My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3892: Lotus Star Eye


In this flame-to-light space, the Nine Skull Snake Man stood up, staring at Su Jin and Wei Na with scarlet snake eyes, constantly shaking their tails that did not know where they were.

"You let me go..." Wei Na's face paled instantly.

She is not afraid of ancient monsters, but snakes most! What's more, it's still such an unprecedented giant bone snake! She has never heard of this kind of snake, and I am afraid that only a strong like Su Jin can stand calmly——

Su Jin smiled, and said with a smile: "Didn't you yell at the ‘Ancient Demon’ to kill you? This snake is handed over to you, okay?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Wei Na really cried in fright, her whole body was shaking with fright, if Su Jin hadn't held her arm, she would have collapsed in the void!

Su Jin didn't mean to tease her anymore--

Immediately, Su Jin looked at the skull snake and asked, "There are a lot of apricot eyes on the lotus seat. Now this king asks you, what is there in the depths? Why are your monsters born from flames outside?"

" are not qualified to ask me! Go to death..." The bone snake raised its head directly, and the flame power around it was mobilized and sprayed directly at Su Jin...

"Oh, Haosheng asked you, but you... don't know whether you live or die..."

Su Jin finished speaking calmly, and calmly raised his arm, before his fingertips, a virtual divine sword condensed directly!


A snake head on the right side of the bone snake was directly cut off! Turned into a burning flame!

"Roar—" The bone snake suddenly suffered this calamity. The pain came too suddenly. The opponent could pierce its defense with a sword at will, which it had never expected!

Moreover, the Nine Skull Snake also discovered that the flame it sprayed towards Su Jin could not cause any harm to the opponent at all!

Wei Na was still trembling, but when she heard Bone Serpent before...

"You... are you really human?" Weina's confidence that Su Jin is an'ancient monster' began to waver. This guy made a fierce move. Previously, he wiped out all the powerhouses who came to support from the Ninth Courtyard. Now... Now that the head of the Nine Skull Snake has been cut off, he shouldn't be with the Nine Skull Snake—

"Of course it's human!"

Su Jin points to the Nine Skull Snake again, and his index finger gently bends down, and the Divine Sword once again chops a snake head on the other side of the Nine Skull Snake!

"Say--" Su Jin's voice seemed to be urging for life, and asked the Nine Skull Snake.

The Nine Skull Snake is now bleeding like a pillar!

But the bone snake blood was gasified just as it spewed out--

"Ah... don't cut it anymore!" Nine Skull Snake repeatedly told mercy, "I said...I will tell you everything..."

Su Jin stopped then, waiting for the other party's answer.

Wei Na is also very curious, she knows this lotus star eye, so far, their world has not been able to go here, it will take many, many years.

"Lotus seat, the flame snake clan at the very center cannot be approached either! But in ancient legends, there is a monument outside the star's eye, a tombstone!" If the main head is not cut off, the two snake heads that were cut off by Su Jin can grow out again——

A tombstone?

Su Jin's face was startled.

"Can there be writing on the tombstone?" Su Jin asked again.

"No! But among some flame monster races, they say that it is the tomb of the sky, the place where God is buried!" Nine Skulls said grimly.

"It's ridiculous--" Su Jin chuckled softly.

"'s ridiculous...but later, a powerful flame lord risked his life to approach the star eye in the center, but it lay on the outermost edge of the star eye and glanced inside, and it turned into a fly on the spot It's gray, so... I don't know what was buried inside..."

Seeing that Su Jin's face was getting worse and worse, the Nine Skull Snake quickly promised: "I swear to God, I promise you at the price of the demon's unhealthy death! There is no falsehood!"

"Lead the way..." Su Jin's expression eased.

Most of what this nine-skull snake said is true--

Because even if Su Jin is now close to healed from his injury, he can't see through the reality with his divine pupils. The reason why the Nine Skull Snake leads the way is naturally because he doesn't want to be troublesome.

After all, there are still a lot of flame monsters here...

" can I..." The Nine Skull Snake was helpless, "I don't know, our Nine Skull Snake family, staying in this first star eye in the northeast corner can't last long, only the current Flame Lord can lead. My lord, walk to two thousand miles away from the center star..."


Su Jin frowned.

It seems that this nine-skull snake cannot be counted on--

"Get off." Su Jin saw that the other party's attitude was still sincere, and directly led Wei Na to the depths.

Wei Na looked around.

The surrounding space seems to be being evaporated by heat waves visible to the naked eye, and the space is constantly being melted! God knows how she came here, the undisturbed star eye just under her feet seemed to have shaken the Fuxi Dao array around her.

"You shouldn't bring me here..." Wei Na said with a bitter expression, "You are not an ancient monster, you make it clear—"

"Is the explanation clear?" Su Jin asked.

Wei Na said weakly, "Yes."

"Don't worry, keep you safe, you are still young, you have to see the world well." Su Jin smiled.

"But if I go back, the teacher won't believe it... This is a place that the human race on our planet will never be able to reach, and then I told her that I came to the lotus star eye——"

"Then your teacher will send you to a mental hospital--" Su Jin smiled.

"Don't you, I'm so scared..." Wei Na became more and more nervous.

The surrounding formations were trembling more and more fiercely, she and Su Jin had already crossed three star eyes, and it was certain when this mysterious formation would shatter!

It's scary to look at the strange--

But Wei Na has an illusion, Su Jin is faster than the speed of that kind of space channel, a few steps are a star eye, Su Jin and her are getting deeper and deeper here...

The vast lotus star eye--

The billowing heat wave concealed everything, and that kind of heat wave seemed to blur everything.

The Fuxi pattern around Su Jin and Weina began to be enveloped by a halo of the Vulcan Dao, and the entire Dao formation was in operation, naturally safe!

During the period, there were more than a dozen waves of watching, and Su Jin felt...

It should be the monster that was born in this flame space, Su Jin didn't care too much, he almost hurried straight to the center-


It's near again!

The star eye in the center is almost here! Su Jin and Weina have walked in this lotus flame space for nearly two hours!

One can imagine how far this is at Su Jin's speed!

Tomb of the sky? Su Jin's eyebrows were faintly fluctuating, he seemed to be perceived, and he looked directly into a blurry scene... There... there really is a mysterious monument floating!

The words above... Su Jin can't see clearly! But he only saw one point...

Su Jin felt cold!

not good!

The words on it are not ‘Tomb of Heaven’, but...Tomb of Immortality!

Could it be that the existence buried in the eyes of the stars is still alive?

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