My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3894: Temple of Flame

Fire of all things

When Su Jin saw these three words, the shock in his heart was beyond description! Under Huo Yuanxing, why is there a ‘Temple of Flame’ hidden in the fire?

Also, the danger here is definitely more than these terrifying flames!


After Su Jin was slightly surprised, the Flame Temple thousands of miles away seemed to shake slightly because of the arrival of him and Weina!

"What is it?" Wei Na screamed in shock.

"The demon **** formed by the extreme fire."

Su Jin calmed himself down. The sight he saw through the'Mahe Town Prison Eye' was indeed like this, because when the shaking of the'Fire Temple' began, pieces of humanoid demon gods, like stacks of sacred mountains, turned out. .

A rough estimate is that the number is at least a million!

These flame demon gods are guarding the flame temple!

Su Jin thought of the "Eternal Life Tombstone" on the star eye, then looked at the flame monsters and frowned.

What kind of existence exists in the temple, which is protected by a million flame demon gods?

"Can you kill it?" Wei Na strained her nerves and asked as she looked at Su Jin.

"Yes, but it may be more laborious."

Su Jin's pressure has doubled, and it is much more dangerous here than in the law enforcement alliance. These millions of flame monsters alone are enough for him to deal with, and he also suspects that these flame monsters cannot die!


The fire of all things is very likely to make those flame monsters immortal!


If these flame demon gods can draw out and find the current position of the law enforcement alliance, Su Jin can let the law enforcement alliance burn at any time!

"Come! They are coming! Find a way!" Wei Na screamed again!

Su Jin raised his hand, a sky arm, and snapped it in the distance!




Hundreds of flame demon gods were directly shattered by the sky arm! But with just two breaths, each flame demon **** gathered their bodies again, and some... even turned into the body of a great demon!

"Unkillable!" Su Jin gave Wei Na a very bad news.

"What to do then!"

"There is a way."

In the eyes of Su Jin and Weina, the gray and blue colors quickly gathered!

Wordless secret!


Wei Na screamed, she saw the sharp claws of a flame demon god, and slashed directly at her. This flame demon **** was too big, and every one was of the same size!


Wei Na was stunned for a moment.

She watched, one after another Flame Demon God swept her and Su Jin's body, but it seemed to be swept in the air, and could not hurt her at all!

"You... how did you do it?" Wei Na kept her sluggish gaze, and when she asked about Su Jin, she couldn't react for a while.

"Want to learn? Follow me... I teach you—" Su Jin smiled.

"Cut." Wei Na curled her lips. She didn't know what kind of method Su Jin used. In short, it was too strange. This was a magical technique that she couldn't imagine.

Su Jin said lightly: "Do you want to be a god? Do you want to be the master of your world? With me for a few months, I will give you a chance to be invincible in your world!"

"Who believes in you is a fool." Wei Na was moved, but she is not stupid, because Invincible is not that simple at all.

Su Jin:...

"You actually have very good physical functions. This is the result of driving the'Victory Goddess' all the year round. As for the talent, it is barely superior."

Su Jin thought for a while, and then said, "You have to think about it. If you miss this village, there will be no store. After exploring this star-eye world, I should leave."

"Live first! I'll make a decision at the end!" Where is Wei Na now thinking about other things, those terrifying-looking flame demon gods, who seem to have no soul, are constantly attacking her and Su Jin!

Although it was useless, she couldn't scan her body——

"This technique is "The Secret of the Sky without Words". Before the effect of the Secret of the Sky disappears, it will definitely allow us to spare the ‘Flame Temple’ and turn back." Su Jin smiled.

After hearing the words, Wei Na was naturally relieved.

After half a stick of incense.

Because in the state of "The Secret of No Words", unable to use power, Su Jin took advantage of the wind and fire, and finally couldn't stay ten miles away from the flame temple!

In such a pure blue light...Vina could also see that ‘Temple of Flame’ with naked eyes!

"The world is really magical." Weina said with emotion, "I don't know how many years that temple has existed here."

"Don't worry, it's definitely longer than the star you live in." Su Jin said lightly.

Wei Na was stunned, the "Fire Temple" longer than the birth of stars? Do you want to be so exaggerated? She didn't believe it anyway--

"What's in the Flame Temple?" Wei Na asked.

"I don't know, I will come here if I know it?"


Wei Na began to look forward to it, "I guess there are definitely amazing treasures in it. Just looking at that ‘Fire Temple’ is worth a lot of money."

Su Jin's face turned black and calmly said: "Don't think about it, there should be a powerful existence buried in the Flame Temple, and it is very likely that it is even alive—"

"Impossible, impossible." Wei Na waved her hands again and again. She was in the state of'No Words Heaven's Secret'. She couldn't feel any heat, and she quickly denied Su Jin's statement.

"Outside this star's eye, there is an'Eternal Life Stele'. In the Flame Temple, it is not a powerful'Ancient Sage', or a terrifying and invincible Protoss powerhouse!" Su Jin looked at Wei Na and gave him two more A more certain guess.


Does it really exist in the world?

Wei Na is not willing to believe Su Jin's words, after all, this is the guy who caught her and suffered, and is the enemy——

The two of them approached step by step.

Those millions of flame demon gods seemed to be extremely frightened by their behavior. They had stayed hundreds of miles away and didn't dare to approach the "flaming temple" at all!

"There are words on the walls of the temple!" Wei Na said she couldn't believe it, her lips trembled.

The Flame Temple, on the outer wall, six handwritings look like blood

"Those who approach, kill without mercy!"

Su Jin felt the ultimate killing intent. These divine words were very old. If he hadn't possessed the ‘golden ancient stele’ and knew the meaning of these six handwritings, I’m afraid no one would have understood it.

Moreover, these six handwritings seem to be more complicated than those divine characters in the golden ancient stele——

"I, I... I can't help myself." Wei Na was photographed by the six handwriting killing intent, and her eyes became flushed with red light!

"Just don't look at it." Su Jin said lightly.

With her remaining reason, Wei Na turned her gaze to it, and she really retreated! For the first time, she had the same fear!

Su Jin's eyes flickered, "Go--"

"Still going?" Wei Na was scared and crying, and quickly grabbed Su Jin's arm and asked nervously.

"Enter the temple." Su Jin's icy voice shocked Wei Na.

In... into the temple?

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