My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3909: All gods come out

Tuobaxiu obviously stayed for a while--

It seems that if it hadn't given the Nalan clan a guarantee, as long as Su Jin was unwilling, the Nalan clan would not go to the law enforcement alliance, let alone what happened later.

"Hugh is crazy!"

Just when Tuobaxiu was speechless by Su Jin, a powerful presence in the depths of the law enforcement alliance directly uttered a voice—

Only then did Tuobaxiu react, and then looked at Su Jin with a sneer, and said, "The leader is still in the law enforcement alliance, and you really can't tolerate your rampage!"

Offended, already counted as offended to death.

Tuobaxiu and Tuoba clan, and even at the scene except for Nalan clan, all protoss are strong backing of law enforcement alliance, why should he be afraid of Su Jin!

"Legal Enforcement League, don't even think about flying out a fly today--" Su Jin smiled disdainfully, and then he raised his hand and pointed, and the power of the nine palaces, with the power of the sky, directly banned all directions for thousands of miles!

It's crazy!

Many people looked at the blazing light, although they were flustered, but because of the presence of the chief priest and the leader of the world, as well as more than a thousand horror kings and gods, they did not feel that they had no chance.

"Yu Wenlong, are you accustomed to being a turtle?" Su Jin drank indifferently.

"Little beast!!!"

Ignoring the obstacles of other Yuwen clan kings and gods, Yuwenlong rose directly into the sky, but he did not lose his mind, but chose to be close to Tuoba Repair Station!

"Chu Family." Su Jin called again.

Yuwen Qingcheng's heart suddenly burst, she did not dare to look at her husband's face, but then she felt the tyrannical aura of her husband erupt, and she had already left the void.

"The remnants of the old gods need to cut the grass and remove the roots. Even if we are not your opponent, in the end, there will naturally be the chief priest and the leader to rule you--" The Chu Patriarch is also extremely annoyed.

His Chu the presence of all the protoss of the law-enforcement league, he was called twice. If he were to change his opponent in peacetime, he might have already broken the opponent into pieces!

But now--

Facing Su Jin, he already knew that there was no chance. This kind of existence can only make him speak harshly, and he doesn't even dare to have the courage to step out for a battle.

Su Jin swept across them one by one and yelled softly: "Who else? Come out to fight! The law enforcement league, with more than a thousand horror kings, is it only a few dozen daring to die?"

A word.


"This... which senior dare... even Nanli Dao Ancestor was beheaded in an instant. He has the power to rival the leader, who would dare to stand out?" The Protoss of the law enforcement league whispered in a panic voice. Big, afraid of being watched by the young evildoer.

"The leader doesn't know what his plans are, but relying on the three terrifying king gods Yuwenlong, Chu Patriarch, and Tuobaxiu, it is impossible for him to be that rival."

"We have more than a thousand horror kings, and our strength has been preserved as much as ninety-nine percent! But now that no strong dare to speak out, it is really annoying!"

"Just now, he killed nearly thirty Terror King Gods in one blow, and it seems to be very relaxed. Besides, without a word from the leader, who wants to go to death in vain? After all, the realm of Terror King God is not in vain— —"

"That Yuwenlong, of course, is angry, but even if it is him, he has no courage to kill the enemy. His Yuwen clan, who did not fall down two horror kings before, is already the top fifty big clan in the Eternal Gods Realm. When has he been so angry? !"

"What will the leader plan?"

"Don't the leader have the confidence to fight this guy?"

"The thirty-one horror king gods just didn't test out the true strength of this son, maybe the leader is still considering--"


Every god, king god, and king **** of terror, all quietly looked at the proud young man in that scene.

Arrogance is a bit arrogant, but besides the chief priest and the leader, who can suppress his arrogance?

"All the horror king gods listen to orders!"

The tyrannical voice reappeared, "Go to the battlefield! Kill this child!"


In the entire law enforcement league, there are now more than 1,400 horror kings and gods. When they heard it, they were all dumbfounded. Is this the battle of the gods of the world? The other party is just a young evildoer, even if he killed more than 30 Terror King Gods, I am afraid that there is no need for so many Terror King Gods to go and kill them?

And... it's terrible... especially when they know they are going to face Su Jin...

However, the doubts in their hearts returned to one strand, and many horror king gods still did not hesitate for too long, one after another divine light, turned into the void!

The Nalan clan!

Every **** has a tight face!

Madam Xuanji, Nalan Moran, Zhang Yuelu, Fang Renxue and other women were all startled. What they were worried about still happened—

The thirty-one Terror King Gods that Su Jin killed before were certainly terrifying, but... But the thirty-one Terror King Gods, compared with more than 1,400 Terror King Gods, both in number and The overall strength is nearly fifty times different!

What Nalan Moran is most afraid of is the use of wolves tactics by the leader of the law enforcement alliance. She does not know how strong Su Jin is now, but she knows... In this way, it is almost impossible for Su Jin to win!

"The city lord... more than a thousand horror king gods... deal with one of our city lord..." The clan gods of the Nalan clan were all shocked, as if they had misheard.

"Eternal God's Realm, in history, who has been valued by the law enforcement alliance like the city lord? He, even the Terror King God, is only one, how can he be the enemy of more than a thousand Terror King Gods?"

"The Yuwen clan **** who just took care of us said in the chat that the law enforcement alliance has successively come to 1,500 horror king gods. This... even if more than 30 died, there are still more than 1,400. ——"

"The City Lord is in danger!"

"I didn't expect the law enforcement league to be so shameless!"

"We have not been in contact with the leader of the law enforcement alliance, nor have we seen it, but if he really has the strength comparable to the city owner, he should stand up and go to fight our city owner one-on-one... This group of dragons is too shameless—— "


Yu Wenlong, Patriarch Chu, and Tuoba Xiu all relaxed. They all looked at Su Jin with a murderous intent.

Su Jin's face is endlessly cold!

There are more than a thousand horror kings, but the other party would dare to give this order!

Wanli battlefield.

One south and one north.

Su Jin is in the south, and there are more than a thousand terrifying kings of terror, all standing in the void above the stars, looking at each other from a distance, just relying on the fighting will make people reach an unimaginable point!


Su Jin was full of fighting spirit, and his blood seemed to be tumbling. The more than 1,400 powerful auras came under pressure. Instead of being forced to retreat by the voice, he took a step forward!

Let the storm blow, never retreat!

Yu Wenlong yelled, "Everyone, he used the thunder method to kill the 31 strongmen of our law enforcement alliance, which must have been a lot of losses. I will wait for the culling and use the strongest means to kill him. He will not resist. Power!!"

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