My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3889: Machinery City

Such a vast scale——

Su Jin immediately decided that it was definitely not man-made, and it was very strange in the rippling vortex, with red markings, like hollow rosettes.

"Star Eye?"

Su Jin's expression was a little weird.

Once, Su Jin had been to the Abyss of Void, and from the Abyss of Void, he had seen a scene where a divine coffin was attached to the star's eye, but he was far less powerful than he is now.

Thinking about it, Su Jin hesitated for a moment——

Looking at the crystal scepter that was spinning not far away, Su Jin knew that it was Mrs. Xuanji who had been working hard to hold it. Otherwise, once the crystal scepter was sucked into the ripples, it might even fall to the flaming red star shaped like a lotus constellation. Inside the eye.

Even though Su Jindang turned into a ‘sky arm’, he directly grabbed the crystal scepter to a position five million miles away from the vortex of ripples!

Then, Su Jin passed on to Mrs. Xuanji and told her to take the whole family on standby, waiting for him to return.


Su Jin held his hand and walked directly into the huge vortex of ripples——

Su Jin in the rippling vortex saw the scene of time and space inverted, and saw colorful light everywhere, as if a time and space tunnel had been opened!

Fortunately, Su Jin has been communicating with the gate of eternity based on perception, knowing that he can leave here at any time, and even reach the vicinity of the Nalan clan in just a moment.

This also made Su Jin feel relieved--

One minute.

five minutes!

It took a full five minutes for Su Jin to stabilize his body and walked out of a space-time tunnel. He looked up... and was shocked immediately--

Wasn't the rippling vortex above his head the same vortex he had seen from above? And there is still this level of space below, but the star eye of the lotus constellation that Su Jin just saw above is not here, it should be farther away than here.

Definitely still there!

Su Jin can still feel the heat here——

Here, it is absolutely impossible for any creatures to exist.

Su Jin thought for a while, and directly opened the Mohe Prison Eye...

Looking around, millions of signs of life.

Thousands of miles, the same dead silence.

To the west! At a full position of 130 million miles, even Su Jin saw a blurry scene now. If he hadn't been touched by the big life technique in his body, he would be really not sure where a strange human domain was.

Recently, he has been very close to the Protoss... Su Jin is aware of the Humans again, and he is naturally emotional.


Su Jin lightly patted the void in front of him, and a sky crack appeared directly, and he fell into it! But after a dozen breaths, a blue star appeared in his eyes!

Startled... I watched it for a long time.

Su Jin finally closed his eyes. When he saw the huge blue star, he felt a great feeling for the first time. It's a's not...

He naturally knew that it was not the earth.

But that kind of intimacy can't be stopped at all, from the heart.

"Space station, satellite... here... this is the era of hot martial arts--" Su Jin was aware of it, and stared at the surrounding scenery dumbfounded. This is a huge blue star, at least tens of thousands of miles away. There are more than a thousand satellites. In addition to some being transformed into scientific and technological satellites, some of them are mining satellites, and even... many satellites have humans permanently settled.

Su Jin is naturally very interested.

The hot martial age here is obviously higher than the earth by several space civilizations.

Now Su Jin faces two choices... One is that he knows the situation here, or he can go directly back and join the Nalan Protoss. Second, he can't waste much time, so it's okay to walk into the blue star to explore.

This is Su Jin's first time!

The first time I met such a kind planet!

Of course, Su Jin didn't know, at this moment! On the K232 science and technology satellite, there are constant scarlet alarms from instruments...

Just for a moment, not only this satellite, even the entire blue star, the detection instruments are amazingly consistent!

" judge that standing in that space is really a human race?"

On the K232 science and technology satellite, a group of pictures was clicked on by a young man on the big screen. Above that space, Su Jin's appearance, clothes, and even the vertical eye can be clearly seen!

"It's a human race! Who is he? God... This is an extremely huge discovery for the Federation!" An old man with Hefa's eyes widened and his breathing became rapid, even after seeing this scene There is almost a tendency to faint!


