My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3899: All things live

"All Things Fire Lotus" is shrinking crazily.

Wei Na looked at this scene with horror. Although the "Fire Lotus of All Things" was still being suppressed by Su Jin, the momentum from the lotus seemed even more awe-inspiring!

At last.

"The Fire Lotus of All Things" was suppressed to the point of slap, which is much smaller than its previous body——

Wei Na quickly turned her gaze to Su Jin.

Su Jin was shaking inexplicably in her eyes.

Has been... suppressed to the limit.

"Get up!" Su Jin turned the film into support. Not far away, "The Fire Lotus of All Things", directly spun around, and was controlled by him, and slowly floated.

Of course, the fire lotus of all things is naturally unwilling to be caught in this way, and constantly colliding in the void, obviously wanting to break through Su Jin's restrictions——

"Crazy! This guy is really crazy!" Wei Na felt the heat wave coming. She couldn't help hiding behind Su Jin, close to the edge of the'Fuxi Dao Formation'.

In Vina's field of vision, "The Fire Lotus of All Things" is being pulled by Su Jin inch by inch. The slapped fire lotus seems to be the most dangerous thing Vina has ever seen!

And at the moment.

The various fire beasts that evolved from the "Fire Lotus" all around, the offensive has become more rapid, and Wei Na always feels that she can no longer hold on!


It's near again!

It wasn't until the "Fire Lotus of All Things" struggled and was pulled into the "Fuxi Dao Formation", only a few meters away from Su Jin, that he kept it in place!

"Do you want to be immortal?" A burst of aura, as if turned into a kind of strange phantom sound, appeared all around——


Who is speaking!

With an extremely nervous expression on Wei Na's face, she looked around. In the end, she could only focus on the ‘Fire Lotus of All Things’!

A lotus flower can speak?

"I don't want to--" Su Jin said coldly.

"Become a tomb guard, you can be immortal, immortal, immortal! You will stand on the top of the heavens when you are born, you... why don't you!" The wonderful magical sound seemed to calm down.

"Because I don't become a grave guard, I can surrender you..." Su Jin laughed.

"Impossible! This lotus can never be tamed! No matter who you are, you are the sky, the heaven... and you can't be tamed!" All things fire lotus shook slightly, as if Su Jin's words made it angry--

Su Jin's face was indifferent, "Is it—"

The voice just fell.

The entire ‘Fire Temple’ and even the entire star eye began to tremble crazily!

Wei Na's eyes are very trance, she just felt dazzled, she... saw a third person besides Su Jin and her!

It was an old man in Mai. She couldn't see her face clearly, even if she was so close, she couldn't see clearly! At the same time, pieces of octagonal tall buildings were quickly evolved!

ten seats!


It seems infinite!

Every octagonal tall building seems to be connected by an extremely mysterious flame chain. Wei Na witnessed this magical scene with her own eyes!

Even without having to look closely, Wei Na felt deeply shocked——

Because every octagonal high-rise building is surrounded by a "Fuxi Dao Array", the sky is full of glow in nine colors!

"That old man... sat opposite Su Jin--" Wei Na felt a little bit in her heart, always feeling that something big was going to happen!

Yes, but within a few meters, between Su Jin and the old man in Ma Pao, there is only "Fire Lotus of All Things"!


Wei Na was dull.

On the surface of the water beside Su Jin and the old man in Ma Pao, a brilliant nine palace gossip slowly gave birth to a mysterious and infinite light... In that light, another figure appeared!

"I have seen the two ancestors——" Su Jin said slowly.



Wei Na was stunned for a long time, she didn't know what happened. She didn't believe that besides her and Su Jin, there was a third and fourth person here— it really so amazing? Wei Na took a deep look at Su Jin's back. For the first time, she felt that when she faced Su Jin, she felt that her knowledge was not enough. This guy could surprise her every time!

The old man in Mapao and Fuxi Xuying seem to be staring at the "Fire Lotus of All Things"——

"Everything is born." Fu Xi Xuying glanced at Su Jin.

Su Jin rumbling in his mind!

Was scared by the three words "All things live"!


Although it is extremely difficult to collect "Fire Lotus", it is also based on the opportunity of life! Su Jin clasped his fists at Fuxi Xuying, nodded and said: "Ashamed--"

"Adjust the cold, and the fire." The old man in the linen robe also broke a word--


There are actually two!

Su Jin sighed silently in his heart. Although he thought that the extreme cold could neutralize the fire and make the collection easier, how easy it is to say?

"Teached." After Su Jin said two words, he just wanted to do something...

The robe of the old man in Ma Pao was floating, and there was a burst of vain charm, as if he had begun to transform into the only giant in the nine heavens! All the star eyes and all the flames on the entire lotus seat were swept into the cuffs by the magnificent giants he turned into!


The flame monster race in the eyes of the entire lotus constellation star all saw this shocking scene outside the lotus constellation!

Although the old man in Ma Pao is imaginary, he seems to be standing on a terrifying lotus seat. His figure is infinitely tall!

"Suizu!!" Earlier, the Nine Skull Snake King, who had two heads cut off by Su Jin, cried out in exclamation! It has a hundred thousand bone snake monster clan, all panicking, and can't help but begin to worship the majestic old man!

"The ancient sage is still the ancestor of flame! Appeared here!"

"Oh my god, the powerful flame lord is worshipping Suizu, what kind of mystery exists in the eyes of the central star that can condense the ancient sages!"

"A miracle! A real miracle! The flames near the star eye of the lotus constellation are all collected, but the lotus constellation will never be able to cool down, we...we should be able to truly make the star eye home--"

"Cultivation field! The dream place of all the Flame Demon Race may become a reality from now on! This is a gift from Suizu! Those Star Eyes, our Flame Demon Race cannot enter at all, our level is too low."

"Is Suizu's appearance related to the two previous human races?"


All the flame monsters are boiling!

Those fierce fires are not only not a bad thing for them, but it is also very beneficial. They only need to adapt in the future, find the method of reproduction, and get out of the lotus star eye is no longer a dream——


Su Jin nodded, "I also show my ugliness--"

He slowly opened Tiandao's right arm!

Palm up!


A chaos has been opened up! Among them, a lotus in the eternal blue sky, even huge enough to cover the entire lotus star eye! It's too big!

Immediately afterwards, the starlight pleats became more and more eye-catching! For the first time in the star-eye space of the lotus constellation, a sky full of stars appeared!



A star giant, with his hands up to the sky, actually carried a vast star, rolling away from the chaos!

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