My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3912: The Great Master


Tuobaxiu has catalyzed the power of his life, including the Divine Body of the King of Terror, to the extreme. He is now above the "Fire Lotus"...

Nine meters!

A distance that can be ignored for the King of Terror, in the eyes of Tuoba Xiu now, seems out of reach! Su Jin didn't even look at him!

"I...I'm not reconciled..." Tuobaxiu looked at his body and was disappearing every inch. He didn't feel pain or pain, but he was like a sand sculpture, every inch of flesh and bones were turning into sand. The grain is collapsing.

Moreover, the countless grains of sand are rapidly turning into glass-like light, instantly resembling the rays of other rising fire lotus...

Extension repair! Fall into the darkness!


"Tuoba...Tuobaxiu also fell..." In the law enforcement league, countless gods trembled!

So far, Tuobaxiu is the farthest existence! Already close to Su Jin's nine meters! This kind of ‘feat’ is no surprise to them!

"To be close to this distance, this child... may not be inevitable! Senior Tuoba, it is worth the journey!" The Protoss was almost crying, as if it could be close to Su Jin about ten meters, it was already a great glory for the Protoss here.

"Tuobaxiu probably knows that the Tuoba clan is going to die...As long as the leader is defeated by that time, we will be like their Tuoba clan and disappear forever—"

"Every moment there is still the Fall of the King of Terror, and there are more than a hundred left. What is that **** lotus! Why is it so fierce!"

"In my opinion! This lotus flower is the reward from the top of the ladder of our law enforcement alliance! He... stole the things of our law enforcement alliance!"

"I hope the leader can kill him and return this lotus thing to the original owner!"

"It must be..."



In the depths of the stars, a figure with a face like a jade slowly walked out——

His complexion did not fluctuate, wearing a black and blue robe, when he walked out, many protoss didn't seem to notice his breath--

"Look! That's... the Great Master of the World of Transformation!"

After being reminded by some protoss, the protoss of the entire law-enforcement alliance turned their eyes to the "Huajie Great Master"!

Anticipation, hope, thirst, hope... as if all concentrated on the chief priest of the world!

The law enforcement alliance, the existence under the true leader!

The three main priests, ranked in order, the chief priest of the world, the chief priest of darkness, and the chief priest of holy light! Now, the dark chief priest has been confined, and the holy light chief priest died in battle!

There is not much to be counted on... Only the Great Master and the Leader of the Transformation Realm, and the chance to kill Su Jin!

"That enchanting young man should be trembling! This is the chief priest who ranks first among our three chief priests!" There is a sorrowful divine clan——

"Husband! Husband..."

Yuwen Qingcheng burst into tears, and she saw that Patriarch Chu could no longer hold on to her, that sharp light was rising from her beloved figure!

That ray of light rose to the sky... nothing exists anymore...

"Husband!" Yuwen Qingcheng yelled sternly, as if exhausting his strength, and then collapsed to the ground as if he was out of strength!


Yu Wenlong! dead!

Extension repair! dead!

Even the lord of the Chu family who offended Su Jin, her husband! Dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth, dissipated into light!

"Patriarch... Patriarch... died..." In the Chu Family, many Protoss eyes were a little demented, and they didn't expect the bad news to come so quickly!

Yuwen Qingcheng is now extremely remorseful, if it weren't for her, if it wasn't for Yuwen's ancestors to have great affection, the Chu could it be in such a situation!

If it weren't for her, her husband would not return to the law enforcement league, if not, he would not die!

Now, even if Yuwen Qingcheng has ten thousand evil thoughts, he can only stare at the initiator! Su Jin... She has terrible hatred and cursing in her heart now, but what can this change?

Su Jin's gaze... slowly looked towards the Great Master of Huajie——

When the other party came, the fire did not touch his body, even if he looked at him... looked at the fire lotus, "All Things Fire lotus" seemed to have no effect on him.

The chief priest of the world, like representing the truth of the world, has reached an unknown and powerful state!

"You...very strong..." Su Jin calmly looked at the other party and did it.

"It's the same with you--" The face of the Great Master Huajie is calm, no anger, no accidents, even if he pays attention to it, there seems to be no trace, he is more like a state of mind that does not eat the world's fireworks.

Su Jin felt a little more jealous.

Because "Fire Lotus of All Things" recognizes him, now that he can manipulate part of the power of "Fire Lotus of All Things" is far beyond the imagination of ordinary horror kings.


But the chief priest of the world is not affected at all!

What kind of combat power is this!

"Let me think about it... Why is "All Things Fire Lotus" useless to you——" Su Jin saw the sharp ray of fire appearing near the Great Master of the Transformation World, his robes seemed to be swept away. Any dust does not touch, any light seems to be driven away.

Immediately, Su Jin said with emotion: "I have never seen a Protoss that can perceive the rules of space so profoundly."


Space rules!

"The Fire Lotus of All Things" is unparalleled, but the chief priest of the world of transformation, watching as he walks, in fact, he seems to exist outside hundreds of millions of spaces, extremely terrifying!

"This lotus is equally exquisite. The wildfire that is the most impossible to tame in the world can be obtained by you. It's really amazing," said the Great Master of the World.

"Don't ask me where did I get it?" Su Jin asked back.

"I already know it." The Great Master of the Huajie said indifferently: "But it's not the top of the Enforcement League's Heavenly Ladder——"

At his feet.

Those other protoss were all scolding, saying that "The Fire Lotus of All Things" was taken by Su Jin from the top of the sky, and it was a property of the law enforcement alliance. To be honest... The Great Master of the Huajie disdain this statement, and it is expensive For the Protoss, every **** should have his own pride. What is the difference between such ridiculous words and those lowly humans——

At least that's what the chief priest of the world thinks!

Su Jin smiled slightly and said calmly: "How would you like to compare—"

"Don't break your spare strength." The Great Master of the Huajie waved gently, "I will assure you that the Nalan Protoss will not harm a **** before you die."

Su Jin frowned.

How confident is this chief priest of the world?

Even his scruples have been eliminated. It seems that the chief priest of the world is afraid that he will be divided because of the Nalan Protoss, and that this life and death will be unfair.

"You are more than several times stronger than the dark chief priest." Su Jin nodded.

"So are you." The Great Master of Huajie came, the clouds were light and breezy, less than 100 meters away from Su Jin——

Su Jin’s eyes grew colder, and his fighting spirit seemed to be boiling in his blood. When all the horror kings’ wailing diminished and more than 1,400 horror kings fell, he stood on the "Fire Lotus of All Things" Up!

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