The sound of instruments everywhere--

The young man called "Blowing Snow" has a solemn expression, because of the analysis on the instrument, the energy contained in that mysterious and powerful human being can be described as a burst of energy!



The detection values ​​of many low-level instruments have reached their peak!

"This guy is most likely not a human! It looks like an ancient **** in the ancient era! Sir! Please also give an order to urgently use all your strength to destroy it with all your strength!" Chuuxue suddenly looked at the old man Hefa——

"Destroy? You are crazy! If you don't bring it back for research, who will believe that this is a powerful human? No... let all the spacecraft that can be mobilized at present be dispatched!" The old man Hefa was so excited that he couldn't help himself. To...get alive...

"No way!"

"Am I the chief or you are the chief!"



Was discovered?

Su Jin smiled bitterly, he just wanted to relive the feeling of being in his homeland, how... he became a public enemy in this world?


Su Jin concealed all power instantly and disappeared in one step.

All the instruments returned to calm.

Elder Hefa and Chuuxue both froze for a while, looking at the gradually turning green indicator light and the empty space on the screen, they felt that this was more like a dream, an extremely real dream!

"Disappeared! How could it..." The young man Chuuxue hurriedly tapped on the computer screen, but on the computer screen, he could no longer chase the mysterious alien guy.


Su Jin looked at the huge mechanical city, and he saw faces like civilians——

"Go back! Today is the curfew, no one is allowed to get out of the house!" A young man carrying an electric knife and a group of fanatic fighters was driving the crowd crazy!

Su Jin froze for a moment, he felt that it might be because of him——

The silver moon hangs high, on the edge of the boundless sea, somewhere in this mechanical city is being occupied by an unusually tense atmosphere——

Many civilians have been driven away!

No one knows what happened! And in the ‘Blue Academy’ on the east side of the Machine City by the sea, a group of upper class students received the order immediately!

"Blue Academy...that...who is driving that Victory Goddess!"

There were civilians running hurriedly, and when they saw a number of extremely famous mechas turning into the mighty motorcycle Mercedes-Benz Street, they were immediately shocked.

The Goddess of Victory, once again the first generation of blue academy strong blue women to drive, cut through the big demon from a different space!

"What happened? Why is the whole mechanical city so dynamic? Could there be demons coming from a different space? Otherwise, why would the Blue Academy send out the'Victory Goddess'!" Some civilians gathered together slightly and quietly watched together. Chen's mecha said.

"Machine City has never reacted like this in the past five hundred years! There must be something wrong. I can't just be the Blue Academy. The other nine colleges must have also dispatched the strongest mecha!"

"Mom... the ancient monster in a different space, I will kill when I grow up--" A little girl was carrying a tattered schoolbag and holding an adult's hand. Her eyes flashed constantly, as if she was looking forward to it.

"Quick...Run...Nine major academies, as expected! The No. 1 Hot Martial Academy, there are 900 strong people in the Starlight Armor!"

"Let's go back to our slum, we can't stand the tossing like this—"

"Who...Is it true that ancient monsters in different dimensions have arrived in our'Machine City?'!"


Su Jin has now used his cloak to transform himself into an ordinary civilian. He has no idea what happened. Why did he arrive in this mechanical city and the whole mechanical city reacted?

He looks no different from those civilians now--


On the feasting streets, all the electronic eyes are staring at Su Jin...

Su Jin stood on the corner of the street, tried to figure it out, and analyzed it carefully. Finally, his eyes lit up, "The temperature, the temperature on the civilians, is much lower than mine."


Su Jin just reacted when a brilliant blue beam of light struck him!


Su Jin disappeared in one step and escaped with great ease. He didn't expect that he would receive such a ‘passionate’ treatment when he first came here!

"Goddess of Victory?" Su Jin was lazy and disguised, stepping directly into the void, turning a faintly visible arc in the dark night, and walking towards the deep sea and sky.


A voice like ice appeared from the Victory Motorcycle... Then, the Victory, the same heat wave, soared into the sky!

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