My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3903: Fire lotus

Wild child?

The fire lotus screams of all things, the blue sky above, seems to be the most insurmountable barrier, the key is that those blue sky thunderbolts are more violent every time——

Su Jin has an innocent expression on his face, anyway, he still has to attack, otherwise he will lose his arrogance?

Of course, from the current situation, Su Jin feels that the offensive of "All Things Fire Lotus" is obviously more violent, while "Eternal Blue Sky and One Lotus" is steadily increasing, and its power is compared with "All Things Fire Lotus". Equally good-

Su Jin is now relaxed.

The Heaven, Earth and God Bridge in his body is now severely damaged, and his vitality has almost been depleted. If he can't replenish it in time, it may temporarily limit his combat power.


Su Jin no longer pays attention to the competition between "All Things Fire Lotus" and "Eternal Blue Sky Lotus". The imaginary bridges of heaven and earth have been renewed. In addition, his "big life technique" has begun to operate at full capacity, even relying on it. With Mingming's connection, the life monument also began to help him recover!

Look outside--

Wei Na felt that Su Jin's condition was getting better and better, her long white hair returned to her normal color within a few breaths, and her breath became stable.

"That's okay?" Wei Na was completely relieved, and waited quietly...

Half an hour.

Su Jin had recovered to nearly 80% of his strength, and it didn't take much time to reach the peak.

He just paid a little attention, the arrogance of "All Things Fire Lotus" was being crazily suppressed, as if caught in a chaotic rule, and could no longer affect him.

An hour.

Three hours!

In a flash!

"I've taken it, let "Qing Tian Lian" let go of the restrictions on me! I... I have surrendered——" All things Fire Lotus heard a very helpless voice.

Su Jin said lightly: "I can't believe you."

"I can make a contract with you, and I can merge into your Vulcan Dao, and you can use part of my power." All things Fire Lotus seemed to be very angry.

Sure enough, there is a contract!

Su Jin was naturally happy in his heart. With the help of "All Things Fire Lotus", his Vulcan Way is bound to be against the sky and fierce! To be honest, he is still looking forward to the effect.

"Don't worry," Su Jin said again: "You tell me first, who is buried in the Tomb of Immortality——"

"An existence that you can only look up to, and even if you have the help of two ancient sages who have long since passed away, you can't walk into the tomb of the eternal life and believe in me." Wanwu Huolian said.

Su Jin couldn't help but guess more in his heart, but now the top priority is to accept the "Fire Lotus of All Things" first——

Immediately afterwards, the fire lotus of all things bloomed in that chaotic rule...While it was spinning around, the little girl with red eyes condensed.

She didn't suffer any injuries, just a little embarrassed. Her original white face was full of cyan chaotic dust, and she didn't say anything anymore, raising her hand gently, and a drop of blood floated out.

With Su Jin looking inside, the golden primordial spirit rose to the sky in one step, swallowing that drop of blood in a flash!

In a flash!

A special connection, like a fetter, appeared in Su Jin’s perception--

Temple of Flame.

The deity Su Jin opened his eyes impressively!

In a pair of pupils, the firelight of the color of "All Things Fire Lotus" directly swallowed a few feet, and in Su Jin's raised eyebrows, "All Things Fire Lotus" also floated up——

It's done!

Su Jin was completely relieved!

This kind of gain is not trivial. Even Su Jin didn't expect that, once decided, when he descended into this lotus star eye, he would have such a reward-

"It's okay?" Wei Na hurried over, her tone still a little nervous.

"Do you think I'm like someone with something?" Su Jin stood up calmly, then... he looked away from Wei Na and looked at the place where "All Things Fire Lotus" originally appeared.

Channel... What about?

Su Jin used ‘Maha’s Prison Eye’ and several kinds of pupil blessings, his eyes widened... But no matter how hard he searched, he couldn’t find the entrance to the eternal tomb——

Earlier, he saw a passage under "All Things Fire Lotus"!

Is it possible that once the fire lotus of all things is recognized as the Lord, after being conquered, the entrance to the eternal tomb will be completely closed? This method is too terrible to avoid!

Su Jin took Wei Na and looked for it directly, no matter how he calculated and analyzed, he could not find the entrance——

"What are you looking for?" Wei Na looked at her feet, still the Flame Temple, the sight of you. There was no change at all. The place where "Fire Lotus of All Things" appeared before seemed to be smoothed.

Su Jin looked regretful.

"The two ancestors, why should the passage of the Immortal Tomb be closed..." Su Jin thought about it, and thought of two situations. One is that the fire lotus of all things disappeared and the Immortal Tomb was closed. This situation may exist.

But the greater possibility...Naturally, the two ancestors walked into the place where "Fire Lotus of All Things" appeared, and landed in front of the Tomb of Eternal Life...Finally, the passage was smoothed and all traces were erased.

Forget it-

Getting "All Things Fire Lotus" is a harvest beyond imagination. Although... Although Su Jin is very regretful now, after all, he still wants to see the situation in the Tomb of the Immortal... Is there really someone who has existed in the tomb from a long time ago and can live forever in the Tomb of the Immortal——

"Shall we go?" Wei Na asked.


Su Jin looked around, wondering...

Soon after, Su Jin looked at Wei Na seriously and said, "Are you sure to follow me?"

"I will go home again. You can't stop letting me go home in the future, right?" Wei Na asked.

"Naturally, go back in a hundred years... Then drive your Lady Victory——"

Su Jin continued to say to Wei Na: "Now you sit down and stay in the Flame Temple for a while, and then we will join the Nalan Protoss."

"Nalan Protoss? Where?"

"Don't ask too much, sit down." Su Jin said again.


Wei Na sat down and watched Su Jin grab her hand--

A circle of ‘Fuxi Dao Formation’, directly encircling Wei Na in the center, Wei Na only felt that around Fuxi Dao Formation, the direction of the Nine Palaces constantly has wonderful and profound God characters moving fast——


The wisps of electric arc stunned Wei Na.

"Your physique is the most suitable for practicing Thunder Heaven." Su Jin looked at Wei Na, a little surprised. Of course, this couldn't help him, and then said: "Look at my eyes, don't blink..."

Wei Na instinctively and Su Jin looked at each other... Gradually, she seemed to see a vast world, surrounded by pitch black. When she reacted, there was nothing around her, even Su Jin... It seemed like nothing. Disappeared the same.

Su Jin's voice appeared: "This technique is called "The True Art of Defending Thunder for Three Heavens". It serves as the basis for you to achieve the rules of Thor. Once you condense the rules of Thor, you will return to the Nalan Protoss!"

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