My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3908: Waving avenue

I heard my husband say this--

Yuwen Qingcheng was very panicked. She married the Yuwen clan to the Chu family, and her heart naturally turned to the Yuwen clan. At that time, Su Jin was far from being as powerful!

If she knew it beforehand, she would give her a hundred courage, and she didn’t dare to cut it first and then play it later. Before her husband came, she would attack Su Jin——

"The leader and the chief priest of the world are still there, and we have a good chance of winning." Yuwen Qingcheng forcibly suppressed the panic in his heart and said to her husband.

"It's better to be so." The Chu Patriarch turned his face indifferently and looked at Yuwen Qingcheng.


But there is no way!

After all, Yuwen Qingcheng is his wife. It’s hard to recover the Chu family so much. You can only make mistakes. Now I am afraid that even if the law enforcement league cuts this son, the loss will be difficult for the leader to bear, and Yuwen One clan, the Chu family, will surely provoke unanimous evil words in the future——

At this time.


Su Jin's expression was cold, he glanced at the Nanli Dao Ancestor who was still struggling not far away, and then scanned the remaining 27 Terror King Gods, and said lightly: "You think you are very strong...actually Come on, it's not a shit."

Say it!

Su Jin slowly raised his hands, wisps of extremely special flames, as if they were being swayed by him, now he seemed to be swaying the avenue! Wielding the power of Vulcan Dao!

The wisps of flames are so frightening——

The strange and terrifying flame beasts seem to change in many ways, extremely strange.

And, including Nanli Dao Ancestor, nearly 30 Terror King Gods, all of them felt, and they opened their eyes suddenly——

"You...not worth mentioning."

When the twenty-eight horror king gods were being picked up by the weird flames, Su Jin waved the power of the avenue, turning the surrounding flames into flame arms, and each arm smashed the rule barrier, strangling the twenty The throats of the eight kings!

"Wrong wrong... Forgive..." Nan Li Dao Ancestor was like a chicken, grabbed by the flame arm by his neck, like him, all the other horror king gods were also picked up——

"You guys... like being on top so much."

Su Jin looked at the twenty-eight flame arms, climbing up, and grabbed the twenty-eight horror king gods tens of meters away from him...

"Don't dare! We don't dare..." The Scary King God almost fainted in fright. powerful is this to fight them without any backhand!

"If it weren't for me to control the power, you just...can't live a breath..."

Su Jin smiled sternly at the corner of his mouth, and then he shouted sharply: "Legal Enforcement League? Today... I... slaughtered!"


Twenty-eight horror king gods seem to have turned into twenty-eight fireworks in the sky!


The world is silent!

In the stars, the gods seemed to be having nightmares, and they didn't believe everything they saw before them.

Thirty-one kings and gods, say nothing is nothing! That kind of crushing power makes them even lack the courage to evaluate! This kind of power, the law enforcement alliance... how many horror kings dare to fight?

That young man.

The void standing thousands of miles away-

He stood there, like a mountain that the world's powers are insurmountable! He... really made the gods dare not imagine!

" so powerful..." Many of the gods of the Tuoba clan are already crying in fear, annihilating the clan, what a terrible word, but now... it is becoming more and more possible.

"I blame the Yuwen clan, if it weren't for them, how could we drag the Yuwen clan into the water——"

"Thirty-one horror king gods were destroyed in an instant. At present, there are more than a thousand horror king gods in our law enforcement league under his power. It doesn't seem to be too many. What should...what do you do?

"According to me... you shouldn't trouble the Nalan clan anymore. He left Tiandian. Even if he was open to the Internet, he was out of law, and he spared the law enforcement alliance once... Now... Now let the Tuoba clan take care of Nalan. Lan God Race, if he is killed, what should he do."

"The Great Elder... is trembling... only when the leader is angry, he will do this."

The gods of the Tuoba clan all looked towards Tuobaxiu, and then another **** said: "The other party is just a evildoer, but it can make the law enforcement league gods tremble... Unless the King of Terror is multiplied, or all are dispatched, it is also Or... only by the chief priest and the leader of the world can the situation be reversed!"

"Thirty-one horror king gods, not even ashes left..."


The Nalan clan!

More shocking than ever! They were even slower than the reaction of other Protoss--

Not long ago, when Su Jin faced the Yuwenbo, Yuwenhai, and Yuwenlong three horror kings of the Yuwen clan, he was far from able to do so well!

just now……

He didn't know what kind of adventure he got under that lotus star, and in a blink of an eye he slaughtered thirty-one horror king gods. This... how did they feel!

"He...has the qualification to set foot on the top of the heavens..." Fang Renxue couldn't hide the shock in her heart. Now, in her mind, all Su Jin just waved the avenue, and destroyed Thirty One with the means of destroying it. The sight of a horror king god.

"Little brother Su..." Zhang Yuelu is now more serious than ever, she feels less and less able to see Su Jin——

"The City Lord is mighty!"

The Nalan Protoss, I don't know who it is, erupted with a great battle cry!

"The City Lord is mighty!"

"The City Lord is mighty!"


Just a few numbers, gathered into a stream, roaring loudly!

The battle roar of the Nalan Protoss shocked the sky, and the gods of the law enforcement alliance could not help but tremble fiercely.

That evildoer...

Who can handle it.

Thousands of horror king gods, or the leader's shot.

Moreover, the other party was so rampant as to slaughter the ‘law enforcement alliance’ just now! Even more exaggerated is that no one now dares to refute!

"Now... I called... I called it, stepped forward to lead the death----" Su Jin's killing intent voice echoed in the entire law enforcement alliance----


"Extension repair."

"Chu Patriarch."

"Yuwen... Qingcheng."


These four need to die!

Tuobaxiu, Yuwenlong, Chu Patriarch, Yuwen Qingcheng, every...when they heard it, all thoughts were lost!

The previous thirty-one horror king gods were slaughtered before they even finished a round. How could they resist it! Now this little beast is simply humiliating them!

Yu Wenlong's face was hideous, and he couldn't accept the other party's humiliation!

Moreover, this is still in the presence of fellow members of the entire law enforcement league! Tuoba Xiu felt wronged even more. He was in the law enforcement alliance and treated Su Jin a little bit badly, but Su Jin never said that he was going to kill him... He just asked the Tuoba clan to apologize——

"I...I'm not satisfied!" Tuobaxiu walked into the void, his face turned black, and said: "I'm wronged, and I'm indebted! You... why do you want to slaughter me!"

"During the trial of the gods, you blessed the Yuwen and Chu clan to act fiercely. This... the crime is not to death. However, on behalf of the law enforcement league, please ask the Nalan clan to go to the law enforcement league. You have guaranteed in advance that the Nalan clan is in the law enforcement league. There will be nothing in it."

Su Jin squinted and asked: "But you... did it?"

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