My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3907: One step, one king of god

As Su Jin's pupils manifested two fire lotus--

Nanli Daozu subconsciously felt that it was not good!

"My sword!" Nan Li Dao Ancestor widened his eyes. He had counted a thousand fortunes. He thought that he led thirty Terror King Gods, enough to contend with Su Jin, but-

But still missed!

Nanli Daozu's knife had just been cut, but after that, when it was visible to the naked eye, the blade of the knife instantly seemed to have turned into soup, and it had already melted most of it!

"Brother Dao!" The King of Terror in the battlefield was also shocked.


The temperature did not rise.

But the thirty-one horror kings and gods, including Nanli Dao Ancestor, all seemed to feel a burning flesh!

"Don't look into his eyes!" Nan Li Dao Ancestor was terrified.

What a pair of eyes!

But as long as they stare at it, their hearts will be ignited. They are now... all red like prawns, each directly displaying their defensive powers, and they simply sat down on the spot!

This scene stunned all the existence on that piece of stars thousands of miles away!

Thirty-one horror king gods in full, set the rules of the horror king **** to protect the whole body, as if turning into 31 rule enchantments, struggling to resist the flames in the heart——

And this kind of scene is absolutely weird for all the law enforcement alliance protoss! They saw that after Nanli Dao Ancestor slashed down, thirty-one horror king gods suddenly sat cross-legged in the void, giving up killing the evildoer named Su Jin?

"What happened? Thirty-one Terror King Gods, didn't even touch the enchanting clothes, so... sat down?"

The law enforcement league, the Yuwen clan, all panicked——

"Sorcery! Absolute sorcery! Do you know that when this son appeared for the first time, he could be in front of our Yuwen clan, the three horror kings and gods, and called to death a king who had defected from Nalan. God, he has a lot of tricks, and I am afraid this time is no exception."

"Even sorcery! But this kind of sorcery is a bit too terrifying. They are thirty-one horror king gods, not ordinary king gods, let alone gods!"

"Flame... look! Thirty-one senior horror king gods actually burned a strange flame—"

"This son... This son has not yet made a move. With the weird flame, the thirty-one horror king gods lost their combat power? What level of power is this?"

"Before, the patriarch Yuwenlong talked and laughed with the Chu family. Now... I'm afraid I won't be able to laugh!" The clan **** of the Yuwen clan began to complain privately.

The law enforcement league and other protoss were also awakened by this terrifying scene, and the atmosphere seemed to boil instantly!

"Where is the Terror King God, this is clearly... it is clearly invincible! Thirty-one Terror King Gods were originally a win-win situation, and now the other party has not taken any action, they will be their own camps, and they will not be able to kill them Young man—"

"In the whole world, is there such a demon-level method? Nanli Dao Ancestor is one of the best in the Eternal Gods Realm, even he... can only look at resisting the weird magic!"

"Our law enforcement alliance, offend this son, is it really wise?"

"Mo... Don't panic... We still have the Great Priest of the Transformation Realm, and the leader is..."

"What did Nan Li Dao Ancestor shout out just now? Tell him not to look at his eyes? What is so special about his eyes? What a monster!"


Thirty-one rule barriers are as bright as stars! Prosperous as colored glaze!

The storm blew Su Jin's black hair back!

He didn't even look at--

Just as usual, go to the left and take a step!

"You..." There is the King of Terror, struggling to hold on to the rule barrier. When he noticed the unstoppable pressure, he couldn't help his eyes widening.


A ray of terrible light burst out on his regular barrier. Those sounds were the sounds of fragmentation! This terrifying king **** who followed Nanli Dao ancestor, could not bear this step, the ‘rules of the terrifying king god’ in his body was instantly burned to pieces and burned into a piece of light!

"Do you... dare... kill... I..."

The first King of Terror, with strong fear in his eyes, now that he has reached this point, it is too late for fear. His body, even the blue smoke, does not even see the dust, and rises with the light!


Thirty-one horror king gods, one fell in the blink of an eye--

Because that young man... took a step!

What monster strength!

Enforcement alliance, panic!

Su Jin did not even look at the remaining thirty Terror King Gods! Take another step!


The second horror king was directly angry, and he was even more crisp this time, the "Terror King God Rules" that turned into a rule enchantment around him, instantly melted! He was destroyed into a ball of light, in the eyes of countless protoss, it was like a human-shaped paper kite, instantly torn apart——

"I! I was wrong! Don't... don't kill me!"

When Su Jin took another step, the third Terror King God who was closest to Su Jin could not bear the pressure again. He was terrified and frightened!

"Now the eyes of this king, you are shaped like ants. If I are facing, I can destroy your 31 horror existences with one palm! But...I want to see your fearful look even more..." Jin's voice was very indifferent. He knew that these horror king gods were no longer worthy of being his opponent...

Even Nanli Dao Ancestor is unworthy!


In the battlefield! At this step, Su Jin had not yet approached the third King of Terror, the King of Terror, but from the inside to the outside, strands of extremely terrifying flames emerged!

Scream, unwilling to—

The King of Terror, how difficult it is to achieve in his life! But fell below this step!

The law enforcement league, the gods, their faces changed wildly!

Tuoba Xiu, Yu Wenlong, Chu Patriarch... all the colors have changed!

"One step, cut a Terror King God! What adventure does he have! Could it be that he got a chance on the top of the sky!" Although Yu Wenlong was a little scared in the face of Su Jin before, he thought that fighting alone is not an opponent, but the opponent is counting It didn't reach the point where it is now!

At this level, he was flustered!

Yes, if Yu Wenlong was very scared of Su Jin a few days ago, now... it's almost like a mortal looking at a true god! A few days ago, he still thought that Su Jin was not invincible, but now... Yu Wenlong only has despair in his heart——

"My Tuoba clan..." Tuobaxiu's old face tightened, staring at the condensed scene...

Similarly, Yuwen Qingcheng is in a panic now, and she sees her husband's face becoming more and more ugly, did this young evildoer named Su Jin give her a feeling of transformation!

"You... a good thing..." Patriarch Chu clenched his fists, he knew that all this was irreversible--

Now, there is only one solution to the family extinction crisis... that is the death of Su Jin!

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