My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3916: The wind is like a sharp knife!

The voices of the gods of the law enforcement alliance seemed to have been automatically blocked by the chief priest of the world of transformation and Su Jin——

The High Priest of the Hua Realm was a little puzzled now, he didn't know why Su Jin was injured, and why he could threaten him!

Desperate struggle.

"Your eyes of the world just broke through my third city, the city of spirit. The other two cities, you forgot--" Su Jin sneered, and gently pointed to the sky.


The face of the chief priest of the world changed slightly, his "Eye of the world" just broke the third city?

look up!

The Great Master of the Transformation Realm frowned, the heaven and earth cities are still still there... but would Su Jin's injury just now be some kind of hometown? Impossible, the other party is definitely really hurt!

"Nine Palaces, Four Extremes, Bahuang, Liuhe——"

Every time Su Jin utters a word, an unlimited amount of light rises on the edge of time and space. The four poles, the eight sides, and the terrifying fierce power are divided into eight groups, and they emerge from the distant ancient star sea time and space. That kind of power, Even the chief priest of the world dare not despise it!

Through the "Eye of the Transmigration Realm", the chief priest of the Transmigration Realm saw a truly terrifying scene!

There are stars, in the far south of the ancient starry sky, slowly shaking, clusters of red light, as if refining the stars, almost in a few breaths, a star giant stood up!

Extremely West! The light of the starry sky was all swallowed by a rising flame star. In that flame star, there seemed to be an ancient fierce spirit awakened. Once standing up, it turned into a flame star giant again, shaking time and space--

Far North!

Far East!

It's all so!

"Refining the stars?" There was no negligence in the heart of the great priest of the world. In his understanding, this method was not too mysterious. A slightly more powerful Terror King God could do it as long as it took a little time.


But the chief priest of the world always feels that Su Jin's hand is very difficult-

"Living creature. Why does it give me the feeling of a living creature..." The brows of the Great Master of the Transformation Realm condensed tightly. He couldn't figure it out, because the four-sided star giant felt like a living creature!

As for the "Eye of the Transmigration Realm", the chief priest of the Transmigration Realm, as the four-square star giant got closer, he finally discovered the problem! In every star giant, there seems to be a crystal red bridge between heaven and earth! Just like the terrifying rules of the King of Terror, it gave life to those stars!

What's more terrifying is...

Many of those crystal red heaven and earth divine bridges seem to be clinging to the body of the four-sided star giant!

The expression of the chief priest of the world has never been so solemn--

High in the sky, above the sky city, the infinite sky arms, the thunder faintly flashed, and the violent wind at this moment is a hundred times more fierce than just before!

The wind is like a sharp knife!

The gods of the law-enforcement alliance are all hunting and hunting in robes. Some protoss are so awe-inspiring that they can't even open their eyes in the wind of that series!

"The Eye of the Transformation Realm... actually broke that enchanting city! How to resolve this starry sky heaven city!" There was a protoss panic.

"The other party seems to have slapped us in the face of the chief priest of the transforming world... At the beginning, he said that the chief priest of the transforming world needs to use two techniques to break open, but he still has two cities, and even the chief priest of the transforming world is in trouble Among them!"

"There are two more cities. Wouldn't it take at least two world-shaking magic arts to break open?"

"It's not good... the other side is stealing murderous intentions in this Tiancheng city, and even the wind direction is not right. It seems that there is no danger in all directions all the time—"

"That is!"

All the gods of the law enforcement alliance stared wide, looking towards the extreme south of the city!

A big star giant with a crystal red heaven and earth bridge, like the other side's meridian, walked directly! This star giant doesn't need to come here at all. With his arms outstretched for hundreds of thousands of miles, he can unleash the power to kill——

"More than one!"

There is a **** of law enforcement alliance, Dang Even panic!

The four poles, southeast, northwest! The four star giants seem to appear with the power of destruction! That continuous and powerful power is simply overwhelming, and that kind of power is rare in the world!

The extreme east, extreme west, extreme south, extreme north, four star giants, suddenly stood up and roared at this moment, as if to overturn this space and time! !

"Huajie, you are guilty!"

The sound of the star giants, the trembling of the law enforcement gods, the buzzing of sunflower seeds, and even a few seconds of deafness! When they reflected, they were all in an uproar!

"Four star giants, preaching that we are guilty of the chief priest of the world of transformation?" Many protoss have numb and sluggish faces, how dare they think--

The chief priest of the chemical world was also angrily laughed, and since he was firmly seated as the chief chief priest of the'Law Enforcement League', it seemed that he had never been so angry!

Is he guilty?

What a crime!

"Huajie! My lord grants you a death penalty!" The southern star giant suddenly opened his five fingers and stretched out his arms to catch the chief priest of the Huajie!

The Great Master of the Huajie sneered and walked into nothingness. When he appeared again... he was shocked--

He did not leave? Why is this!

The chief priest of the Tangtang Law Enforcement League, the chief priest of the Transcendence Realm, who specializes in the rules of space, has reached the invincible state. He... he just wanted to exchange the power of time and space with his body to avoid this attack, but he failed. The body appeared in another place, and nearly brushed the arm of the star giant!

Power of the sky!

It is definitely the power of the sky!

The chief priest of the world of transformation was angry, and the ordinary power of holding the sky, even if he took over this time and space, it would not hinder his spatial rules. The result was that he failed to succeed is the most surprising thing—

"It's a magical and unspeakable divine formation power." After the Great Master of the Huajie observed, he tried again, perceiving it with his heart, and immediately knew what was wrong.

The terrifying divine formation around this piece of time and space superimposed hundreds of layers of time and space together, like a hundred lines, superimposed into one in the last life, although there are gaps in the middle, it is still difficult for him to escape using the rules of space. That kind of magical power is still holding him inexplicably!

In the world, is there really a divine formation that restricts the chief priest of his transformation?

The mood of the Great Master of the Huajie fell to the bottom of the valley----



Four poles, four star giants, all in place! Every star giant, separated hundreds of thousands of miles, headed towards the Great Master of the Transformation Realm!

At the same time, the ‘Sky Arm’ in the Sky City also began to drop continuously!

The chief priest of the world can only evade again, constantly drifting between the sky-arm bombardment that is almost hard to avoid!

Su Jin sat down cross-legged, "All Things Fire Lotus" turned into a rosette, and the soaring flames of all things protected him. When he recovered, he was also observing the battle. He knew that if he wanted to solve the Great Master of the World in this way, I am afraid it would be a foolish dream!

"Close the world! Go--"

The Great Master Huajie was extremely annoyed, and in the end he stopped avoiding, and stomped his feet severely on the spot, and his whole body immediately began to emit a series of extraordinary charms of light!




The four star giants, the infinite sky arms, any contact with those wonderful light talisman seals are like being frozen in ice, no matter how hard they can move!

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