My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3896: Into the temple

It's not just the butcher knife shaking violently--

Su Jin also noticed an extremely strange situation. The fleshy sand that the butcher sword demon monk had turned into was swept into the'Fire Temple' by the strange storm Changhong.

Tomb of the Immortal...

Could it really be immortal?

Su Jin's face was unprecedentedly solemn. This was a scene he had never seen before. Besides, the existence buried in the Flame Temple was definitely not simple!

In the air.

The black butcher knife trembled even more, without the **** of the butcher monk's Buddhism, the power it radiated was a hundred times stronger than the just now!


The black Dao Ying directly cut through the sky!

Cotai Strip, torn apart! The Buddha seal with the word ‘卍’ was also cut into two directly from the middle!

Let's separate!

Su Jin's body shook slightly, and the ‘卍’ Buddha seal was cut. It didn’t have much impact on him, but the power of this sword exceeded his previous expectations.

"Friends, don't make mistakes."

In the Flame Temple, the temple door is wide open!

Wei Na couldn't believe her eyes. She rubbed her eyes vigorously and looked at the monk walking out of the temple gate. Compared with the old monk before, this monk was not a little bit younger, and she was still middle-aged.

But Wei Na is sure that, no matter her temperament or face, she can be sure that this middle-aged monk and the previous old monk are the same person——

same person! That's right!

"The previous... is your decayed body." Su Jin opened his eyes. He has not yet been able to return to the past.

Although he can do it in "The Years of Winding Path", he can't step back in the past, and he doesn't know what will happen when entering the past that the years of winding path lead to.

What Su Jin can't do--

This ‘Fire Temple’ can do it. Just now, the old monk, Rousha was involved in the ‘Temple of Flame’, but he was able to recast his body, even going back to his middle age when he was prosperous. This ability surprised him when he thought about it.

"Old Na is blessed by "The Temple of Fire" and can be reborn from Nirvana countless times, and it will be stronger than once. I am here, and I am immortal with the Lord." The butcher monk walked out of the Flame Temple again.


What a terrible word!

Su Jin was amazed, the world's strong man, who can do this?

No matter how beautiful it is, it will never be forever, even if it is invincible in the world, it will be destroyed by time. The appearance of the Flame Temple has simply refreshed Su Jin's knowledge of this place——

Su Jin nodded, "You are not invincible, you are immortal, there are laws to break."

"Then you try!" The butcher demon monk was full of stern expression. He felt that after getting rid of the decay, the power that could be exerted by his whole body would be unlimited, and now he has great confidence in the face of Su Jin.

"If I kill you again, I will be in your plan, don't worry... I won't let your body return to the most peak era."

Su Jin smiled at the corner of his mouth and continued: "You will watch me walk into the'Flame Temple' and there is nothing you can do."

"Boy, don't be crazy!" The butcher sword demon **** raised his arm, and the black butcher knife fell into his hand in an instant——

Wei Na looked up, she was only ten centimeters shorter than Su Jin, and then said softly: "Why don't you give up... You seem to be unable to beat her..."

"You can really speak." Su Jin put his hand on her shoulder, gently pulled her over, and said to her ear: "If I suppress it instantly, do you want to leave your world and be with me? To practice?"

Wei Na panicked and shook her head...The soft short hair, when she shook her head, a few strands swept on the tip of Su Jin's nose——

Suddenly, the fragrance is overflowing!

Su Jin coughed lightly and looked at the butcher sword demon monk and said, "Use your strongest blow, otherwise you will have no chance after this king takes the shot—"

No more chance!

Just so confident!

The butcher demon monk showed his middle-aged appearance, and after Su Jin said this, he really didn't believe it! He felt that although Su Jin was somewhat capable, he was only relying on the Buddhism realm to come, and just now the other party's two techniques of Buddhism and Taoism, "Swastika" and "The Golden Road" were all cut by him with a butcher knife——

Naturally, this also strengthened the confidence of the butcher demon monk. He believed that he could defeat Su Jin——

"I use my evil karma for all ages and bless the butcher knife. You can't prevent me from returning to the peak year, because...this blow, my body can't bear it." When the butcher monk said, the black karma of the whole body directly break out!

At the same time, the "black butcher knife" on the right hand of the butcher demon monk also seemed to ignite a black raging flame!

Chi Chi!

The body of the butcher demon monk quickly dried up.

"Although I can't be as old as you...but...this was made by yourself..." Su Jin said with a weird tone and pointed directly at the butcher monk.

He was prepared to fight hard, but he didn't expect the other party to give him such a chance!

In an instant!

The butcher demon monk only felt his eyes sink into wisps of gray and blue--

"You...what did you do! God **** secret... **** it!" The butcher-sword demon monk felt that something was happening before his body collapsed!

Su Jin smiled indifferently, and directly raised his arm to the sky, a ‘sky arm’ was condensed by him!

A slight shot...The butcher demon monk was swept away by a storm——

"Where did he go?" Wei Na was frightened by the unbelievable one after another, and asked Xiang Su Jin.

"I don't know." Su Jin shook his head.

"Will he come back?"

"If he has contact with the Flame Temple, he should come back, but it will take time."

Su Jin thought for a while, and then said: "It's impossible to come for a while, but I blame him for being unlucky. The Wordless Tian Mi is very resistant to this situation. If he collapses into fleshy sand, he will definitely be sucked in by the Flame Temple. , It will be very troublesome to clean him up at that time—"

"You are too smart. This old demon monk who has lived forever can't beat you." Weina had to take it, and she really had a feeling, maybe when she saw the butcher sword demon monk being involved in the'Fire Temple' for the first time , Su Jin should have a countermeasure.

"Go in, he just said that he is the tombkeeper here, except for him, there should be no danger." Su Jin took Wei Na and appeared directly in front of the Flame Temple.

Then... Su Jin walked in with Wei Na without hesitation.

Beyond a hundred time and space.

The heat wave gradually turned into ice and cold--

The butcher demon monk now has no anger on his face, but... he also smiled slyly.

"Young man... I really want to thank you for helping me get rid of the limits of the Flame Temple. There will be a new grave guard in this temple." The butcher demon monk quietly waited for the effect of "No Word Heaven's Secret" to disappear.

Immediately afterwards, he never looked back! Directly in the opposite direction, quickly escaped——

Naturally, Su Jin didn't know this. He just stepped into the'Fire Temple', his heart sank and he felt something was wrong! Fuxi's Dao Array was shaking violently!

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