My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3900: Tunlian


How spectacular!

In the star-eye abyss at the center, in the Temple of Fire, even if it is a step away, Wei Na also felt the incomparable spectacular scene! She saw the scope of the Flame Temple and the sky full of stars!

I saw...the star giant!

"The water of the nine heavens is coming up! The reason why there are no stars in the eye of the lotus constellation is precisely because this fire has melted the core of the endless stars and was born. I picked the sky and the cold stars to reconcile the fire --" Su Jin laughed.

Pick the stars!

Wei Na rubbed her eyes... is she dreaming?

No matter what she did, she would never expect that an existence that strayed into her mechanical city could be so powerful! Is that human being!

Now, not only the butcher sword demon monk who fled how far, but also naturally saw that scene far away! From his perspective, it was even more shocking, the chaos, thunderbolt. The star giant, shaking the world with the cold star!

"Why..." The butcher demon monk's face turned grimly. He is now covering the position of his heart, and there are cracks appearing in his heart!

Those cracks, what came out... was golden flames!

The butcher demon monk screamed again and again, and shouted with terrible hatred: "I have found a suitable gravekeeper for you! More powerful than me, why do you still refuse to let me go! I...I hate..."


A piece of meat sand was slowly drawn into the golden lotus patterns.


The butcher demon monk was once again condensed in the flame temple——

Su Jin glanced at each other, probably about a hundred meters away from them, the other party really did as he expected, this suffering, has re-Nirvana in the flame temple, and...this is the peak time of the other party!


The butcher demon monk now looks like a man in his early thirties——

"He's coming!" Weina hurriedly raised her jade finger to remind Su Jin.

"I know." Su Jin seemed to be watching a joke, knowing that he didn't need to care about this person at all.

When Wei Na saw that Su Jin was so calm, she knew that he had defeated the butcher demon monk once before. This time she was sure of it, and she naturally didn't have to worry.

"Kill them!" All things fire lotus made a screaming sound, and directly gave orders to the butcher demon monk!

The butcher demon monk raised his head silently, and the black butcher knife slowly floated in his hand. The power of karma turned into black excitement, and the momentum was also not to be underestimated!

"Kill!" The butcher demon monk jumped up for nine days!

This knife!


Fuxi's phantom, slowly raised his hand——

"What!" The butcher demon monk looked at him with such a peak blow, and was blocked by the "Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams" that covered the Flame Temple. He couldn't help but glance at the phantom in the circle.

"Everything is gone."

Fuxi Taoying's voice is extremely vast.

The face of the butcher demon monk changed drastically, he...he saw his black butcher knife trembling, and a series of terrible light cracks appeared on the surface of the black butcher knife.

" can't kill me! I'm here, but I can be reborn infinitely!" The butcher demon monk roared, he looked at his palm, which was turning into fleshy sand, slowly drifting in one direction.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

A treasure bottle printed with a black yin and yang picture directly condensed.

The meat sand was directly sucked in by the treasure bottle-

The butcher demon monk saw that most of his body had been sucked away, and couldn't help but yelled: "Fuxi Guxian forgive me! I...I...I am also suffering...people..."


Wei Na couldn't believe it, looking at the Taoist Fu Xi in the Taoist formation, in their world, Fuxi's name is like a thunder! From the ancient martial arts to the hot martial arts era, the vibe has been endless!

If this Tao Ying sitting cross-legged... is Fuxi--

That other one.

Another old man who was called the ancestor by Su Jin and collected the star-eye flame...

"Sui...Suizu..." Weina felt that no matter how real reality was, she couldn't match the sight in front of her, she could no longer express it in any words.


The star giant has picked the cold star!

Fuxi Daoying gently raised his hand, and a vast Nine Palace Dao map of luck suddenly encircled the stars... The nine-day ultimate ice, turned into melting cold air, was taken over——

Wei Na unconsciously hit Ji Ling coldly.

Screams, one after another!

When did the fire lotus of all things be treated like this, the nine-day extreme cold invasion, plus the suppression it has suffered at this moment, how can it survive!

"When you cool down a little bit, I will forcibly erase your wisdom, and you will be completely used by me." Su Jin said lightly.

"No." Suizu glanced at Su Jin, "Your upper limit will be infinitely high because of this thing. Its strongest power is its wildness. After the wildness fades, it will be ordinary--"

Su Jin hesitated.

"Eat some hardship." Fuxi Daoying finished speaking to Su Jin, then slowly stood up, and he and Suizu looked at each other.

Soon, the two phantoms fell directly into the place where the original "Fire Lotus of All Things" appeared!

There is the place leading to the eternal tomb. However, Su Jin was not in a hurry. He looked at the water mist that was created by the resistance of "All Things Fire Lotus", and finally looked at the body of "All Things Fire Lotus" again.

"The pressure is so heavy, I finally left--" Weina patted her heart, and appeared beside Su Jin. If it weren't for the mystery of Fuxi's Dao Formation, she would be an ordinary person, she would not even be able to survive half a breath here!

"Go on one side..." Su Jin said lightly.

"Hey! What you said before counts? You said you want to teach me practice." Wei Na asked.

"Naturally." Su Jin nodded affirmatively.

"Can you live long through practice?"

"Yes, under the circumstance of no accident, and what I teach you... is not the cultivation method of the human race, but the cultivation of the gods." Su Jin said again.


Wei Na is unwilling to do it, Su Jin always wants to take her away, and if he brings a human race back to the Nalan Protoss, it will probably lead to speculation. However, the cultivation of gods is naturally far more powerful than cultivation, and the benefits are endless.

"Okay, this lady agrees. But you don't want me to worship you as a teacher." Wei Na turned her face to it-

Su Jin nodded silently.

In a blink of an eye, three hours passed.

There was no flame of fire lotus, and the brilliance on the surface began to dim.

"Get away." Su Jin said to Wei Na.

"How far?"

"As far as you can."


Wei Na knew that Su Jin was going to collect "Fire Lotus of All Things", she didn't want to be hurt by this she almost retreated to a place close to the Fuxi Dao Formation.

Su Jin's face was calm, and he gently raised his hand, and the palm-sized "Fire Lotus" floated on the palm of his palm——

Gradually, the fire lotus of all things was reinforced by Su Jin.

He didn't hesitate to swallow it until the palm-sized "Fire Lotus" turned into peas!

Just an instant! Su Jin felt endless pain, swallowing a **** treasure that was ten thousand times hotter than lava!

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