My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3897: All things fire lotus

What kind of power can reach the point where the "Fuxi Dao Formation" trembles violently?

Su Jin's face was unprecedentedly solemn——

Stepping into the temple gate, the first thing Weina felt was that it was no longer the kind of heart-wrenching heat wave. She seemed to have walked into a kind of hazy space, with radiant light everywhere, she even looked down. At the foot, it seemed to be standing on a parallel mirror. Can vaguely see his own Taoist shadow.

"I used the ‘Fire Basin’ condensed by Vulcan Dao. I previously installed "Fire of All Things" outside, but I cannot use this fire directly."

Su Jin seems to have the answer, "It turns out that the core of the fire of all things is in the Flame Temple. Only in this way can the demon monk with the butcher knife infinite nirvana and the fleshy sand recast."

Although Su Jin still doesn't understand what kind of terrible flame "All Things Fire" is--


Not long ago, Su Jin won the "Core of All Things" in the land of Liuli. He vaguely felt that this "Fire of All Things" was so precious that it might not lose the core of all things!

If you can charge.


Su Jin's pupils began to explode with strong expectations--

"I can't see anything clearly." Wei Na felt illusory all around, even if she was beside Su Jin, she could only hold Su Jin's arm tightly for fear that he would disappear.

"Retreat!" Su Jin smiled slightly and flicked his sleeves gently--

Say what you say!

The unreal scene reveals the true face!

Wei Na suddenly suffered from this change, and she was a little uncomfortable for a while! The vague feeling just now was like taking off the glasses, but now it's different...The clear scene around is as beautiful as a paradise on earth, it's really out of place!

Looking left and right, Wei Na felt as if she was on the endless sea level, the sea surface was like a mirror, even if the storm swept, she could not dislike a wave of wind and waves!

"We... stepped into the temple gate? Isn't it a temple?" Wei Na really didn't understand the many mysteries in the world of practice.

"Yes, stepping into the temple gate, one step away, of course... this is indeed the'Fire Temple', I just show its most essential appearance, in fact, the flame chaos just now is the most The real state." Su Jin explained.

"I don't understand." Wei Na felt that her knowledge was limited, but the feeling of standing here was good.

Su Jin stood quietly on the spot, gently raised his hand, gently pinching his fingers——

Every time he flicked, an imaginary gossip pattern appeared on his fingertips. He didn't know how to deduce the art, but he possessed the Fuxi Dao Array. Just now the "Fuxi Dao Array" trembled, he naturally You can roughly perceive the direction of "The Origin of Fire".

Only the origin of fire is here.

Only then can I explain why Su Jin used "Fire Basin", but he couldn't make everything fire.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, come with me—" Su Jin looked in one direction and roughly understood it.

"Just leave like this?"

Wei Na still feels quite good. Every time she and Su Jin take a step forward, there will be a circle of ripples at the place where they look like a mirror, which is really amazing.

If all this is not so real, Wina really has the illusion of dreaming——

Just like walking normally, Wei Na walked for a while, then lost interest in the ripples under her feet. She tilted her head, looked up at Su Jin from below, and found that Su Jin's eyebrows were constantly moving——

"If you can get out, can you let me touch your vertical eyes?" Wei Na couldn't help asking.

"Yes." Su Jin seemed to be still thinking, and calmly responded to her.

"What are you looking for?"

Wei Na looked around, there was nothing there at all--

"The origin of fire in all things."

The corner of Su Jin’s mouth rose slightly, but he thought of a good way. Just now he has basically determined that the origin of all fire is nearby, but as Wei Na said, there is nothing around him, even if he knows that there is "The Origin of All Fire" "It is also difficult to find and collect accurately.

Wei Na watched Su Jin raise her hand-

A "Fire Basin" was gently condensed by him. This is exactly the basin of "Fire of All Things" that Su Jin previously collected with "Fire Basin"!


The marvelous fireworks were quickly released by Su Jin from "Fire Basin"! Immediately afterwards, a large group of all things fire, directly as if turned into thousands of meters of wonderful light, inch by inch is being picked up by the sea like a mirror under your feet——

"There seems to be something below!" Wei Na said in surprise.

"Of course." Su Jin looked at the bunches of iridescent "Fire of All Things", the place where the fire of all things was collected was exactly where "The Origin of All Things Fire"!

Su Jin's expression began to be solemn, as he sat down cross-legged.

With a light wave of both hands in front of her, the "Fuxi Dao Array" turns into nine palaces and gossip, sealing any way of life, and then... Wei Na's face changed drastically!

She felt the calm mirrored sea water under her feet, as if it was surging like a dragon! That terrible feeling, she had never seen it! She seemed to be standing on a moving circular star, and after falling twice, she was anxious and grabbed Su Jin's leg!

"Look... if you follow me and practice with me, you won't be so embarrassed--" Su Jin gave Wei Na a deep look.

"Cut! I'm the best mecha master in Blue Academy! want to abduct me, no way!" Wei Na wrinkled her nose, pulled Su Jin's calf with her hands, and treated her with her usual heart.

After Wina reluctantly sat beside Su Jin...

Su Jin's face was straight, and he uttered a low voice, "I'm optimistic!"

Wei Na looked at it instinctively.

That Fuxi Dao formation, nine palaces and gossip, seemed to have blocked this world, the power of holding the sky is absolutely fancy! She felt lost for a moment--


not far away!

A big pit in the shape of a gossip appeared directly from under the flat mirror surface! In all directions, the "Fuxi Daoxia" on the Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces was immediately illuminated above the Eight Diagrams pit!

"Golden lotus! Wow... the golden lotus turned into by golden flames." Shu Weina couldn't help but applaud. That golden flame lotus is just like a work of art, the beauty is extremely beautiful!

Su Jin didn't have any applause. The golden flame lotus seemed to be wild. The moment it appeared, it burned countless cracks in the surrounding space——

Difficult to collect?

Su Jin’s "Fire Basin", which evolved from Vulcan Dao, popped up again and again——

He wanted to collect "The Origin of All Things Fire" on the Golden Flame Lotus, but it was a pity that the Huoji Basin was instantly turned into nothingness at a distance of five meters from the Golden Flame Lotus.

"Broken--" Su Jin couldn't help but looked at the golden flame lotus flower, and the Mohe town prison eye between his eyebrows seemed to see a mysterious scene.

This is an immortal tomb. If you want to see the owner of the tomb, you must pass the "All Things Fire Golden Lotus" level! The original flame channel filled with the fire golden lotus of all things can lead to the bottom!

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