My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3906: That evildoer, here comes!

The odds are no more than half!

Zhang Yuelu was stunned. She looked at Mrs. Xuanji and was speechless. Is the Nalan Protoss so optimistic about Su Jin? Anyway, she is very optimistic about Little Brother Su——

"A lot of powerhouses have come." Nalan Moran bit his lip with his teeth. "Do you know how powerful the perfect law enforcement alliance is? The entire Eternal God Realm, to deal with the existence of the perfect law enforcement alliance, I am afraid that it has not yet been born. !"

"Are you just referring to one...or...or is there no force that can compete with the law enforcement league?" Zhang Yuelu looked at Nalan Moran for a long time.

"Of course it is a strong man. There are still many families in the Eternal Gods Domain who are not convinced by the Enforcement League. But at present, it is almost impossible for our City Lord to compete with the Enforcement League. Moreover, he is a foreign protoss and cannot have any support."

"Then it's over?"

Zhang Yuelu asked weakly--

Seeing Nalan Moran and Mrs. Xuanji nodding silently, Zhang Yuelu's hope was also very small.

Not far from Zhang Yuelu, probably a few steps away.

Fang Renxue, wearing a white cloak, seemed to break the heavy atmosphere and slowly said, "There may not be no chance of winning."

"Oh?" Both Mrs. Xuanji and Nalan Moran looked at Fang Renxue in surprise.

"In the past two days, I have heard a lot of things, and you all overlooked one thing." Fang Renxue said.

"What?" Madam Xuanji became curious.

"On the same day, Su Jin left on the top of the sky, the law enforcement alliance dared not stop, and the top of the sky is rewarded, no one is not sure what he got. If he is rewarded by the top of the sky, if he rushes to it, it must be There is still a chance." Fang Renxue reminded.

That's it--

Mrs. Xuanji didn't want to hit Fang Renxue.

The battle between the Protoss can not be compensated by a single reward. In terms of quantity, there are more than a thousand Terror King Gods arranged by the Law Enforcement League now!

The strongest chief priest is also listed! Since the leader of the law-enforcement alliance can sit on the position of the leader, the strength is definitely the best! How can this be overcome?

"If he doesn't come, it would be really nice--" Nalan Moran muttered silently.

Although her vengeance is not complete, Su Jin has already caused the Yuwen clan to suffer a heavy loss, and Yuwenlong is left with Yuwenlong, a terrifying king...

For her, this is already very unimaginable. Where can she expect too much?

The atmosphere began to fall into dull again. The entire Nalan Protoss was immersed in a special atmosphere, as if the hope for the future was completely gone...


One quarter of an hour.

A full quarter of an hour!

The whole star, the power of the King of Terror, can be felt everywhere! Almost at that instant, more than a thousand horror king gods, and the patriarchs of the gods, all seemed to arouse a reaction!

In the distance, thousands of miles of void——

A figure appeared silently.

Su Jin.

This terrifying existence, which is fresh in the memory of many kings and gods of the law enforcement league, has appeared!

As soon as he appeared, he hung the Fate Gourd in his hand around his waist. He felt the number of strong men in the law enforcement league at a very far distance, and naturally he took Wei Na away with the Fate Gourd——

"The Enforcement League...A bunch of fools who remember what to eat, they have to close their own way and let the family be extinct before they are willing to give up!!"

The wind rose, blowing Su Jin's long hair, and his voice instantly spread throughout the entire battle star!

"It's Su Jin!"

Zhang Yuelu's face flushed. She didn't expect that, not long after she finished talking about Su Jin, the pair appeared—

But it's normal to think about it. Su Jin has been away for three or four days, and he should be back.

Fang Renxue's beautiful face in the white cloak also shined instantly in her eyes. She had thought that Su Jin would not come, but she didn't expect...The other party not only came, but also spoke with confidence.

This is the posture of the strong! Fang Renxue has never seen such a powerful man!

The entire Nalan Protoss is all boiling!

"Come here! Our city lord, patriarch! Here comes the kill!" Nalan Protoss cried with excitement. For them, Su Jin is the savior, and no one can replace Su Jin's position in their hearts!

"City Lord! One person!"

"This is a trap! The city lord... the city lord knows this is a trap and dare to come—"

"Who else? The powers of the law enforcement alliance, who value our city lord so much, from the side, it is enough to prove that our city lord is powerful—"

"Above the sky, the city lord's bold words! Once let the Yuwen clan, the Tuoba clan, and the Chu clan! linger for a few days, the result... seems to be fulfilled -"


Just when the Nalan Protoss was excited.

The Yuwen family, the Tuoba family, and the Chu family! In these three houses, there are many clan gods showing panic--

To take away the Nalan Protoss and set up a killing game, for these three families, the hatred with Su Jin is definitely regarded as ‘hatred on top of hatred’, and it is still irreconcilable!

"Little beast!" Yu Wenlong clenched his fists, and naturally saw the scene of Su Jin condensing in the void.

Hateful, annoying!

As the King of Terror, Yu Wenlong can't check and balance even a junior. He can only look at the arrogance of that small evil animal. Besides, he doesn't even have the courage to go out——

"That evildoer, here comes." At the position of the Chu family, many Chu family gods all looked at a middle-aged man, that was...their Chu family master!

Tuoba Xiu, sit in the center of town, to stabilize Tuoba's army!

Su Jinfa made a voice just now, and the moment he appeared, Tuobaxiu's Terror King God's Heart trembled three times, but fortunately, the other party seemed to be about the same as the last time, obviously not much improved.

During this encirclement and suppression operation, Tuoba Xiu felt that he still had some opportunities, and he was afraid that the other party would use some weird ways to escape——



Thirty-one horror kings and gods all walked out of the huge stars, blocked in the void, thousands of miles away, and confronted the lonely young evildoer——

Thousands of miles to kill, as if more than trembling the gods of the gods!

"The old Nanli Dao Ancestor, with thirty Terror King Gods, Zhan Er!"

Nanli Dao Ancestor raised it with one hand and raised a long-handled war sword with extraordinary power!

"No need to tell him more! Our thirty-one Terror King Gods are enough to take them down!" There is the Terror King God, looking directly at Nanli Dao Ancestor——

"Kill!" Nanli Dao Ancestor had previously received an order from the leader, as long as this child appeared, he would be determined!

But thousands of miles, just a thought!

The battle came so fast--

Yuwenlong, Tuobaxiu, Yuwen Qingcheng, Chu Patriarch! All law enforcement leagues, Nalan Protoss, all watched this battle!

Su Jin closed his eyes, Nan Li Dao Ancestor deserves to be a powerful man who can lead the Thirty Terror King God, his knife has been cut!


Su Jin opened his eyes suddenly, and two fire lotus slowly appeared in his pupils!

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