My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3911: Nine Palace Sword Wheel

Will the Nalan Protoss be annihilated?

The Tuoba clan who took care of the Nalan Protoss were all dumbfounded, and Tuoba Xiu, who was still in torment at the moment, changed his expression wildly!

"No!" Tuobaxiu knew he could not escape death, but he never expected that with Su Jin so powerful, the leader would have to make such a major decision--

Tuobaxiu didn't know if he could destroy the Nalan Protoss, but if he did so, his Tuoba clan... would definitely perish!

For this decision made by the leader.

The other protoss all trembled.

"That enchanting evildoer named Su Jin, with his own power, can contend with thousands of horror kings and gods! Why does the leader persist in this way..." There are many protoss who have lost their patriarch, and they are all puzzled.

"Only the leader and the chief priest can contend this son... Does the leader want to see if he can find the flaws in this son after destroying the Nalan Protoss?"

"It's terrible, but it's easy to destroy the Nalan Protoss. Without him, the newly appointed City Lord, the highest among them is the King God——"

"The leader is deliberately revenge. After all, this young evildoer poses a challenge to the'Law Enforcement League'—"

"Our patriarch, the Supreme Elder, and the Terror King God powerhouse are almost all wiped out! The remaining Terror King Gods are only very far behind, but they are not out of danger and are still struggling to support!"

"It's terrible, God knows what extraordinary behavior this enchanting youth will do after destroying the Nalan Protoss! But I still believe that our leader will be better than him!"

"The chief priest of the world, the strength is not weaker than the leader, we... still have a chance of winning, or a big chance of winning——"

"Yes! The odds of winning are great, but this enchanting evildoer never plays cards according to common sense, and it is impossible to imagine the means used every time! The leader should be more careful!"


But let's talk about it.

The authority of the leader of the "Law Enforcement League" is still there--

Immediately, the Tuoba clan turned their eyes to the Nalan Protoss!

Although the Tuoba clan now has several horror kings and gods who are suffering from "All Things Fire Lotus", their number of king gods is far more than that of the Nalan gods——

Chances are not without!

"Kill!" Tuoba's clan made a sound of killing, and the whole clan was murderous, rushing towards Nalan——

Nalan Protoss!

Mrs. Xuanji, Nalan Moran, etc...More than 30 kings and gods, all of them are highly vigilant!


Fang Renxue's eyes widened suddenly, she... the "Sword of the King of God" she was carrying on her back was actually out of the sheath!

That sword light is like the rising sun among the entire Nalan Protoss!

Many strong men have seen this scene! Including the Tuoba clan who came from all directions!

"Perceive carefully—"

A shadow avatar appeared directly beside Fang Renxue, she was taken aback for a moment, and immediately... she saw the shadow avatar leaning directly on her!

It's like a ghost upper body!

"This sword, Jiugong's life style, is based on destruction, and it can turn into a sword picture unparalleled in the world!"

Fang Renxue felt that she couldn't control her body. In her mind, there seemed to be a very three-dimensional picture. Her "Sword of the King of God" turned out to be like a pendulum, spinning above her head!

And as the sword power spread, the shocking sword light turned into a ‘sword wheel’ in a blink of an eye! Fang Renxue did not resist. She even looked at her hands as she was pouring her own rules of the King God into the sword wheel——

Above her palm! The King's Excalibur is like an hour hand, impenetrable a round sword wheel dance!




Above the entire Nalan Protoss, on the edge of the sword wheel dominated by the "Sword of the King God", blue thunderbolts began to descend!

In the Tuoba clan, all the king gods who rushed in were suddenly blocked by those world-shaking swords. Several king gods were chopped by the blue thunderbolt, and instantly turned into strands of black ash, and disappeared!

"He's so strong..." Fang Renxue knew that Su Jin was teaching her, and she didn't care about blushing, and she felt it seriously, although she didn't accept the other party's way of manipulating her body——

"No!" Tuoba Xiu repeatedly coughed up old blood. His cultivation is top-notch among other horror kings, but under the strength of "All Things Fire Lotus", he can only watch!

Looking at the king **** of Tuoba clan, being slaughtered by that ‘king god’s sword’!

The sword marks scattered by the sword wheel cover all directions, and no **** of the Tuoba clan can approach—

"Why is it like this..." After losing Yuwenlong, the gods of the Yuwen clan, although angry, they can also see the sword wheel transformed into the sword of the king god, that sword wheel... as long as there is the king **** of the Tuoba clan Get close, you will strangle!

"The sword that can smash the king's body and the king's rules! Who is this girl from the Nalan Protoss? We used to know the Nalan Protoss very well, but we have never heard of such a sword girl in the Nalan Protoss—— "

"The Tuoba clan, the king **** is almost finished!"

"Is it worth it? The law enforcement league will not say whether it can defeat Su Jin, even if it is defeated and killed, the loss may never be remedied—"

"There are more than a thousand horror king gods, and there are still horror king gods falling. Until now... there are more than two hundred remaining, struggling to support! The fall will happen sooner or later!"

"Why hasn't the leader taken action yet! Sanction this!"

"Could it be that the leader is scared? It's really impossible to let the chief priest of the world fight first--"

"It’s not that the leader is afraid, but that even the leader did not expect it to be like this! A young evildoer can actually counter the combined power of more than 1,400 horror kings and gods! Now the leader is probably regretting it too, regretting not listening to the darkness. The opinion of the chief priest!"

"The Tuoba family... will be over! Who will be next? Are we Yuwen family? Or the Chu family..."

"If the leader is defeated and the surrounding stars are banned by the fellow, it will really be like other Protoss said, we can't run away! This guy...too terrifying——"


Nalan Protoss——

Nalan Moran and Zhang Yuelu both looked at Fang Renxue in astonishment...

"Renxue! You..." Zhang Yuelu had previously known that Fang Renxue had become the King of God with Su Jin's help, but she did not expect that she now controls the'Sword of the King of God' so powerful.

"It's the city lord who is helping her understand swordsmanship." Nalan Mo Ran said.

Zhang Yuelu just suddenly!

at this time!

Tuoba Xiu Qiqiao bleeds, two lines of blood and tears shed from the corners of his eyes, he is very careful!

"Su Jin! The old man is fighting with you!" Tuobaxiu violently turned his palm into claws and appeared near the fire lotus——

100 meters!

Fifty meters!

Ten meters!

Tuobaxiu blessed all his strength on this blow! He doesn't care about the power of the fire lotus! He has a feeling now, that he feels like a piece of iron, the entire body of the King of Terror is being burned red!

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