Calm sea--

The Lady Victory, galloping along the sea!

Su Jin looked back and gave a secret compliment: "So handsome!"

The "Victory Goddess" mech, the handsome and cool motorcycle shape, and the posture on the sea, Su Jin naturally did not hesitate to praise, and the body of the woman on the motorcycle mech also seemed to be perfectly coordinated with the mech. Obviously, this mech is often used to run in, or this mech itself is this woman's thing——

"You can't run away! Ancient monster in different space!" The woman yelled, chasing frantically.

"Oh, it's too slow." Su Jin felt that the world couldn't wait any longer. He hadn't gotten better yet, he became a public enemy, he had no time for a moment, and he is still being hunted down!

Shall... go back?

Su Jin thought about it, he could control the distance with every step, and after the Victory Goddess chased him, many figures appeared in the direction of Mechanical City wearing battle armor!

But compared with the goddess of victory, those enemies are far behind!

"I'm here anyway, have fun and then go--" Su Jin stood still five thousand miles away, standing in the deep sea.

The Victory Mecha was also in hot pursuit!


Everything seems to be quiet.

A wall of air directly blocked the chasers behind the Victory Goddess, no matter how powerful the mechas blasted them, they could not blast away a bit.

The woman on the Goddess of Victory couldn’t see her face clearly, Su Jin just felt that she was in good shape and very cool--

"Friend, I'm just curious to come to you here, there is no need to do this?" Su Jin stood in the void, looked at the Lady Victory, and talked with the woman above.

He didn't know if the other party could understand what he meant--

But he can understand what this woman said before.

"Ancient monster in a different space! Let's fight!" The goddess of victory cheered excitedly. Su Jin just call her goddess of victory, which fits her and this mecha.

Su Jin was ashamed and asked: "Your world is too weak. Apart from taking your own humiliation, it seems that you can't do anything..."

that is the truth.

With the hand of Su Jin's air wall just now, even if their entire Mechanical City gathers all the power, I am afraid that they can't shake a bit. It is estimated that all the power on this planet can be combined.

In short, as powerful as Su Jin, just so confident, and let’s’s nothing--

"In the name of the goddess of victory, I will destroy all your confidence and vowed to bring you back!" The goddess of victory drew out a lightsaber, and the motorcycle under her quickly turned into a mecha, protecting her body!


A lightsaber, swept directly!

Su Jin was speechless, he gently raised his hand, and the ray of lightsaber energy directly seemed to turn into a ball of light energy, which kept spinning in his hand.

The goddess of victory... dumbfounded!

What a powerful ‘ancient monster’ this is!

So strong!

"The inner... do you have a name?" Su Jin sighed and asked.

The Goddess of Victory held the lightsaber, and the mecha on her body seemed to be transformed into a battle uniform. Energy rays were flowing everywhere on the battle uniform, but after hearing Su Jin's question, she only hesitated and drank again: "The one who killed you... is the goddess of victory... Vena!"

Su Jin found it difficult to communicate with people in this world——

What is good about fighting and killing... the other party seems to be able to gain supreme glory by killing him.

Su Jin smiled and said: "From now on, I will call you Nana, this is my name in that world..."

"Death!" Wei Na stepped closer, the lightsaber in her hand exuded a strong light, but for Su Jin, this intensity was really negligible.


Wei Na’s lightsaber was slashed directly on Su Jin——


Vena was stunned.

She does not believe in evil! Su Jin stood in the void, standing with her hand held down. She swung and chopped hundreds of lightsabers in succession, and the sparks splashed and splashed, but she failed to knock this mysterious young man to the ground!

"Nana, are you tired? Would you like to rest for a while?" Su Jin asked calmly.

Wei Na gritted her teeth, and the other party came to their world as if she had the greatest playfulness, and what was going on behind? Why hasn't the support come yet?

When she looked back--

Hundreds of meters in the rear, I don't know how many strong people were stopped there by inexplicable forces! It seems that under the bombardment of many battle armors, they can only blast a ray of light on the void!

The air is like an insurmountable wall!

"Oh, don't really mess with me, I just walked and took a look... Otherwise, it is really not difficult to destroy all the races in your space with my power." Su Jin said.

