My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3902: Qingtianlian vs All Things Fire Lotus


Su Jin Yangtian took a breath of blood!

The intense high temperature caused his blood to be vaporized and disappeared instantly at the moment his blood spurted out!


In the end what happened--

It is difficult for Wei Na to imagine. She originally thought that Su Jin's situation could stabilize, but after seeing this scene, she felt that things would be very troublesome!

And what the **** is Su Jin now... his hair... turned white for a moment!

Wei Na was scared to cry. She worried about Su Jin. This worry... is not emotional, because if this guy dies, she will die here as a mortal, and cannot escape! She is fear... fear of death!

Shout not wake up.

You can't wake up at all!

Wei Na yelled and didn't know how many words, at least there were dozens of them, but Su Jin now seemed to be unable to hear her.

Sure enough...It's a plan--

On the bridge of heaven, earth and **** in Su Jin's body, superb rays of light are being released from "All Things Fire Lotus". Compared with the previous ones, the previous "All Things Fire Lotus" powers seem to be a little trouble.

This is the true source of "Fire Lotus"!

Su Jin felt a little helpless in his heart. This kind of divine object seemed to be incapable of any existence in the world, but just now when Fuxi Daoying left, he heard something that made him suffer...

This shows that there is a way-

At least at that time, Fuxi Taoying asked him to swallow lotus because he thought he had a chance to tame "Fire Lotus", but...the method was wrong.

Where is the problem?

Now, the calmness has completely lost its effect. The "Fire Lotus of All Things", Jin Mang Zhan Zhan, is getting stronger and stronger——

Of course, Su Jin also felt that his vitality was also rapidly losing! Vitality, it is easy to add, but the more difficult thing is this "Fire Lotus"!

"Junior! You want to tame me?"

In that Zhanzhan golden mang species, Su Jin saw a vaguely small figure... that figure... was actually an eight or nine-year-old girl, wearing a hot red dress like a red pepper, tiptoes in the golden mang. ——

A pair of bright red eyes, red light spit out, looking at Su Jin.

"You can transform into a human form in an instant, you are getting more and more interesting..."

Su Jin's golden soul, stepped directly on the bridge of heaven and earth not far from "Fire Lotus", looked at the other party and said.

"You are not saved! Now... even if you beg me, I won't let you go! Your body will eventually be pierced by a lot of lotus petals, and even turn into fleshy sand, giving you a chance to be reborn in Nirvana Will never exist! Because of your disrespect--"

All things Fire Lotus opened her uncomfortable eyes, and laughed, as if not afraid of the golden soul.

"Actually, I have been thinking there is no way to subdue it." Su Jin rolled his eyes and continued: "As for you said I am a junior, I can't agree, but in front of one thing... It’s true that you are a junior—"

"Presumptuous!" The red-eyed little girl stuck her waist, as if to denounce Su Jin's disrespect again!

"Look at it...I might as well tell you, I only have one chance, if not, I will let you go." Su Jin said lightly.

a chance?

Looks pretty sure!

All things Fire Lotus looked at the golden primordial spirit curiously, this golden primordial spirit actually made her feel very uncomfortable, as if...with the breath of the ancient gods——

"Is that door? It looks good, I like it very much, but it's a pity...I will burn it down soon." Wanwu Huolian laughed.


"what is that?"

"Your ancestors."

Before the fire lotus of all things became angry, Su Jin, the golden soul in the state of introspection, suddenly raised his hand!


There were bursts of thunderbolts, sensational to the sun and the moon, as if shaking all the stars above the heaven, earth and **** bridge! It was a chaotic and unclear area, like a cloud covering the sky and sun, but also like a magical place beyond the object!

"This lotus... can't help me!" All things fire lotus didn't feel any special, because Su Jin had shown this lotus before in the Flame Temple.

"This lotus is named Eternal Qingtian a lotus, and it is born in chaos. Are you sure you are not its junior?" Su Jin squinted and asked with a smile——

The little girl transformed by the fire lotus of all things, her eyes widened...stuttered, "Chaos...Chaotic Qinglian?"

If it is Chaos Qinglian——

She is not afraid!

"You human race, there are many strange treasures, but unfortunately you don't know how many powerful existences will be more powerful than you when the heavens are opened! And you... even if you take out the Chaos Qinglian, you can't suppress it. I, I...invincible in the lotus!" The little red-eyed girl who turned everything into a fire lotus continued to speak wild words.


Pieces of cyan chaos seemed to become more intense, I don't know if they understood the words of ‘Fire Lotus of All Things’, the cyan chaos on the bridge of heaven and earth began to surge.

Vaguely, a green lotus emerged from the chaos!


A chaotic thunderbolt smashed directly on "All Things Fire Lotus"!


The little red-eyed girl who turned into the fire lotus of all things, suddenly screamed in pain, and hurriedly transformed into the shape of the "fire lotus of all things", "It's so painful! Watch me burn you!"

Fire! soaring!

Su Jin's face changed drastically, his golden soul would disappear on the bridge of heaven and earth!

This scene is simply... Su Jin felt that the eternal Qingtian lotus was on the sky, as if it was a blue sky, to suppress the world.

And the wild nature of the fire lotus of all things is so swift and violent, the fire light stretches out, the light is even higher than that of the blue sky, and it is even wider!


Su Jin’s current pain has decreased a lot. I don’t know if it’s because of "Eternal Azure Lotus". Some of his heaven, earth and **** bridges can also be moved by him. The connection of the monument was quickly added-

Flame, burn the sky!

The chaotic blue sky is emitting a terrifying flame!



The terrifying Chaos Thunderbolt is stronger than ever! More violently every time--

Su Jin looked at that chaotic center in shock...

In "Eternal Blue Sky Lotus", the stamens seemed to stretch out to nowhere. He felt very clearly that even in the world of "Heaven, Earth and God Bridge" in his body, the meaning of destruction was constantly coming in.

The blue sky lotus is spinning slightly. Under its lotus flower, destroying brilliance, as if gathering a circle of whirlpools, there are constantly splendid chaotic thunderbolts like nine gods of thunder, hitting the "Fire Lotus"!

"I...I can't control my power!" The Fire Lotus made an unbearable voice.

Su Jin:...

Can't control... how much it... has been consumed--

Su Jin couldn't help but emphatically reminded the other party: "Wild boy, your ancestor or your ancestor, can you do the only chaotic green lotus in the world?"

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