My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3891: Star eye, bone snake

Wei Na froze on the spot-

Nine courtyards, the elite of the machinery city elite, can't even withstand the blow of the ancient monster in this different space! If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe that a large number of people had evaporated out of thin air!

Wei Na hadn't reacted yet, she only felt an extra hand on her waist, but in a moment, she seemed to see the empty passage overflowing with colorful colors flowing through!

It's over-

Caught by this ancient monster in another space!

Wei Na couldn't move her whole body now. She didn't know what magic arts Su Jin had used. In short, in this kind of space channel, she was tired even with a slight eye movement.


Wei Na feels getting hotter and hotter.

She felt that the Mechanical City was getting farther and farther. When she and Su Jin rushed out of a spatial channel, Wei Na reacted and looked around——

"That's..." Wei Na saw a blue planet. This is what she observed in this place. The blue planet was no more than a basin!

Wei Na is heartbroken, her face is sad!

Machinery City.

College! teacher--

How did she think that she would be caught by an ancient monster in a different space!

"Stand firmly." Su Jin smiled weirdly.

"You...who are you!" Wei Na's eyes widened, and she pointed the lightsaber at Su Jin with a desperate face, and shouted.

"Take you to see the panoramic view of your world, rest assured, I will let you go back then." Su Jin felt that Wei Na seemed to be afraid of him, Dang Even chuckles.

"You...Will you let me go back?"

Wei Na took a step back in fright, and said in horror: "In the history class, the teacher said that all powerful ancient monsters will be parasitic. You don't want me to go back with the fetus, you..."

Su Jin laughed blankly, “Don’t worry, I’m not too hungry yet, let’s go... The nine courtyard masters who I shot to death just now seem to have a good cultivation level. Is it so difficult for you practitioners? Recognition?"

"Some are mentors! How can ancient monsters and mentors be on the same level!" Wei Na was a little annoyed. "The mentors rely on mental power to perfectly control the mechanical armor. Some advanced mentors can even control the spaceship. Well, what do you know—"

"All right..." Su Jin didn't want to explain whether he was an ancient monster or not.

"Where are you taking me?" Wei Na is getting more and more worried now, crying, "I want to go home..."

"Show you the excitement of the outside world."

Su Jin raised his hand and directly opened a spatial channel, "This is called a spatial channel, which may be a little difficult for you to understand."

"Wormhole?" Wei Na hit a few question marks in her mind, and asked Su Jin in a questioning tone.

Su Jin was ashamed and shook his head.

Immediately, Su Jin was also lazy to talk nonsense with Vina, and directly took Vina to rush into the ‘space channel’ again——

This time, farther!

When Wei Na and Su Jin appeared again, her face was as pale as paper.

She was surrounded by a picture of Fuxi Dao, and she looked around blankly, she didn't see the blue star at all!

Home, where is home——

Wei Na now feels that all her surroundings are surrounded by flames. If she hadn't been shrouded by Fuxi Daotu, it would be difficult for the "Victory Goddess" mecha to protect her!

"The world where you were born, turns out to be a practitioner, a practitioner like me." Su Jin's voice pulled Vena back to reality.

Wei Na looked in the direction of Su Jin's fingers--

A piece of star eyes that can only be described by the vastness is spewing out the red sky, and in such a distant surrounding, many broken warships are still there.

"Can it be burned? Such a terrible high temperature—" Wei Na looked scared.

Su Jin took Wei Na to a nearby warship and directly opened a cabin. Soon, the **** bones as white as crystals came into view.

"Evidence of ancient practitioners."

Su Jin said lightly.

"You said these are all ancients? The ancient... ancient cultivators in the world of my life?" Wei Na felt that this had almost subverted her own cognition.

"Not bad."

"Impossible, there has never been a record of this."

"There are people everywhere in the world of the heavens. You don't think that the planet you live on is the only human existence in the universe, right?" Su Jin asked.

Wei Na chose to shut up.

The answer she wanted to say, Su Jin had already said——

Su Jin was still observing the distant star eyes... His eyebrows were opened, and even if he noticed the strangeness, his expression naturally changed a lot.

"A demon is a demon." Weina muttered, not daring to look at Su Jin's eyes.

"Have you seen the ancient monster?" Su Jin suddenly turned his head and looked at Wei Na and asked.

Wei Na is now ‘subject to’ Su Jin, and still expects Su Jin to send her back. How dare she not answer, she shook her head: "No."

"In the star's eyes, there is really the ancient monster you mentioned. I will let you see and see later, so you can compare it. This king is really a human race——" Su Jin said.

This piece of flame space... is there an ancient monster?

Wei Na's face became tense, and she said blankly: "No way!"

"I will choose a powerful ancient monster to kill it. When you bring it back, you can say it was killed..." Su Jin said lightly: "At that time, you will truly become the goddess of victory in the top ten colleges."

"It's not rare." Wei Na raised her fist, "I will kill myself in the future!"

"Then you will come later--" Su Jin said calmly.

Pause for a few seconds.


Wina's face showed a look of begging, "I'm afraid..."


Su Jin took Wei Na and really entered near the first star's eye——

It is already very hot here.

Su Jin even felt that his "Vulcan Dao" was growing crazily, and even in this environment, there were still creatures!


In the flames of light, a red and blue bone snake with a long dragon horn raised its huge head. This bone snake... actually has nine heads. Of course, the snake head in the middle is the largest, and its size is also very large in the ordinary world. Hard to come across!

"The snake spirit born in the fire of the star and meteorite god, this snake is comparable to the ordinary king god..." Su Jin was secretly surprised. It was quite close to the blue star. He felt that most of the flames were left here. The strength of the Bone Snake would be greatly reduced, and even the reason for its inability to survive, otherwise it would have no reason not to move.

"Snake! Damn..."

Wei Na instinctively chopped and slashed, and the lightsaber turned into a terrifying arc, but it hit the bone snake without even a spark—


How can this be as strong as this young man!

Wei Na felt that she had entered the den of thieves, and she thought that this young man might have come out from here, otherwise her energy lightsaber would not be able to cut the effect!

"Just by the edge, there is such a powerful existence..."

Su Jin thought for a while, his eyes were not only curious, but also a little hot. In the depths of the star's eyes, he knew that there was definitely something that would satisfy him!

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