wouldn't be so painful on the way to the promotion to the King God!


He has the ability to advance God to the King God!

Fang Renxue's first feeling was shock, but that wave of pain, as if earth-shaking, occupied all her thoughts——

Of course Su Jin has it. Except for the ‘tree of enlightenment’, the core of the mother-in-kindness of all things is obviously more direct and faster, but he must pay a part of the price for this, and the price is loss——

Fang Renxue was occupied by pain, and instinctively began to urge his energy. All around, scenes of blue rainbow light seemed to converge from Zhou Tian's Quartet!

One minute passed.

Five minutes passed.

One quarter of an hour!

Fang Renxue seemed to be collapsed. She was covered in sweat. She raised her head and her brows were constantly shining. It was a clear mark of ‘Begonia’, ups and downs, constantly revealing the extremely deep power of the king!



Fang Renxue looked at her hand, and the rules of King God in her hand were very clear in her feelings.

This is... Is this the King God?

"I treated you like that, why would you help me?" Fang Renxue stared at Su Jin's face, obviously this was more like a dream for her.

Su Jin shook his head and smiled: "Because I am a master——"

So simple?

Fang Renxue was obviously dissatisfied with this response, but Su Jin also made sense, because he is a strong man, and the strong man can despise everything and tease her...what is it——

"Drink this glass of wine and go away."

Su Jin held the cup and drank a cup before he got up and walked towards the circuit. At the same time, his voice resounded in Fang Renxue's ear again: "You are now the king god, you can break it at will. Divine treasure space here."

By the lake, Fang Renxue was silent for a long time.


early morning.

Outside the imperial palace, there are two more fresh greens——

The red glow on Nalan Moran's face had not faded, but when he saw the two figures outside the emperor's palace, his expression looked strange.

"If Brother Su knows that you haven't left, you must be happy." Zhang Yuelu and Fang Renxue in silence, looking at Xianque in the distance, were waiting outside the imperial palace.

Fang Renxue did not go!

She sat by the lake in the middle of the night, knowing that she had only two ways to go, one was to find Fang's house again, and the other was to stay with the Nalan Protoss——

As for the Eternal God's Domain, it is absolutely impossible. Because of Su Jin, she might be arrested as soon as she is discovered by the law enforcement league, and the fate can be imagined.

Now the gods of the heavens, heading to the land of glazed glaze... make the distance between the gods very small, she even has the illusion that as long as she walks out of the Nalan clan, she is very likely to encounter law enforcement alliances, or even some of the eternal gods Protoss——

Danger is everywhere...

Nalan Moran noticed Su Jin's presence in front of the gate of the imperial palace, and left when he knew it.

Su Jin's face was quite calm, but his eyes were a little bit more surprised.

In front of the Shenyu railing, the back of the two women, don’t make him too shocked--

Zhang Yuelu was also uncharacteristically. She put on a fuchsia dress and combed her long hair neatly. If Su Jin had not heard her voice just now, it would be hard to tell from her back.

And Fang Renxue also changed into a very exquisite snow-like white women's skirt. Under her knees, her calves were half exposed, and her snow feet did not touch the ground. Even if the two women were so far apart, Su Jin could be clear. Smelling the different fragrances of the two women-

Sinner's extreme.

"What are you talking about?" Su Jin walked slowly behind his back.

Fang Renxue and Zhang Yuelu both became nervous.

The most important thing is Zhang Yuelu. She usually pretends to be a man, and she also pretends to be very sloppy. Now that she knows that she can't hide it, she has changed back to her original dress. She is the most anxious.

And Fang Renxue is better... She has lost her face so many times, and she doesn't care this time--

"I'm not leaving, will you be disappointed?" Fang Renxue turned around, looked at Su Jin, and asked slowly.

"As expected." Su Jin said with a smile.

As expected?

Fang Renxue's eyes changed slightly, she knew it! A strong man like Su Jin, with wisdom and profound knowledge, can't figure out her mind... She wanted to leave last night, but it was just an action she wanted to make in a hurry, but now no matter what she thinks, there is Su Jin The place seems to be the safest place.

"Brother Deer--" Su Jin looked at Zhang Yuelu with a smile.

"Ah! Don't look at me, don't look at my face!"

Zhang Yuelu covered her face with her hands, and her hair was messed up a lot.

With a little playfulness at the corner of Su Jin's mouth, he squinted and said, "It's not that I haven't seen it--"

"Huh!" Zhang Yuelu went out, flushing, and put her hands on the belt that made her very uncomfortable.

Su Jin... dumbfounded.

Zhang Yuelu's appearance is already the best, Su Jin can see it a long time ago, but...but she is better than she is full of heroism, which Su Jin has never seen in any woman.

"Look! Let's take a good look, this girl will let you see enough to see death!" Zhang Yuelu is like a bright red pepper now, full of hotness.

"It's pretty," Su Jin commented.

Zhang Yuelu:...

You look good in such awkward clothes? She was also worried. After all, her character is very unpleasant, and her temperament is not as gentle as Nalan Moran, and unlike Fang Renxue's icy and snowy quality——

Talked for about half an hour--

Su Jin saw Madam Xuanji walking slowly...

"City Lord." Mrs. Xuanji was somewhat unspeakable.

"Say." Su Jin nodded.

"More than an hour ago, my crystal scepter was somewhat uncontrollable, and now we seem to be trapped in a space-time vortex, unable to get out." Madam Xuanji gently pointed to the crystal scepter, the crystal ball above the scepter. In the middle, immediately followed her fingertips to draw strands of snow-colored crystals——

Su Jin frowned slightly.

Mrs. Xuanji condensed the outside scene through the crystal scepter. Indeed, the crystal scepter body is cruising in the ripples of space——

The circle of space ripples, and the crystal scepter is always in circles.

"I'll go out and have a look. It's best to meet a few eyesless protoss of the law enforcement alliance."

Su Jin's face became cold, "You give an order, and the time and space outside are ripples. Only the king can barely survive, and no **** can get out of the space of the gods."

"Hmm -" Mrs. Xuan Ji nodded gently.

Immediately, a passage appeared in front of Su Jin, and he walked out directly.

Outside... a terrifying interstellar storm is sweeping every inch of time and space! Even Su Jin couldn't see the end of this storm ripples!

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