My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3895: Butcher Monk

"Don't go in, it's scary--"

Wei Na directly retreated and shook her head quickly.

Although she couldn't understand the words on the wall of the'Flame Temple', they seemed to be written in blood. She was really scared.

Su Jin pointed to the millions of flame demon gods in the distance, and slowly said: "Then I will go in by myself, and you will guard outside."

Wei Na's face suddenly pulled down, her rosy little mouth was about to poke into the sky, and she reluctantly walked towards the Flame Temple with Su Jin——

Five miles!


One mile!

The weird atmosphere is spreading, and Wei Na seems to have an illusion. When she and Su Jin walked into the "Fire Temple" less than 100 meters away, the surrounding flames were turning into strange beasts——

For example, the blue dragon, such as the orange demon fox that is 100 meters high, in short, wonderful scenes continue to appear in Wei Na's mind!

"Illusion?" Wei Na looked at Su Jin, thankfully, she could still see Su Jin.

"Yes, but not all." Su Jin shook his head. "Some of the majesty of the formation is contained in it. Whenever someone approaches the'Fire Temple', the formation will react, and the sights you see are all By the flame."

"Similar to those flame monsters outside?" Weina seemed to understand.

Su Jin nodded and stopped responding to Wei Na. He looked at the ‘Temple Gate’ and suddenly said, "Come out—"

come out?

He is shouting at the "Fire Temple"!

Wei Na only felt her scalp tightening. She didn't understand the wonders in the world of practice. There was a door behind it. How could he find someone inside the temple gate?

"This place has nothing to do with the donor... If you break into the temple and disturb the deceased, Lao Na... will not forgive!"

The ‘temple door’ of the Flame Temple slowly opened, and someone slowly walked out of it——

Wei Na slowly opened her eyes, she really couldn't imagine! Someone really exists in this ‘flaming temple’, and... this is still an old monk with a withered face, with a black magic knife on his back and sunken eye sockets!

"There really is a bald donkey." Wei Na was amazed at Su Jin's ability.

Su Jin frowned tightly.

The dead?

Not too possible.

The moment the old monk pushed open the "Fire Temple", the great life technique in Su Jin's body clearly sensed the existence of a strong spiritual energy, which is definitely still alive.

Su Jin raised his head slightly, looked at the old monk and said, "Since the master is a monk, he can't put down the butcher knife. I'm afraid it's not very good--"

"Lao Na's sleeping temple for countless years. As a guardian of the tomb, he must be responsible for blessing the temple. My friends, depending on your wicked face, you should leave quickly. Lao Na can be treated as if you haven't been here!" , Several flame patterns raged, staring at Su Jin and said.

Su Jin smiled.

"This tomb is buried in the depths of the star's eye, and there is a monument of immortality outside. Few strong people can approach it, and... even if she and I leave here, I think you will chase and kill both of me because of harmlessness to the temple. I will not let the two of me take the news out." Su Jin said lightly.

The old monk was silent.

He underestimated the wisdom of the people who came--

"Then...what do you want!" The old monk stared at Su Jin and asked in a deep voice.

"Since I can come, I have the certainty that I can leave. The sacred fire here cannot hurt me, and you... have been sleeping for countless years, even the most refined way of flame is far from my opponent."

Sukin paused, and after an analysis, he smiled and said, "I want to enter the temple."

"Death!" The flame robes that condensed from the old monk's body were directly swept away by him, and the entire sky and the sky seemed to be covered by a net!

"Demon...This is a demon monk!" Wei Na was shocked.

"Hahaha... you are right... the old monk is called the fire bodhisattva, and is called the butcher sword demon monk by the world! Since the two have worked so hard to come here, they will stay forever -"

The old monk’s voice became more and more illusory, and he seemed to disappear--

"Why is he missing?" Wei Na looked more and more nervous. She didn't have experience in fighting between human monks. Before, when Su Jin cut the two snake heads of the Nine Skull Snake King, she didn't see why.

Su Jin really wants Vina to talk less now...

Of course, he does not need to bother.

"Broken!" Su Jin opened his mouth.

Wei Na was stunned.

She didn't see any movement from Su Jin at all, she didn't even raise her hand, and the robes and nets all around suddenly burst into pieces!

"Whatever you say! You...who are you!" The butcher demon monk was shocked. He looked at the scene of the robes being shattered and he could hardly believe it!

"You don't know..." Su Jin said lightly: "Yes, or not."

"I can't let it!"

The butcher sword demon monk stepped into the air in one step, and a lot of majestic demon fire light quickly gathered on his right hand. The palm of his right hand was lifted to the sky, and in a blink of an eye... a huge "swastika" flame gathered together. !

"Exit!" The butcher sword demon monk seemed to set off a sea of ​​fire, and the purest ‘fire of all things’ around him seemed to be manipulated by him. For a time, he was imposing!

Wei Na's heart seems to be held inexplicably now, the kind of powerful pressure, she has a feeling of life and death!


Su Jin's voice was getting colder, and under his feet, a piece of "Golden Light Avenue" with vigorous Buddha charm, directly turned the inexhaustible distance around him into "Golden Light Avenue"!

Then, Su Jin's finger went up a little higher, and the same Buddha seal with the word ‘卍’ slowly expanded!

"What a powerful realm of Buddhism!" The butcher demon monk was trembling all over. In his body, wisps of extremely ancient cyan Buddha light began to flow out, and he... was... Giving Shengsheng was suppressed on the spot!

"Acceptance." Su Jin glanced at the butcher demon monk.

The butcher demon monk seems to have endured the suppression of tens of millions of continents now. His whole body's karmic energy turned into black light, and he began to compete with his own weak Buddhist path and blue light, and above the sky, he used the word "卍" The technique was also shattered by Su Jin's Buddhist Swastika!

"Little friend is definitely not waiting... dare to ask... but the realm of the other side!" The butcher-blade demon monk seemed to be awakened from the memory of how many years ago, he looked at Su Jin with difficulty and asked.

"The flowers have already bloomed on both sides of the strait, and they have stepped onto Samadhi--" Su Jin said calmly.


The butcher demon monk breathed with a violent cough and panting. He was trapped in the void now and could only speak, but he might not give up because of this! He... still has a chance!

"My lord, no one can dig the grave! Even if you are a monstrous Buddha, you can't...not!"

The butcher demon monk's tone fluctuated more and more fiercely, and his physical body began to transform into wisps of Xisha in a flash, as if it was swept away by the fire and wind--

Wei Na exclaimed: "That butcher knife! It's moving!"

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