My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3913: One city, for the sky

When Su Jin stood up from "The Fire Lotus of All Things", the fire lotus gradually disappeared and disappeared under his feet!

The Great Master of Huajie nodded silently, brushing his sleeves, and the entire space seemed to have no waves! But the strong with eyesight can see that he seems to have jumped out of the space beyond endless distance...

The law enforcement league, a sorrow!

"All the horror king gods in our law enforcement alliance have been killed by the opponent! A total of 1,500, all of them disappeared in less than half a time..." Many protoss hated Su Jin.

The law enforcement alliance did not have much influence on them, but... But among those Terror King Gods, the backbone of their clan is not the patriarch, or the irreplaceable Supreme Elder.

Loss, unimaginable——

"Two peerless powerhouses, one has scattered the fire lotus of all things, and the other is the invincible power who has escaped from the distant time and space. Both have retreats and are very confident." Some Protoss was amazed.

"Damn... Our Great Chief Priest of the Transformation Realm can definitely blow him up, he can't handle it!"

"The spatial power of the chief priest of the transformation seems to have entered a mysterious and inexplicable transformation state. Can this kid perform two tricks in the hands of the chief priest of the transformation? I think it is difficult!"

"It turns out that the chief priest of the chemical world is far away from time and space. If he had appeared earlier, this kid would have died completely, and there would still be room for him to stay here forever! Unfortunately, the loss of the law enforcement alliance has been hard to recover, and the future is not I know how many years it will take to recover—"

"Our Feathered Protoss has also lost the power of two Terror King Gods! Better than you, our patriarch is still on the way and has not rushed.

"The chief priest and the leader of the world, whoever walks out of them, is not comparable to this kid! Look at it, this kid will definitely be severely suppressed by the high priest who resolves!"

"Hard to say--"


The chief priest of the world of transformation, one step from the distant time and space, this unexpected power directly caused all the gods in the law enforcement alliance to boil.

Su Jin frowned gradually--

Even if he escaped from an unknown space, Su Jin saw him at the moment, and he felt a great deal of pressure, that kind of unpredictable feeling that he hadn't encountered in a long time.

Moreover, Su Jin quietly looked at the path where the other party had escaped with the "Maha Town Prison Eye", only feeling that he was obscured by a colorful vortex and couldn't see the end. The chief priest of the world was as mysterious as a ghost.

While Su Jin hits the chief priest of the quantitative world...

The High Priest of the Huajie was also looking at Su Jin.

He felt that Su Jin was a bit overstated.

This Su Jin...he didn’t see anything special, and the power that just killed 1,500 Terror King Gods was not Su Jin’s power, but from the "Fire Lotus of All Things", at this moment The opponent dissipated the fire, and in the eyes of the chief priest of the world, the opponent seemed to become a lot more ordinary at once.

Of course, this is only the feeling of the current chief priest of the world... he will not take it lightly because of this——

"This technique is a rounding technique."

The chief priest of the world of transformation lightly raised his right hand, with his fingers gently drawn in the void between the two, and drew a vertical oval. His fingers are like a carving knife that can subtly cut the space. The erect oval , The lines emit light, which is a very strange spatial technique.

Su Jin was shocked.

If he guessed right.

The ‘circle drawing technique’ of the Great Master of the Huajie is not a horror king’s divine technique, nor is it a king’s divine technique, but...very ordinary ‘divine technique’——

Being able to reach this point with the most common space magic arts is enough to prove the other party's deep understanding of the "rules of space". Moreover, there is no existence in the world that can exceed the spatial rules of this world chief priest!

Su Jin stared at the ‘circle drawing technique’, then glanced at the chief priest of the world, nodded...

"This technique has only been invented for a few months, and it is not too subtle. What are your methods." The Great Master of the World of Transformation asked slowly, obviously looking forward to it.

Newly created——

If there were no gods in the law enforcement alliance and the existence of the Nalan Protoss at this moment, Su Jin wouldn't care too much. The other party's words seemed to be a test of talent.

To create magic, Su Jin can do it at his fingertips.

"A long time ago, I had a technique that I haven't used for a long time. Now that I am at this level of cultivation, I might as well take it out and regenerate it. And this technique... you need two techniques to untie it."

Su Jin said lightly.

The arrogant temperament is completely revealed!

"Oh?" The chief priest of the world became curious--

Law Enforcement League.

When many Protoss heard Su Jin's remarks, they became angry.

"In front of our Great Master of the Transformation Realm, dare to be so rampant! Isn't it just destroying 1,500 Terror King Gods? If our Great Master of Transforming Realm wants to, we can do it without our own hands!" Mourning, naturally has endless resentment towards Su Jin.

"We need two techniques of the Great Master of the Transformation to resolve? This kid is so mad! Does he really think that the Great Master of the Transformation has the same strength as the two Great Masters of Darkness and Light?"

"Laughs! The "circle drawing technique" of the Great Master of the World, although it is a simple magical technique that comes with his hand, but with his deep understanding of the rules of space, this technique is far higher than that of any horror king. Surgery!"

"What kind of confidence can make him say that?"

"The Great Master of the Huajie can definitely break the world with the'Drawing Circle Technique'! If you don't believe it, just wait and see, this servant is so rampant, and we will definitely be slapped in the face by the Great Master of the Huajie!"


Hate it!

The thieves are arrogant!

The gods of the Law Enforcement League seem to be unable to do anything besides gnashing their teeth. After all, the sight of just one thousand and five hundred Terror Kings disappearing is still vivid!

But after the Great Master of the Transformation World appeared, the nervous and uneasy state of mind seemed to have been soothed in the hearts of the law enforcement league gods. They...think that the Great Master of Transformation was already invincible...Even if it was not as good as the leader, it would not be weak. Yu Sujin——

The distant sky...

The thunder gradually roared, and the sense of hierarchy became stronger and stronger...

Su Jin was surrounded by ray of light from the "Fuxi Dao Array", his eyes began to shine, and his eyes began to lighten. With a slight lift, Tiandao's right arm pointed directly at the sky!

"Three cities, one city for heaven!"

Su Jin's voice was like an arrogant **** in the nine heavens, sacred and unspeakable. Then, he moved a half step under his feet, and the light of Fuxi Dao Formation rose again!

"Put the land into three cities, the second city, for the land!"




One city, for the sky! High in the sky, above the sky city, countless sky arms are swirled by the nebula, wrapped in thunder and lightning, suppressing any breath in the world!

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