Annihilate all races?

Not difficult?

Wei Na was a little unbelievable--

"It seems that you don't welcome me, forget it." Su Jin was very upset at the sight, knowing that it was meaningless to care about them. After all, he came here because of curiosity, so he might as well look into the eyes of the lotus star. It.

"We...we have never found a powerful ancient monster like you here." Weina gritted her teeth, looking at Su Jin with some fear.

"Why do you say that?" Su Jin asked.

"Humanoid! Only the powerful ancient monsters can confuse the human race with humanoids and evolve into humanoid forms, indicating that the ancient monsters have the ability to destroy the world! Tens of thousands of years ago, we were slaughtered by the powerful humanoid ancient monsters—— "Vina said.

She does not lie.

But she also felt weird in her heart.

This guy, it seems...something human?

"I'm a human race, just... a cultivator. If you don't believe me, I will come up and show you." Su Jin thought for a while, knowing that the other party would not believe it, and said with a smile.

"You! Don't come over!" Wei Na panicked, her goddess of victory had a big problem. If the ancient monster, how could she resist her dozens of lightsabers?

This situation can only represent a problem——

That is how powerful this ancient monster is, she can't figure it out!

Su Jin looked helpless.

Gradually, Su Jin's eyebrows "Mohe Prison Eye" slowly opened...


There are vertical pupils! Demon eyes!

what! This guy also lied to her, saying that he was not an ancient monster! It's really hateful!

Wei Na injected all the power of the Victory into the lightsaber. If the other party really wants to do anything to her, even if she dies, she can't let the other party succeed!

"You... have only been a civilian since you were a child..." Su Jin seemed to see the scene of Wina when she was a child.

"Don't say it!" Wei Na was furious. A commoner, her status in the Mechanical City is very low and very low. Even if she was a commoner before, now she has acquired a good status. Behind others, I am afraid that there is a lot of criticism.

"Okay, this king is in a good mood today, since you don't welcome me, this king is leaving, what do you want?" Su Jin hesitated, after all, it was troublesome to toss the other party.

"Wish? Show me if you die..." Wei Na said angrily.

Su Jin smiled and thought for a while, "You are an orphan. When you were a child, you were a commoner in the Mechanical City...that is, the untouchable people in your mouth were born. It's not bad to rely on your own efforts, so...Do you want to practice? "

"I don't want to!"

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to beat you and take your corpse back—"

"I'm really not an ancient monster."

Su Jin wiped his face. He found that it was so difficult to communicate with people. The other party seemed to believe that he was an ‘Ancient Demon’!

"You are." Vina said confidently.

"You are unaccompanied, even if you get rid of your status as a civilian, you are often criticized by your teacher, saying that you have insulted the mech of the goddess of victory... I found out, it is not easy for you to live -" Su Jin laughed Tao.

Wei Na's eyes were about to breathe fire, and she jumped up again, and smashed a dozen lightsabers at Su Jin, but when she arrived, she was indeed exhausted. This mysterious ancient monster seemed to be invulnerable. Body thieves are hard to break!

"You hate this world, but you are afraid of the dark night... because you are alone--" Su Jin said.

"You... don't say anything!"

"Well, it seems that you are a little questioning what I said..." Su Jin smiled: "As long as you have a word, the people behind you, your competitors, I pinch to death... what do you think?"

One finger... pinched to death?

That is the powerhouse of the Nine Courtyards! Although the top ten academies of Mechanical City, their Blue Academy is the bottom, but they are not to the point of being pinched to death by this ancient monster——

Wei Na looked at Su Jin coldly, "All the strong in the Machine City are coming, as long as I drag you for ten minutes, you will definitely die!"

"Nana, do you want to see the outside world?"

Su Jin raised his hand, and the terrible amount of pressure was immediately suppressed from the outside of the air wall! That... that is a sky arm! And the pressed position is exactly the position of the strong man in the Nine Courtyards!

Wei Na seemed to be aware, holding the lightsaber with difficulty...turning her head above the sea...


The strong of the nine courtyards were instantly photographed as flying ash!

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